I’ve decided (at the last minute) to head up to the first ever Blog Indiana Conference in Indy this Saturday. I’ve left a few details on the Midwest Thread in case anyone is interested.
CBtY goes back the 2nd, CBtE the 9th. Maybe I’ll be able to get up early enough then. 🙂
Wow, that must feel really weird not to have to do anything (although I would be delighted at the newfound ability to take a September vacation when places are less crowded-I fantasize about that, you know). I ordered a little bento box lunchbox for CBtY yesterday. First time anyone wanted a new lunchbox in years.
I’m taking a photography clsss for 6 weeks to satisfy my urge to go back to school.
I got a call yesterday and I get my computer back next week. It will be nice to have computer that doesn’t freeze up every 5 or 10 minutes. The tech. said they had to replace the motherboard. It’s an HP and since they’ve been having problems with the motherboards and chip, the warranty has been extended, so I got a new motherboard for free. If I’m lucky, this whole repair might be under $50.
Things are pretty much the same here. We’ve had rain since last night and should have it on and off all day.
I’ve watched jumping, rowing, badminton (unbelievable reflexes), weightlifting, and volleyball. I really love rowing and I wish they would have shown more of it.
It cracks me up every year when we drive by it on our way to Ocracoke. That, and break into song: “The aliens came in business suits…” or “Hey, Mr. Spaceman…”
I’m back home from Indy and grateful to be here. It was fun and we had a nice visit with the in-laws as well, but home is much more comfy. Ack! Is tomorrow Monday already?
Have a nice new cafe to start the day!
Have a great day, CG! My vacation finally starts Saturday! Woohoo!
Woo-hoo! Off to the Southwest again?
Yep, Utah (Bryce for a bit) and then Mannyland. Should be fun.
I’ve always wanted to go to Bryce. The pictures I’ve seen from there are gorgeous.
How long of a drive is it from Bryce to Mannyland?
It’ll will take most of the day but it’s a nice drive.
Have a great time. Both places are wonderful. Bryce will certainly give you infinite painting ops (along with many splendid hikes).
I hope you have time to go to the The Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum in Tucson. It’s wonderful.
Thanks. I don’t know if we can fit that in this time around but it does look cool.
Andi’s always posting these photos of light rays through the forest. I’m happy to see that someone finally captured what was making the rays.
/cue Twilight Zone music
Hmm, To Serve Man, what an inteestng book.
Gives new meaning to that spider web.
I remember that episode well, (dating myself) having been a huge Twilight Zone fan.
I’ve decided (at the last minute) to head up to the first ever Blog Indiana Conference in Indy this Saturday. I’ve left a few details on the Midwest Thread in case anyone is interested.
Good morning!
Damned jet lag.
Because I didn’t even get home till 12:30 a.m. and I was wide-awake at 5:10 a.m. 🙁
Anyway, my empathies.
and that I’m home (and can take a nap later).
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Good morning!
Adjacent time zones hardly qualify, but the post-midnight return may make the case… 🙂
(and can take a nap later)
Day off?
Not a day off – just the combo of having put in a 16 hour day yesterday and the advantages of working from home.
You deserve a day off!
Everybody always deserves a day off! 🙂
Welcome back!
Welcome back Andi and ask!
Hi to everyone else. It’s an oddly damp and cloudy day here.
Good morning, Andi!
Off, too much food last night. We went out to
celebrate a friend’s birthday.
It’s come to this, has it? Just a header, a terse greeting, no picture. 😉
Worse, I’m sure everyone’s already gone for the day by the time I’m posting this comment…
You have to get up pretty early to play with this bunch, CG.
When do the guys head back to school?
For the first time EVER, I have no one returning to school this year. I still want to buy crayons and notebooks.
CBtY goes back the 2nd, CBtE the 9th. Maybe I’ll be able to get up early enough then. 🙂
Wow, that must feel really weird not to have to do anything (although I would be delighted at the newfound ability to take a September vacation when places are less crowded-I fantasize about that, you know). I ordered a little bento box lunchbox for CBtY yesterday. First time anyone wanted a new lunchbox in years.
I’m taking a photography clsss for 6 weeks to satisfy my urge to go back to school.
but getting ready to go. Bebo is really not good at waiting to go walk in the woods.
Argh…I went and read other stuff…sure I’ve missed you now.
Hope you all had a nice walk.
Have a picture. 🙂
That looks suspiciously like the 18th hole fairway. You’re not having the pack leave extra traps for the duffers are you? 😉
Not to worry — this is over at Happy Hollow Camp. And the campers are gone for the season so not even any surprises for them. 🙂
I love the thought of having three dogs and never having to clean up poop.
Good morning all.
I got a call yesterday and I get my computer back next week. It will be nice to have computer that doesn’t freeze up every 5 or 10 minutes. The tech. said they had to replace the motherboard. It’s an HP and since they’ve been having problems with the motherboards and chip, the warranty has been extended, so I got a new motherboard for free. If I’m lucky, this whole repair might be under $50.
Things are pretty much the same here. We’ve had rain since last night and should have it on and off all day.
Hope everyone is doing fine.
Glad to hear you’ll soon be back with new & cheap hardware. The last time I blew out a motherboard, I wasn’t so lucky.
Great that it turned out so well. Can’t wait for you to be really back.
And also, hurrah for the rain.
That’s good to hear!
Good morning. So how did you do in the great mini-golf competition?
61. Somebody got a hole in one on the 16th hole that saved the day for him…but since I won last time, I can be gracious, I guess. 🙂
What are you up to today? I have to run out to yoga later this morning.
Nothing much for me — going for a walk with the dogs (which judging by their antsiness will be very soon), reading, watching the olympics, laundry.
MMM…laundry. My favorite.
I’m hoping that CBtE is in a better mood today. I am so ready for him to head back to school this year that it isn’t funny.
What events are on today?
I’ve watched jumping, rowing, badminton (unbelievable reflexes), weightlifting, and volleyball. I really love rowing and I wish they would have shown more of it.
I gotta say, CabinGirl, even after several days, the UFO still cracks me up when it comes up.
It cracks me up every year when we drive by it on our way to Ocracoke. That, and break into song: “The aliens came in business suits…” or “Hey, Mr. Spaceman…”
I’m back home from Indy and grateful to be here. It was fun and we had a nice visit with the in-laws as well, but home is much more comfy. Ack! Is tomorrow Monday already?
But it wishes were days of the week, it sure wouldn’t be.
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