Patrick Healy of the New York Times opens with:
No power brokers in the Democratic Party are openly campaigning for Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton as their vice-presidential nominee this year, and even Mrs. Clinton’s closest aides have stopped talking her up. Yet privately, some Democrats continue to see her as exactly the partner that Senator Barack Obama needs.
So he’s going to write a whole column about it. I’ve said it before, but Michelle Obama has already exercised veto-power over the selection of Hillary Clinton and the Obama campaign enshrined that decision into iron-clad law by hiring Patti Solis Doyle to head up the Veep-pick’s staff. Doyle was fired from the Clinton campaign and as far as I know they are not on speaking terms. But that’s no reason not to write piece after piece after piece about how ‘some Democrats’ really want Clinton to be on the ticket.
It looks like a toss-up right now between Biden and Kaine. Given that choice, I have a slight preference for Kaine. I’ve always liked Joe Biden, but he’s too risky for me and I don’t agree with him on some major foreign policy issues. Kaine is a better fit for Obama’s brand and he’ll help in Virginia, which could be a decisive state. I’m not thrilled with Kaine, either, but I prefer him to Bayh. I still am holding out hope for Jack Reed or Kathleen Sebelius. I’d be psyched about either one of them. Kaine and Biden would be just okay. Bayh would annoy the crap out of me. But maybe there will be a big surprise.
the folks at cnnPolitics think it’s going to be biden.
pretty risky if true, but he might be an effective attack dog.
well many in media want it to be Biden. He practically lives in their green-rooms. Doesn’t make it so.
They all pushed hard for Hillary, and nothing came of that.
I think it’ll be Kaine, myself, and have for the last few weeks. We’ll know soon enough, it appears…
poll shows 28% still wants her
I hope that the reason there is so much speculation among the press for Biden is because they love him so — he’s quite their go-to-guy for an off the record comment or Sunday morning bloviation. He is a smart guy with a quick wit.
Unfortunately, he has some major shortcomings. His vote for the Iraq War and his history as the Senator from MBNA are well known. Some of us also remember his Neil Kinnock plagiarism from the 1988 Democratic primary as well as his devastating performance as chair of the Judiciary Committee during the Clarence Thomas/Anita Hill hearings. I do not trust that Joe Biden has the character or decision-making skills to be a heartbeat away from the Presidency.
nothing else to do until the official announcement but to “think” and rub the belly.
Obama’s VP Watch, ..according to NYT the decision is made but he has yet to advice his choice
I keep hearing Chet Edwards of Texas from DC insider-types. Who knows, at this point.
I thought about signing up for the text message thing, but as there will be an eruption of BREAKING posts all over the web, plus twitters, I don’t think there will be much of a problem finding out.
He’d be an interesting pick. I know Pelosi loves him.
McCain is basically a one note candidate, the monotonous song of his captivity in Nam. I read a post on another blog that rang true. It said McCain’s candidacy amounted to “You owe me this”, implicitly for his war experiences. How to counter that? No one wants to touch the third rail of this election and it’s not Social Security. It’s grabbing McCain by the collar and saying “OK, we get it, now can we move on to the issues!?” Who could get away with that and not be crucified for doing it? Another military man, another soldier just as heroic, someone who suffered if not as much at least grievously wounded. I’m not sure what kind of VP or President Wesley Clark would make but his STFU factor vis-a-vis McCain’s constant POW harangue would be welcome and entertaining.
Wes is really not trusted by the Obama camp.
Possibly, but VP picks aren’t historically a matter of trust or friendship. Kennedy wasn’t particularly enamored of LBJ. What connection of any sort was there between Bush The Elder and Quayle L’enfant? Strategy, demographics, electoral appeal and finally “Will he/she help us win?” rule most picks. Obama tells everyone to get over it or get off the bus.
reagan didn’t like Bush senior either.
nor did Ike like Nixon very much.
Kennedy wasn’t particularly enamored of LBJ, true; but it wasn’t a very happy match either — and I think that’s the point. The fact is, Kennedy was pretty much forced into picking Johnson. I hope that’s not the sort of situation Obama is facing.
Jim Webb
I know all the counter arguments, but Webb could go toe toe with McCain and shred every argument he’s got.
True that Webb would be great against McCain, but Webb has stated repeatedly that he really, really, truly, has no interest in running for VP — and I think that’s been fully accepted. (If Obama ever had any real interest in him in the first place.)
Yeah. I was just answering Steve’s question.
Webb is that person. He came home from Nam with a chest full of decorations and a shattered knee. His record as a Marine before, during, and after Vietnam is stellar. Aside from his extended stay in the Hanoi Hilton and a famous Navy name, McCain has absolutely nothing in comparison. Webb the real deal can look McCain the phony in the eye and say “STFU John.”
As for his VP prospects, I think they’re as good as anyone else I’ve heard seriously mentioned. And nearly everyone who’s been asked about it has also made the customary not interested statement. Five bucks says if Obama asked him, Webb would accept. Whether that’s a good or a bad thing, each of us can make up our own minds.
Limbaugh on McCain:
Nick Lowry:
thought McCain’s handlers had confiscated his cell-phone…have curtailed his use to keep him on message. It’s reported aides have voiced that McCain has a habit of going with the last opinion he receives, even if it’s weird or contra message.
Wow. Here’s hoping Limbaugh got something right for the first time ever. “they will have effectively destroyed the Republican party and put the conservative movement in the bleachers.” So yummy.
He could be expecting Ridge would bring him Pennsylvania, but all we’d have to do is run ads on Ridge’s deregulation of electricity, which is his claim to fame and about to increase rates by 40% or so across the state in 2009 and 2010.
please not Kathleen Sebilus..
Why not?
just look at Kansas dems..Dennis Moore Blue dawg Dem.. aka lap dogs for W. Nancy Boyda..conservative Dem. that is what you have with Gov. Sebilius. Just pick that Indiana Senator at least he may help win Indiana there both the same.
He’s a blue dog dem too, though.
point is Kathleen and Evan our from the same cookie cutter. Kansas is like Indiana two states over.
That’s my prediction:
Charlie Rose interview Gov. Tim Kaine — is Kaine the VP choice for Obama?
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
More buzz that Obama has indeed already selected Kaine…
We’ll see. Could be as early as tomorrow morning.
Wasn’t Kaine the one who incurred the wrath of the Obama camp by telling his 500 closest friends that he was being vetted?
Watch this CNN Video of Obama getting flack on the FISA, Iraq flip flop from a supporter in NM.