If this is true it’s no wonder that Obama decided to hold his acceptance speech in a football stadium.
Are you tired of waiting to hear who the VP-nominee will be yet?
If this is true it’s no wonder that Obama decided to hold his acceptance speech in a football stadium.
Are you tired of waiting to hear who the VP-nominee will be yet?
So tired and just read to hammer McCain all fall. Where did this Chet Edwards speculation come from?
Mainly from Pelosi.
The HatMan, Drudge Report gives it away….A Bumper sticker? from a print shop in Kansas City: It’s not denied:
KMBC’s Micheal Mahoney reports a company in Kansas City, which specializes in political literature, has been printing Obama-Bayh material… MORE… Gill Studios, would not confirm information about the material. They would not deny it either. At least three sources close to the plant’s operations reported the Obama-Bayh material was being produced
I don’t believe it for a second.
Oh please no.
Here’s the news report and I’m just thinking, “I really, really hope not.” That’s a serious deal-breaker for me. I already sucked it up and voted for Lieberman as VP and I really wouldn’t want to do that again.
The design doesn’t look at all similar to previous Obama PR. Let’s just hope its speculation. Obama is already down 9 points because of things like his FISA vote. This could take even more enthusiasm out of his base.
Andrea Mitchell of NBC News reports Bayh and Kaine have been told they are not the pick…looks more and more like biden or a dark horse.
that’s OK by me as long as Bruce plays
Born to Run
Born in the U.S.A
Streets of
PhiladelphiaChicagoBetter Days
My City of Ruins with New Orleans on the screen behind him
And he’d have to play The Rising
Plus The Promised Land
Think of Bruce as leading a big ole tent revival before or after Obama’s nominated.
After all Bruce is as much preacher as he is singer. 🙂
Some secrets really should be kept, like surprise parties. Bruce Springsteen would have been a fabulous surprise. I’m bummed someone saw fit to take a key fabulous moment away from 75,000 excited political junkies. That’s a shame.
not too difficult to discover who the diaryist’s brother is. It’s such a small circle. Obama camp has managed a no leaks campaign so I’d imagine the chagrin.
I saw it was a link to DK, so I didn’t click over. I can only assume it’s a breathy, “I heard for a reliable source.” sort of diary that shot immediately to the reclist.
Perhaps Bruce could be VP 😉
He’d be great.
And the election would be so over. Landslide for Obama.
The longer they wait to announce the VP, the longer the McCain’s housing problems has to grow in the media. That is how you want weeks news cycle to settle on Friday night. Let it stew over the weekend! lol
I agree about forcing the Sunday bobbleheads to talk about McCain’s wealth and utter cluelessness on loop.
Steve Clemons flat-out says it is Biden.
Clemons has been rooting for Biden.
I doubt anyone has been told. I read Obama told Pelosi she’d be pleased..
He may be right.
Daily Kos: Interesting Development……..
more like Bayh according the Drudge with a bumper sticker
man, you sure know how to kill a buzz
don’t shoot the messenger. It was bound to happen.
read my diary with the KMBC-TV Breaking News Video. running not just in the mid-west. The reporters visited the printing plant, reportedly a well respected organization that prints political material.
Hey, the same thing happened with Kerry-Edwards 2004 when someone peeked into the hanger and saw Edwards’ name being added unto Kerry’s plane.
Prolonging the announcement sends reporters digging. They’ve staked out Biden and Bayh’s homes 24-hr vigils checking chartered flights, and sniffing.
Someone in deep trouble:
Fox News airs controversial Ad it had declined to run
Our media.
This is the first I’ve heard of Springteen, but it’s an excellent idea. I HAVE heard that Mohamed Ali will introduce Obama. And that a union worker will give a three-minute speech before Obama is introduced.
It should be like a super bowl halftime show and I think it will be. Top that (I can’t remember how many houses I own) McSame!
Oh… and Al Gore will give a speech that night before Obama.
mcstain, the gift that keeps on giving…first it was how many houses?…now he can’t remember what kind of car he drives…this guy’s some some serious problems.