Appearing at The Jaundiced Eye, the Independent Bloggers’ Alliance, and My Left Wing.
There has been a good deal of blogospheric chatter about the public antics of the leader of the free world, in full view of cameras, at the olympics. Much of it speculation about whether or not he’s drunk off his ass.
The folks at BuzzFlash have been digging a little deeper into the trash heap, for a bit of the back-story. The tabloids have been dishing dirt about a potential split between George and Laura. Reason: his drinking.
If the Edwards scandal has taught us anything, it’s that tabloids may traffic in sleaze, but their sleazy reporting is also often true.
Now, travel with us a little farther down the road on this one, because you only need look at Bush’s inappropriate, juvenile, and just plain bizarre behavior during his Olympic trip to wonder if indeed he has been hitting the sauce again (of which there has been potential evidence in the past, including a bruised face and that strange pretzel and “near beer” choking incident, among others).
Now, I don’t watch the olympics. I have better cures for the occasional insomnia. But, I’ve apparently been missing something of a show. Some of this seems a little undignified to me.
It certainly demonstrates a lack of presidential decorum, whether or not it proves drunkenness. But, for those of us who have long been concerned about having a dry drunk in office, it sends up something of a red flag.
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"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
Does this guy look sober to you?
The time zone change between USA and China could account for his facial expression in the picture with Putin. I have seen that same expression on sober, tired faces.
That being said, it sure looks like a beer bottle near his right arm.
A relationship?
Bush speech talking about world leaders
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
was he ever on it – the wagon?
Well it was his claim. Maybe its not a good idea to ask an alcoholic if he is still drinking.
It’s a fair question. I don’t think there’s anyway to know for sure. But, what was always obvious from the public accountings of his stopping drinking, is that he has no recovery. So, he was always, at best, a dry drunk. And, that means, that even if he wasn’t imbibing, he displayed the characteristics of an active alcoholic. Further, it means that his chances of drinking again were always pretty damned high.
Yes, he needs help.
I hate to quibble Salunga, but I think it is the rest of us (as in the rest of the world including you and I) that need HELP! π
Good point. Better to lock Bush in a room then give him a gallon of Jim Beam and a bag of pretzels everyday. Let nature take its course. It will help everyone! π
This diary may be sleaze, but that’s not its problem. Its problem is that it is too late. Where were you eight years ago or even four years ago? Obviously, we have been led by a man who could be seen as alcoholic. But I disagree. Reaganesque Republicanism always gives that impression, but the truth is that Bush is not a drunk and never has been.
Bush will be seen by the historians as the greatest right wing Republican president since Reagan. Nay, one who outdid Reagan in all respects. Bush was an uberReagan who went beyond Reaganism. A great Republican president for the wealthy and corporations. Now if you want to argue whether that is or isn’t good for the country, it’s one thing. But don’t undermine this president’s achievements. He did not come to the presidency to help people, all people, only the “have-mores,” and that was exactly what he did, with excellence.
A drunk could not have attained such accomplishments. Try understanding this guy for a change. He is just what he says he is, like him or not.
Really? Because he says he’s a drunk; or rather that he had a drinking problem but stopped thanks to Jesus. I believe both probably contain shades of truth. I also know that you can’t swing a dead cat in born-again church without hitting a dry drunk. How do I know? Let’s see. My father is a certified alcoholism counselor, with whom I’ve had long discussions on the subject, and I was a born-again Christian in my youth. So, you see, I actually might just know a little about this.
Any drunk whose been propped up the way this one has, most certainly can. Or did you actually think he was running things? Pffttt…
Pardon? What exactly are you implying? That I only woke up from my slumber yesterday and noticed that Bush was bad President? I’ve been protesting this President since he stole the office the first time.
My only question is: how did we go from his being a cokehead to one drinking free beer from Cindy?