“I have taken the decision to end the operation to force Georgian authorities into peace,” Dmitry Medvedev was quoted as saying by Russian news agencies.
MOSCOW – Russian President Dmitri Medvedev ordered a halt to military action in Georgia, saying it had punished Georgia and restored security for civilians and Russian peacekeepers in the breakaway South Ossetia region.
“The security of our peacekeepers and civilians has been restored,” Medvedev said in a nationally televised statement. “The aggressor has been punished and suffered very significant losses. Its military has been disorganized.”
At the same time, Medvedev ordered the military to quell any signs of Georgian resistance.
Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said that Moscow won’t talk to President Mikhail Saakashvili and Saakashvili “better go.”
Ahead of Medvedev announcement:
OSCE “carefully optimistic” on S Ossetia peace plan
Below an exceptional editorial on the situation in Georgia leading up to the attack.
By Eric HOESLI, author of On the Conquest of the Caucasus: Geopolitical Epic and Wars of Influence.
This crisis occurs precisely when the Saakashvili government is faced with a dilemma. There will be no NATO without the resolution of the Abkhazian and Southern Ossetian conflicts. Moreover, the state of relations with Moscow, like the evolution of the Adjar issue, does not permit hope for renewed collaboration with the Russian regime. However, time is working against Tbilisi. The regime built its identity on the reestablishment of territorial integrity. At the risk of losing ground and being sidelined by those close to Irakli Okruachvili, the Georgian Minister of Defense, Mr. Saakashvili cannot allow himself to stay inactive or absent on this issue. Thus, he must take action, but briskly and without too much turmoil. On the other side of the Atlantic, the American hawks categorically refuse any impromptu armed conflict, especially against Russia and in a state where American troops are stationed. This summer, during Mr. Okruachvili’s visit, Washington repeated this assertion.
Military experts, including those in the West, all agree that the Georgian army is now ready for an offensive in Southern Ossetia. The Ossetian militias are not in any position to resist, and even the Roki corridor could be placed under control quickly. The Russians know this perfectly well. The only technical obstacle in an offensive of this type is the presence of Russian peacekeeping forces deployed on the secessionist province’s territory.
Thus, the risk of a rapid conflict in Ossetia is particularly high. Tbilisi must ensure the support and sympathy of Georgian public opinion–which is already done–and also of Western opinion–which is almost done. The Sakaashvili government must also manage the increasing mistrust of its position in the European chancelleries and even in Washington where its populist program and nationalist rhetoric, up until now confined to Georgia, have created worries. From this perspective, there is a precarious balance for the team in power in Georgia.
On the other hand, the Kremlin must demonstrate that Mr. Sakaashvili is drifting astray and that he is ready to attack Russian troops, all in order to replace them with different ones–those of NATO. The objective for Russia is to maintain its peacekeeping forces at all costs. These forces are strategic for the future in that they can be positioned as victims in the event of a Georgian attack.
See my earlier diaries –
The footage of devastated homes is in truth the S Ossetia capital Tskhinvali, victim of days of Georgian artillery and onslaught.
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
run a piece at the top of every hour confessing to this error and apologising to thos eit brought distress to. Not.
CNN continues to degenerate into a propaganda station for the US administration of starting wars and killing as many innocent people in the world as possible.
As an American abroad I find the BBC far better if not perfect. At least they acknowledge South Ossetians actually exist and allow them to mention Georgian attrocities while CNN wraps itself in the Georgian falg, shows demos against Russia around the world and creates the meme of an unprovoked attack on a tiny democratic statelet backed by pictures of a town destroyed by the Georgians themselves! Sometimes I wonder if the news could be more bias in Zimbabwe than in the US and the scary thing is that I get to see CNN international which is probably toned down for the international audience.
Now that Georgian forces have been defeated and the Saakashvili propaganda stops …
KHETOGUROVO, South Ossetia (Daily Mail) – Shocking claims to support Vladimir Putin’s charge that Georgian forces have carried out ‘genocide’ in South Ossetia were made in Moscow.
Georgian troops were accused of setting fire to an historic 10th century Orthodox church where South Ossetian pensioners were huddling for safety in the face of bombardment during their brief occupation of the region at the weekend.
The elderly people had gone to hide in the church, a noted Orthodox spiritual centre, after other villagers had been killed by the invading forces, it was claimed.
Newsfeed Thursday, August 07, 2008 6:51 PM
South Ossetian Village of Khetagurovo Put Under Fire
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
is on the ground near the war zone speaking to its citizens who have just arrived as refugees in North Ossetia with terror and fear in their eyes, hearing the truthful stories of atrocities and war crimes committed by Georgian forces.
Bear in mind that S Ossatia had a population of 100,000 and nearly 40,000 have fled into Russia. It’s a mountainous, uninhabitable region where the elderly have memories of
NaziOssetian atrocities. Within two days 2,000 civilians fell victim of a cruel barrage of artillary and missiles. Subdueing an etnic group by military force is so 19th century. Where was Saakashvili educated? And his wife Sandra of the rose revolution?BBC Profile: Mikhail Saakashvili
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
(Haaretz) – Vesty, the only Russian-language daily, has reported mainly on the efforts to rescue Jews from Georgia and the breakaway region of South Ossetia, as well as on the Israeli connections of Georgian Defense Minister David Kezerashvili, who lived for about 18 months in Israel.
An article in the weekly Globus tried to identify similarities and differences between the Russian-Georgian conflict and the Arab-Israeli Arab one, under the headline: “So similar to Israel, but for all that, different.” It compared South Ossetia and another breakaway region, Abkhazia, to the West Bank and Gaza, but among the differences, it noted that Israel is not threatened by a superpower like Russia.
Referring to Russia’s complaints about Israeli arms sales to Georgia, the article retorted: “We’re already receiving Russian ‘gifts’ via Iran, Syria and Hezbollah.” Moscow has sold arms to both Iran and Syria, and Israel says that some of these weapons were then passed on to Hezbollah.
Globes took a strongly pro-Georgian line, predicting that Georgia would win either way – whether by retaking the breakaway areas or by being portrayed as a victim of Russian aggression.
Another weekly, Ekho, quoted extensively from the American press, including a Washington Post article titled “Stopping Russia.” Its front-page picture showed Georgian President Mikheil Saakashvili against a background of assault helicopters.
Identify another similarity: Israel portraited as victim instead of agressor! Hmm … an Israeli as Georgian Defense Minister, little wonder of similar intent on eviction, occupation and war crimes. Ugly politics … made in Israel.
(Haaretz) – Only in recent years have Georgian President Mikheil Saakashvili and his Defense Minister David Kezerashvili, who has strong ties in Israel, decided to step up defense procurement – in part because of the growing tensions over the breakaway regions and due to friction with Russia, which backs the separatists.
They turned to Israel and have received nearly $500 million in equipment since 2000. This included unmanned aerial vehicles, other electronic systems, intelligence equipment, ammunition, command and control equipment and training.
A figure central to the defense consulting activities in Georgia was Brigadier General (res.) Gal Hirsch, a former commander in the Second Lebanon War who resigned following the release of the interim Winograd Committee report. Also involved was Maj. Gen. Yoram Yair and other officers from the Shin Bet security service, the police’s counter-terrorist unit, and representatives of the Elbit and Rafael military industry firms.
Yoram Yair, Commander Paratroop Brigade and Massacre in 1982
Georgia applying the true spirit, doing it alone like Israel, no need to wait for approval from big brother.
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
WASHINGTON – Scrambling to find ways to punish Russia for its invasion of pro-Western Georgia, the United States and its allies are considering expelling Moscow from an exclusive club of wealthy nations and canceling an upcoming joint NATO-Russia military exercise, Bush administration officials.
Bush calls for strong condemnation.
But with little leverage in the face of an emboldened Moscow, Washington and its friends have been forced to face the uncomfortable reality that their options are limited to mainly symbolic measures, such as boycotting Russian-hosted meetings and events, that may have little or no long-term impact on Russia’s behavior.
For now, the Bush administration decided to boycott a third meeting at NATO on Tuesday at which the alliance’s governing board, the North Atlantic Council, was preparing for a meeting with a Russian delegation that has been called at Moscow’s request.
Typifying the administration’s dilemma, a planned late-morning White House briefing by national security adviser Stephen Hadley was postponed “until further notice” due to ongoing developments in Georgia and in Moscow, where Sarkozy was meeting with Russian officials on behalf of the West.
Bush in Beijing and Russian PM Putin in Ossetia
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
I don’t really have any clue what the Bush administration should be doing, but it is pretty amazing that they don’t care about what Bush appears to be doing.
Back in 2005, speaking before a crowd of more than 150,000 exuberant Georgians cheering “Bushi! Bushi!”, President Bush made a promise to the people of that former Soviet republic: “The path of freedom you have chosen is not easy, but you will not travel it alone. Americans respect your courageous choice for liberty. And as you build a free and democratic Georgia, the American people will stand with you.”
So where was Bush as Russia launched a major military attack against Georgia? Monkeying around with the U.S. women’s volleyball players — and otherwise amusing himself at the Beijing Olympics.
This is not to suggest that Bush should have sent in the Marines. But his impotence in the face of such a gravely destabilizing move highlights not only his personal loss of stature, but how deeply he has diminished American authority on the world stage generally and, particularly, in the eyes of Russia.
Maybe it’s better. I’m not a fan of “something’s happening so we must be involved or at least appear to be involved.” Still it’s a bit weird that war preznit bunnypants is still clowning around at the Olympics.
-Atrios 14:14
He does have some resemblance to his -earthly- father.
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
MOSCOW – TBLISI (BBC News) – Russia and Georgia have approved a plan brokered by French President Nicolas Sarkozy intended to end fighting between the two nations.
Mr Sarkozy, whose country holds the EU presidency, held talks in both Moscow and Tbilisi. Under the plan, both sides would agree not to use force, and all troops would return to the positions they were in before the conflict began last week.
Earlier, Russia’s President Dimitri Medvedev announced its military activity in the area was completed.
Georgia peace deal all in the timing
(Sky News) – Georgia’s president said in a press conference he also agreed to the EU plan.
“There is a text. It has been accepted in Moscow, it was accepted here in Georgia. I have the agreement of all the protaganists,” Mr Sarkozy said at a press conference in the Georgian capital Tbilisi.
The British Prime Minister, Gordon Brown, said talks were the only forward to a permanent solution while Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice welcomed the EU mediation and said the US supported Georgia and its people. A US official also warned that Russia’s actions put its integration into global economic institutions at risk.
Revealed: how U.S. funds Georgian arms
Absent as partner in ceasefire and peace plan are of course the UN Security Council and the sole superpower the US.
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
McCain, after injecting a rare note of campaign razzmatazz with his grand entrance into a cavernous arena in this Pennsylvania town, said he had told Georgian President Mikheil Saakashvili that now, “we are all Georgians.”
Attacking Russia’s “aggression” and its alleged expansionist designs on neighboring nations that lean to the West, McCain said: “My point is we live in a dangerous world.”
As he does often, the Republican spoke about his torture and imprisonment during the Vietnam War but with the flare-up in the Caucusus, the point about leadership credentials was sharper than ever.
“When Russia moved in on Georgia, John McCain stood up immediately and told them to get out,” Pennsylvania Senator Arlen Specter, who is battling cancer, told the “town hall” meeting in York.
Bush a paper tiger
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
and started the ethnic cleansing where was litle John standing up telling them to get out?
It looks like little John just deosnt get it. His lunatic darling of Georgia started a war he couldnt win and in the aftermath of dipolomacy the presidency he craved was just ignored in the scramble to get a deal which if the UKs Guardian is correct contains such gems as Georgia will withdraw from all of South Ossetia forever. An interesting statement consdiering they actually controlled about 30% before Saakiesd little adventure. According to the Guardian another little gem is that the people of South Ossetia and Azkhabazia (sp?) get to have a vote on whether they want to join Russia rather than continue to be part of th country that tried to ethnically cleanse at least ione enclave. Shades of Kosovo here. One wonder what exactly little John the walking corpse of American politcs will have to say about this.
Yes it seems the US has been totally cut out of the diplomacy which is porbably good for the rest of the world. It is also a sign of the weakness of our imperial empire that we should take note of and expect to see further examples of.
Little impotent John may demand Georgia join NATO all he wants but first he will not only have to convince the Georgians that joining the alliance that turned its back on them is a good idea and secondly convince the Europeans that agreeing to defend Georgia if attacked by Russia is a sensible thing to do. Considering the utter lunacy (Medvedeev got that spot on) of Mr. Ethnic Cleanser hiding under a pile of flak jackets in Gori it is likely that at least one of the European NATO members will realise the folly of allowing Georgia in.
Now does that nice Mr. Obama have a better line on all this……
on this side of the pond the PBS NewsHour invited the Russian ambassador, former U S Ambassador Holbrooke and Dimitri Simes of the Nixon Center.
The transcript
Holbrooke is a foreign policy adviser to Obama. I hope he does not get anywhere near an Obama administration. Imho, no diff between Holbrooke and the neocons.
Same mindset. Russia is the enemy, the aggressor.
TBILISI, Georgia (The Independent) – After a six-day war that left scores dead, a resurgent Russia has crushed an unruly neighbour, humbled the US and Europe, and demonstrated once again that it is a force to be feared.
“The aim of the operation has been achieved,” said Mr Medvedev. “The aggressor has been punished and has suffered very considerable losses.” [Russian media highlight the humanitarian disaster in S Ossetia today and the plight of refugees – Oui]
Mr Medvedev pinned the blame for the conflict squarely at the door of the Georgian leader. He called Mr Saakashvili a “lunatic” and explained the Russian action in language that his mentor Vladimir Putin would be proud of. “The difference between lunatics and other people is that when they smell blood it is very difficult to stop them. So you have to use surgery,” said Mr Medvedev. He also accused Mr Saakashvili of lying about a proposed Georgian ceasefire.
In Tbilisi, emotions were also running high as thousands gathered for a rally in support of Mr Saakashvili and government ministers made speeches promising to take back Abkhazia and South Ossetia. Despite the bellicose rhetoric, the Georgian army was nowhere to be seen on the road out of Tbilisi after Monday night’s retreat and the few cars on the road were the stragglers in the great escape westwards, away from a Russian army that the Georgians have claimed is intent on a full invasion.
U.S. Army Brigadier General W. Garrett speaks to Georgian President Saakashvili during U.S.-Georgian military training exercise at Vaziani base outside Tbilisi, Georgia, on July 21, 2008.
Georgia’s ambassador to Nato, Revaz Beshidze, said the alliance’s “mistake” of not offering Georgia a Membership Action Plan earlier this year had given Russia a “green light” to attack. The Nato secretary general, Jaap de Hoop Scheffer, said that Georgia was still on course for Nato membership.
In another sign that the clouds of war had not yet fully cleared, Russian Foreign Minister, Sergei Lavrov, said if Georgia failed to sign a legally binding treaty ruling out the use of force, Russia would be forced to take “other measures”.
Bush: Why don’t you shut up?
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
The six day war decided by Russian military power and Bush has nothing left beyond his common rhetoric and some bullying as a sore loser:
US calls off all joint NATO fleet exercises with Russians:
Other losers are the backers of Saakashvili: Ukraine, Poland, Israel and the Baltic states. Will be continued …
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
Richard Holbrooke was on Cspan this morning bemoaning the fate of Poland, Ukraine and others. It was pitful.
I’m glad to say that the majority of the callers weren’t buying what he was selling.
Rice went to Tbilisi just as tensions between Russia and Georgia were escalating. Standing next to Saakashvili during a press conference, she said that Russia “needs to be a part of resolving the problem and solving the problems and not contributing to it.” Saakashvili, for his part, was clearly thrilled to host Rice.
“We are also very grateful for your support for our peace plan for the conflicts and for your unwavering support for Georgia’s territorial integrity,” he said.
Interviews with officials at the State Department, Pentagon and the White House show that the Bush administration was never going to back Georgia militarily in a fight with Russia.
After mixed U.S. messages, a war erupted in Georgia
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
SAN FRANCISCO (IHT) – Researchers at Shadowserver, a volunteer group that tracks malicious network activity, reported that the Web site of the Georgian president, Mikheil Saakashvili, had been rendered inoperable for 24 hours by multiple D.D.O.S. attacks as early as July 20. The researchers said the command-and-control server that directed the attack, which was based in the United States, had come online several weeks before it began the assault.
As it turns out, the July attack was only a dress rehearsal for an all-out cyberwar once the shooting started between Georgia and Russia.
Shadowserver saw the attack against Georgia spread to computers throughout the government after Russian troops invaded the Georgian province of South Ossetia. The Georgian government blamed Russia, but experts said that was not clear.
“Could this somehow be indirect Russian action? Yes, but considering Russia is past playing nice and uses real bombs, they could have attacked more strategic targets or eliminated the infrastructure kinetically,” said Gadi Evron, an Israeli network security expert who assisted in pushing back a huge cyberattack on Estonia’s Internet infrastructure in May. “The nature of what’s going on isn’t clear.”
Nazario said the attacks appeared to be politically motivated. They were continuing August 11 against Georgian news sites, according to Nazario. “I’m watching attacks against apsny.ge and news.ge right now,” he said.
The attacks were controlled from a server based at a telecommunications firm in Moscow, he said. In contrast, the attacks last month came from a control computer that was based in the United States. That system was later disabled.
The Web site of the Georgian president was moved to an Internet operation in the United States run by a Georgian native over the weekend. The company, Tulip Systems, based in Atlanta, is run by Nino Doijashvili, who was in Georgia at the time of the attack. Two Web sites, president.gov.ge and rustavi2.com, the Web site of a prominent Georgian TV station, were moved to Atlanta. Computer security executives said the new sites had also come under attack.
Pentagon Officials Claim China Cyber Warfare Strategy Part Of 60 Billion Dollar Package
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
WARSAW, Poland (AFP) — The Polish prime minister says that Poland and America have reached an agreement that will see a battery of American missiles established inside Poland, a plan that has infuriated Russia and raised the specter of an escalation of tension with the country.
Donald Tusk, speaking in a televised interview from the capital, said today that America agreed to Polish proposals that it help augment its defenses in exchange for placing 10 missile defense interceptors.
Warsaw has been lobbying Washington to provide a THAAD or Patriot-type air defense system in exchange for a Polish green light to hosting the silos.
Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk said the talks seemed “on the right track.”
“Our arguments about the need for a permanent presence of US troops and missiles on Polish soil have been taken seriously by the American side. The events in the Caucasus show clearly that such security guarantees are indispensable,” he added.
Washington aims to base 10 interceptor missiles in Poland plus a radar facility in the neighbouring Czech Republic by 2011-2013 to complete a system already in place in the United States, Greenland and Britain.
The system, which has cost more than 63 billion ($100 billion) to develop and costs 7 billion a year to maintain – the single biggest line item in the Pentagon’s budget – is unpopular in the US Congress too, where congress members argue the technology remains unproven.
Most Poles and Czechs also oppose the plan, according to polls.”
-excerpt from the EU Observer
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."