After frantically looking around for perspectives on Georgia that were in my language (as someone who is very very bad at Risk and Diplomacy), I found an excellent blog post, written by a linguist:
For the truly lazy, here’s the crux of it:
It may be difficult for some people to grasp why it is that the Abkhaz or the Ossetians do not much fancy suddenly becoming Georgian, so let me offer you a precise analogy. Suppose Los Angeles, California, were to collapse as the USSR once did, and East L.A. quickly moved to declare its independence. Suppose, further, that the 88% of its population that is Hispanic/Latino voted that the other 12% were free to stay on as “guests,” provided they only spoke Spanish. The teaching of English were to be forbidden. After some bloody skirmishes, East L.A. split up into ethnic enclaves. Then some foreign government (say, Russian, or Chinese) stepped in and started shipping in weapons and providing training to the Latino faction, in support of their efforts to restore East L.A.’s “territorial integrity.” As a non-Hispanic resident of East L.A., would you then (1) run and hide, (2) stay and fight, or (3) pick up a copy of “Spanish for Dummies” and start cramming?
To which I say: holy shit.
Is to respect another culture, religion or etnicity. An exceptional piece can only be written from a cultural viewpoint of people involved in a cruel civil strife.
Civil wars are the most savage as the United States has seen, the USSR-revolution and Lenin/Stalin, China with Mao Tse Tung, Cambodja under Pol Pot, Yugoslavia and Milosevic, Rwanda fratercide and mini ‘democracy’ Georgia under Saakashvili. Nationalism breeds fascism and starts with mass gatherings, flag waving, military parades and pledges while singing national anthems. It’s all part of indoctrination as fundamental religion can breed extremists and terrorists.
Taking down the iron curtain or a Berlin wall of misunderstanding and mistrust, can best be done by cultural exchange as JFK proposed to Khrushchev in the Sixties. Boys should not play in real life with toys like marines, stealth bombers and tactical nuclear weapons. Can George pronounce “nuclear” yet or is he a marksman by pushing a red button?
“They’re forcing our hand. We must bomb the children.”
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
Th cold war narrative seems to be back without any nuance! For more on this, have a look at these debates on European Tribune:
The warmongers have lost yet another war
Medvedev calls end to Georgia operations
Bush sends U.S. troops to Georgia to deliver humanitarian aid
And the latest: The Ruskies are back. Praise the Lord!
Also: The Polish press on the Ossetian conflict
I read the original piece and it’s quite informative but that’s quite a mixed metaphor there in the paragraph you quote.
For one, in the case of Hispanic/Latinos stating that 12% of the others can stay on as guests if they put up and learned the new language, well that’s sort of almost exactly what the white Americans did after beating the shit out of Mexico.
Except of course even before the Latin/Spanish empire were a whole bunch of OTHER people living there aka “Native Americans” as opposed to the Abkhazi who have been there since pretty much time immemorial.
And the “foreign government” arming and supplying Abkhazia is Russia, which isn’t “foreign” at all as the vast majority of Abkhazia’s citizens ARE Russian.
“And the “foreign government” arming and supplying Abkhazia is Russia, which isn’t “foreign” at all as the vast majority of Abkhazia’s citizens ARE Russian.”
I think you’re confused on the parallels the author is drawing – in the next paragraph:
That said, you’re right that it’s not a particularly good metaphor… However, it does succeed in giving the less abstract & political wonky a sense for what’s going on.
Oh oops, looks like I got the metaphor all mixed up!
Definitely a good essay though!
Georgia is a mini-picnic.
Pakistan is Taliban/AQ – now the world’s most dangerous place:
Musharraf is getting ready to jump town as the country is set to blow:
Up against impeachment,
Pakistan’s Musharraf to resign as president: report
Taliban win a fight – and settle scores
Al-Qaeda Said to Use Regional Strife to Tighten Grip in Pakistan
135,000 flee Pakistan clashes:
Not if but when.
Reminder: We have here a pressure cooker. Pakistan has nukes.
Sympathies for the next POTUS.