I have mentioned this before, but the Wall Street Journal doesn’t listen to me. Something has snapped in Peggy Noonan’s brain. I’m not sure exactly when it happened but I know it was sometime during the early part of Dubya’s second-term. If I had to guess, it was probably while she tried to compute the federal government’s indifference to the suffering of New Orleans. In any case, a light went off in her cerebral cortex and she can no longer navigate the world around her. It’s with a striking lack of self-consciousness that she pours out her anguished and confused soul to Journal readers on a regular basis. It’s embarrassing. She desperately needs therapy. Without the ability to ground herself in the Republican Party, she is utterly bereft and lost. Someone needs to take her hand and walk her off the public stage.
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
it’s not just Noonan that needs help. McCain and the RNC needs some padded rooms
you just can’t make this stuff up.
Hey guys, McCain says it’s not normal… you need to keep your shirts on when you’re on the beach
via Matt Yglesias
If RNC and McCain keeps this up..along with the celeb Ads, all Americans, including GOP voters, will tune out.
it must be Friday. More stuff you can’t make up.
Here is our president GWB at link below, hard at work on the beach. BTW he kept his shirt on.
svp, help me and post this pic. It’s too rich!
That man is such a daily embarrassment.
Noonan and Dowd are now women of a ‘certain age.”
Feeling less and less endowed by their sexual vitality,they seek outlets in many ways.In Britain and Canada,the women seek out sexual partners on the beaches of Jamaica,Trinidad,Kenya or other exotic locations to maintain their anonymity.
Noonan feels lost because no one cares what she says or thinks anymore.Her hero,Ronald Reagan, has passed on to a better life in the hereafter.Her later infatuation with Bush appears to have receded midway and now she is left rudderless.
Dowd is a special case whose solipsism and unreality are p-araded before a national audience week after week and she is becoming a parody of her self.
I think a vacation in those exotic climates might benefit both these women and the people at large so long as they don’t upload their minddroppings from Jamaica using their Blackberries.
And, I insist they take their vacations at different times.
So the prescription is to make “How Peggy Got Her Groove Back” a reality?
runs off to Jamaica to be with MoDo
I would add Cokie Roberts to this menagerie of women of a certain age.The diminishing prospects of sexual vitality makes this trio especially dangerous in what they say or do to gain attention instead of,as Macarthur once said “just fade away”.
Hey, I’m a woman of a certain age, and I’m fine. It’s the person, not the gender or the age.
I’m sure we could all list men of a certain age whose marbles are rolling down the street, as well as younger men who are just as daffy.
I agree that this is an equal opportunity affliction.
In the particularly virulent cases I have enumerated, I picked them because they have had a track record of using sexual entendres to put down others.Noonan,for example in the case of Bill Clinton, asked the question “would it be irresponsible to speculate”? And proceeded to answer her own question with “It would be irresponsible not to”.Maureen,of course, has made an art form of using double entendres to spice up what passes for her column.Cokie and her buddy,Sally Quinn were assaulting Bill and Hillary Clinton on a daily basis when the Monica Lewinsky scandal burst.
I would certainly put a man like David Broder or Charles Krauthammer in the same company with the caveat that they never started out with any sexuality to begin with,so they will stay that way until they are mummified.
Contrast that with the work of Lara Logan ho,despite being at that certain age, has transmuted her sexuality into a moral energy that shows in each and every transmission she sends in from Iraq,Afghanistan or other trouble spots.In fact, I think she begins to look more and more radiant as time passes because her beauty,such as it is, comes from the moral fervor she exhibits for the victims of the wars unleashed on these poor people by powerful men.
Correction: It should say who not ho.
In the context of this post that would open me to some more attacks.
Gosh, I hope you’re being smarmy-sarcastic because this comment is so disgusting.
Peggy Noonan’s brain? isn’t that an oxymoron?
She’s from Nauseous. She’s from the town of Nutty in the state of Delusion. She’s from Zoloft .
She must get paid by the word. At least she took the time to put them in sentences. I quit reading halfway one half of nothing is nothing.
Booman, you just don’t understand how truly bizarre reality is.
My ex-wife and her current husband explained part of it to me about ten years ago. There are two different universes, and they spent a couple of weeks in the other one before coming back. But they know it was a different universe, because the Tennessee fireflies there blink with a different color of blue-green.
The problem is that a decade ago, the universes were still separated. What is becoming obvious is that the barriers between the two universes are breaking down, probably as a result of the conservative movement, and now the individuals from the different universes are being merged together. Noonan and her kind are from one universe, we are from the other. There is clearly a great deal of confusion during the merger.
The universe and firefly story is exactly as my ex-wife and her husband told it to me. Scout’s honor. That’s one strong reason I avoid Tennessee. But that’s as good an explanation as any I have seen for the conservative mindset.
You know, I have no love for Noonan. Or much hate – I just don’t care. But… I kinda enjoyed that fluff. It was devoid of analysis, frivolous, without content. Oh, and redundant.
But it entertained me.
Oh, and the reason I didn’t hate it is because it wasn’t being sold as analysis, the way the equally vapid news shows are.
noonan sez in her piece:
she makes up a concept and then she “does not like it”?
what is this, a dr. seuss poem?
She wrote,
No, Noonan, I won’t accept that.
Talk about skewing reality to fit a narrative. Obama’s book describes how he moved to Chicago not long after getting his undergrad degree. Per Wikipedia, that was 1985, which meant he was just shy of being 24 years old. He later did a 3-year stint at Harvard Law School, which he completed at age 29. These are not obscure facts; there is no excuse for her to write “in his 30s.”
Reminds me of the debunking that Corsi’s book is receiving because he also ignored basic biographical data in Obama’s books.
I would wager that a relatively small fraction of the people who are paid to write about Obama have bothered to read his books.