…as the Israeli government pushes the two state solution aside.
The bulldozer does its work while Mr. Sbeih turns way in disgust. – Top Center: Israeli settlement of French Hill.
More Israeli Repression – Another Day of Home Demolitions is the name of this story, reported by Fred Schlomka from the Israel Committee Against House Demolition (ICAHD) (reproduced here by permission).
Stories like this one are everyday occurrences in the West Bank, Palestine and merely emphasize the intent of the proZionist Israeli government to continue its ethnic cleansing of the Palestinians. This poor Palestinian father is at the mercy of the Israeli military intent on taking his land. Because he cannot shelter and feed his family, it encourages him to move his family, perhaps to Jordan or Egypt. The Bush Road Map and recent statements by Bush and Condi Rice to achieve a two state solution by the end of the year cannot withstand the reality of everyday life in the West Bank. Israel has other plans, obviously, and this Palestinian man’s stolen land is part of it.
Read the story. It is pretty much a repeated account of the ethnic cleansing that persists on the West Bank and in East Jerusalem.
Yunis Sbeih, his wife and eight children had lived in their home for four years in the East Jerusalem neighborhood of Anata. This morning while Mr. Sbeih was consulting with his lawyer about a home demolition order he received four days ago, his wife called to say that bulldozers had arrived at his home. A call was put in to The Israeli Committee Against House Demolitions (ICAHD), that in turn, sent out a notice on the organization’s SMS activist alert system. Before long a core cadre of ICAHD was on the way to Anata.
By the time the activists arrived, the police and Israeli Army had cordoned off the house, giving the family just half an hour to remove their belongings. Then the giant jackhammer attached to the bulldozer began its ugly work, systematically destroying the fruit of decades of Sbeih family savings. It wasn’t enough for the machine of destruction to make the house uninhabitable by collapsing the roof and walls. They also burrowed deep into the rubble and tore into the concrete slab floor of the house. Then the bulldozer went meticulously around the edges of the slab, digging deep into the ground to the foundations buried several meters in the ground. Once the house had been completely destroyed the jackhammer turned its attention to the surrounding trees, and the recently poured concrete slab that was intended for an addition to the original home.
While all this was happening the hapless family was forced to sit nearby, surrounded by soldiers and police, and watch their whole life collapse. Was this a terrorist family? Had a family member committed a heinous crime? No. The Sbeih family story is similar to thousands of other families in the Jerusalem area who are trying to build lives for themselves and their children.
Through the politicized and cynical manipulation of municipal planning and zoning regulations, the government has made it all but impossible for Jerusalem’s Palestinian residents to obtain building permits. However the government is more than happy to ask thousands of dollars for permit applications that are invariably refused. The Sbeih family applied for a permit five years ago. It was a reasonable request. They own the small plot of land on the edge of the village and merely wanted to build a modest 100-meter (900 sq. ft.) home. They were willing to pay for the permit and to comply with all relevant building codes. However, like virtually all applications it was refused, and the family went ahead and built their home.
During the demolition ICAHD activists engaged some of the Israeli soldiers in conversation, who fell generally into two categories. Some were quite bored with the proceedings and talked amongst themselves about girlfriends and weekend activities. A few averted their eyes when asked how they felt about participating in the demolition. One soldier, a Druze from a village in the north, denied any responsibility. “I’m just doing my job”, he said, “Those people from the Jerusalem municipality are responsible for the demolition, not me.” When asked how he would feel if a home in his village was demolished, the soldier replied, “They demolish Druze homes too”. The Druze are a religious sect situated in northern Israel, south Lebanon, and southwest Syria, originating as an offshoot of Islam. They refer to themselves as Ahl al-Tawid (People of Unity) or al-Muwahhidün (Unitarians). Like all minorities in Israel, they are kept largely confined to their villages with most of the surrounding land zoned agricultural. Denied building permits like the East Jerusalem Palestinians, they often build `illegally’ and have homes demolished. However virtually all Druze men serve in the Israeli army or police as part of a `deal’ made with the Israeli authorities after the founding of the state in 1948. It’s ironic that they are themselves subject to repression; yet profess loyalty to the state.
This loyalty extends to the protection of the municipal officials, private contractors and their workers, who are violating international law and human rights conventions through the destruction of civilian homes in Occupied Territory. Although the village of Anata was `annexed’ by Israel and is considered part of Jerusalem under Israeli law, it receives almost no municipal services, and has a checkpoint at its entrance where Palestinians are harassed and humiliated daily.
Anata, situated on the northeastern fringe of Jerusalem dates from antiquity, and is reputed to have been a Canaanite village in biblical times. Village lore claims that Anata residents originated from the same ancestor, Sheikh Abed Asalam Mohammed Al Rifai who established a school of thought, Al Rifai Sufi-school, which is a famous school in the Arab world. During the Crusader wars, the Muslim leader, Salah Eddin Aiyoubi, situated his administration in the village before he proceeded towards Jerusalem. Today Anata is administered in part by the Jerusalem Municipality, and partly by the Israeli ‘Civil Administration’, which is responsible for the eastern edge of the village, part of Area ‘C’ of the West Bank.
It is our friend and ally that this story talks about. That’s a Hyundai bulldozer, by the way, just in case you need some help in choosing your next car: stay away.
same thing going on elsewhere in the West Bank (Qalqilya area).
The totally predictable modus operandi is:
— A transfer they can’t refuse By Akiva Eldar.
And just by coincidence, Haaretz makes public today an Olmert “peace plan” offering Palestinians a state whose borders are delinated by the route of the Wall! Who could ever have seen that one coming?
The Israelis have been so creative about their ultimate plan to annex the West Bank that nobody is noticing. Using the “slow” mode, they have apparently succeeded in finding a politically acceptable way to engage in “transfer,” just what the early Zionists predicted. Moyse Dayan knew it would work when he advised: “just make them miserable and they will leave on their own.” Then we had Sharon who came along as the Minister of Agriculture under Labor no less, and initiated the “dunam by dunam” strategy to take it all, a bit at a time.
You really have to hand it to the Israelis for being this creative. And to be able to handle the propaganda the way they do. Of course, it takes a lot of money to keep Americans duped and I suspect that it will take a lot more and a lot more politicians in the pocket.
McCain for certain but Obama? We will learn shortly.
Hi Shergald:
I agree that Israeli propaganda about its desire for peaceful coexistence with the Palestinians has been very good, especially when you realize they basically been openly working on the bantustan approach since 1967. If you look at the maps that Israel has proposed under its various plans for the West Bank, it’s apparent they’re the same plan – to annex Jerusalem, the borders, the water and arable land, while denying citizenship to the Palestinians by enclosing them in “sovereign” reservations – and essentially, even the same map!
e.g. The Allon Plan of 1967;
Oslo 2 of 1995;
The Netanyahu Plan of 1998/9;
Barak’s Generous Offer of 2000;
The Sharon Plan of 2003 (scroll down to map);
The BBC “Olmert’s Borders” map of 2006;
The UN’s “facts on the ground map” of 2007….
And they have at times been quite open about their insincerity in entering negotiations only to win time to create facts on the ground e.g. Yitzhak Shamir talking about his purpose in negotiating when he was PM: “I would have carried on autonomy talks for ten years and meanwhile we would have reached a half million people in Judea and Samaria.” And IDF Gen Yehoshafat Harkabi’s (former head of IDF Intelligence) explanation in Maariv (2 November 1973) about Israeli negotiating strategy:
So, it’s certainly good propaganda to convince people that you are working in good faith when you clearly aren’t, but at the end of the day, where has it got them? They’ve inflicted terrible suffering on the Palestinians, but their strategic situation is worse than it has ever been. The propaganda has only really worked in the US, and it’s not even working that well over here any more. And all the propaganda in the world doesn’t change the fact that Israel will never make the Palestinians accept the terms of the Allon-type plans – no matter how long it keeps banging its head against the same wall – and until it comes to terms with the Palestinians, Israel will never know normality. I mean these crappy plans have been generously offered since 1967, but instead of settling for them, or giving up and emigrating en masse, the Palestinian population has once again reached parity with the Israeli Jewish population, and is increasingly reaching the conclusion: “OK we understand you cannot get out of the territories and allow us our independence there, so we will all live together in one state”. And that’s really not what Israel was counting on.
As for Obama … personally, I expect little but would like to be surprised. I think Palestine will not become independent because an American President finally sees the light, but because the U.S. – which has been Israel’s enabler in evading a negotiated settlement – is rapidly losing its ability to prevent unwelcome outcomes in the Middle East. There are too many other influential players in the world who suffer from absence of a mid-East settlement, and whose domestic politics are not log-jammed by the need to pander to lobbyists. It would be nice if the U.S. President would get on board and help bring the I/P conflict to a soft landing – because that would be a US interest too – but even if we can’t help, we are losing our ability to stand in the way.
The era of the “world’s only superpower” turned out to very short. Less of a new American century, more of an American decade. The strategy of putting all your money on the U.S. ability to pull one’s ass out of the fire gets less attractive by the day (see, eg Georgia).
Can Obama best Rice?
Nadia Hijab, The Electronic Intifada, 11 August 2008
US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice recently convened Palestinian and Israeli negotiators in Washington. Under a rumored deal, Israeli leaders will agree to keep only part of land that doesn’t belong to them while Palestinian leaders agree to give up rights not theirs to cede.
Borders in exchange for the Palestinian refugees’ right of return, with the issue of Jerusalem left hanging for now, is where negotiations supposedly stand. Rice’s peacemaking ambitions are said to have boiled down to presenting a reasonable report to the UN General Assembly and the next president.
If Israeli leaders agree to withdraw their soldiers and settlers from parts of the West Bank (in fact, they’ve just announced plans for a new settlement), and if Palestinian leaders can sell their people an exchange of rights for a chimera (in fact, they’re likely to face fierce resistance), and if anyone who’s followed this process believes in such a deal, then Rice will certainly succeed.
So many “ifs,” so little time. A more fruitful avenue for speculation: What if Barack Obama is elected president and follows through on his campaign promise to immediately engage on the Arab-Israeli conflict? Can he succeed where Rice has failed? (President George W. Bush is too invisible to even mention).
Whether a President Obama can succeed depends on getting three things right: the reality on the ground, the team, and political will. Reality is not easy to get in office. Just ask Tony Blair, the former British prime minister now Middle East envoy for the Quartet (the US, Russia, the European Union, and the United Nations).
When Blair took on this job, he reportedly saw a presentation by the UN office that coordinates humanitarian affairs in the occupied Palestinian territories. This short, stark visual superimposes each piece of Israel’s illegal occupation infrastructure over a map of the West Bank — some 150 settlements, 500,000 settlers, 100 outposts, closed military areas, 27 military bases, nature reserves, the wall, settler-only roads, checkpoints, and tunnels. By the final overlay, “Palestine” looks like slivers of flesh hanging off a skeleton. After the presentation, Blair is said to have turned to an aide and asked, “Why didn’t I know this?”
just make them miserable and they will leave on their own
Knowing that Israel is involved in Georgia I thought of the above as refugees ran to Russia.
(Haaretz) – Vesty, the only Russian-language daily, has reported mainly on the efforts to rescue Jews from Georgia and the breakaway region of South Ossetia, as well as on the Israeli connections of Georgian Defense Minister David Kezerashvili, who lived for about 18 months in Israel.
An article in the weekly Globus tried to identify similarities and differences between the Russian-Georgian conflict and the Arab-Israeli Arab one, under the headline: “So similar to Israel, but for all that, different.” It compared South Ossetia and another breakaway region, Abkhazia, to the West Bank and Gaza, but among the differences, it noted that Israel is not threatened by a superpower like Russia.
Referring to Russia’s complaints about Israeli arms sales to Georgia, the article retorted: “We’re already receiving Russian ‘gifts’ via Iran, Syria and Hezbollah.” Moscow has sold arms to both Iran and Syria, and Israel says that some of these weapons were then passed on to Hezbollah.
Globes took a strongly pro-Georgian line, predicting that Georgia would win either way – whether by retaking the breakaway areas or by being portrayed as a victim of Russian aggression.
Another weekly, Ekho, quoted extensively from the American press, including a Washington Post article titled “Stopping Russia.” Its front-page picture showed Georgian President Mikheil Saakashvili against a background of assault helicopters.
Identify another similarity: Israel portraited as victim instead of agressor! Hmm … an Israeli as Georgian Defense Minister, little wonder of similar intent on eviction, occupation and war crimes. Ugly politics … made in Israel.
(Haaretz) – Only in recent years have Georgian President Mikheil Saakashvili and his Defense Minister David Kezerashvili, who has strong ties in Israel, decided to step up defense procurement – in part because of the growing tensions over the breakaway regions and due to friction with Russia, which backs the separatists.
They turned to Israel and have received nearly $500 million in equipment since 2000. This included unmanned aerial vehicles, other electronic systems, intelligence equipment, ammunition, command and control equipment and training.
A figure central to the defense consulting activities in Georgia was Brigadier General (res.) Gal Hirsch, a former commander in the Second Lebanon War who resigned following the release of the interim Winograd Committee report. Also involved was Maj. Gen. Yoram Yair and other officers from the Shin Bet security service, the police’s counter-terrorist unit, and representatives of the Elbit and Rafael military industry firms.
Yoram Yair, Commander Paratroop Brigade and Massacre in 1982
Georgia applying the true spirit, doing it alone like Israel, no need to wait for approval from big brother.
≈ Cross-posted from my diary — Breaking News: Medvedev Declares End of Hostilities ≈
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
Could that military equipment passed along by Israel to Georgia been paid for by proxy US dollars? Can’t believe that we could want to start up the cold war once again, simply because the military-industrial complex was anticipating a down turn? US military budget: greatest since WWII. Our economy depends on it.
I think this comparison is really lame:
There’s an even bigger difference that Israeli media is not going to mention, which is that no country in the world recognizes the West Bank and Gaza as part of Israel. They are not parts of Israel seeking to secede, but occupied territories resisting Israel attempts to illegally annex them.
In contrast, the international community recognizes Georgian borders that include Abkhazia and South Ossetia. (I’m not commenting here on how and why Stalin and Khrushchev drew the boundaries that assigned non-Georgian populations to the Georgian SSR, just pointing out that they did, and that from the viewpoint of international diplomacy S.Ossetia and Abkhazia are provinces of a now-independent Republic of Georgia that are seeking to secede).
This is the exact opposite of the Palestinian situation. A much closer comparison with S. Ossetia v Georgia would be Kosovo v Serbia, where Serbia’s internationally-recognized borders included the province of Kosovo, yet the US and EU immediately recognized Kosovo as independent when it seceded. I’m sure that is a comparison that is very prominent in Russian memory right now.
Kosovo v Serbia!
The ethnic cleansing of Korsova we saw happening before our eyes was likewise similar to the ethnic cleansing of Palestinians in 1948. The subsequent “slow” ethnic cleansing of the Palestinians today and in recent decades also qualifies.