If you wanted to make the argument that there really isn’t any difference between the two major parties, you might advocate this:
Independent presidential candidate Ralph Nader said Clinton is the smart choice because she is the only person who would help Obama get more votes.
“And if he’s going to say, ‘One people, one nation,’ he can raise the banner of unity with her as his vice presidential running mate,” he said Thursday on “American Morning.”
Nader also told the Politico Web site that Obama wouldn’t be “that dumb” to pick Bayh or Biden to be vice president.
And when Obama takes his advice?
Is this what he needs to do get some press?
Nader can bite me. Just another narcissistic, jealous wanker. Maybe he and Rev. Jesse Jackson can be best buds and keep each other company.
Maybe he’d find Rev. Jackson’s company sufficiently “Black” for him. Idiot.
Useful idiot.
I made a list the other day of people I could no longer stomach reading about, I forgot to add Nader. Then again, I just read your piece. Dammit.
Politico’s Ben Smith reports from the AP guys that Rep. Chet Edwards (D-TX) floated by Nancy Pelosi was vetted by the Obama camp and emerging as a finalist.
And when Obama takes his advice?
Verily, in that day shall the dog lie down with the cat, and the sky shall be black from the flight of pigs.
I hope.
That cat is plotting something.
Probably something like this:
Which is more likely, Obama/Hillary or McSame/Petraeus?
they are equally unlikely.
We’ll see. I just wish Obama would tell people, dammit. The closer it gets to Saturday, the more I think it’s Hillary.
it’s reported Hillary has NOT been vetted…Bill Clinton can’t be vetted..all those dollars from foreign sources in his presidential library..not to mention the whole Clinton baggage…and behavior during the primaries.
I’d be very disappointed if it’s Biden.
If John Kerry was labeled a Gigolo, why not John McCain?
You really have to wonder.
digby kinda had the same reflexive reaction I did when I read this:
Obama said he wanted somebody who is “prepared to be president” and who will be “a partner with me in strengthening this economy for the middle class and working families.”
He said he was looking for not just a partner but a sparring partner. “I want somebody who’s independent, somebody who can push against my preconceived notions and challenge me so we have got a robust debate in the White House.”
In the end, those who are right can toot their own horn. Those who are wrong (the vast majority) can second guess for the rest of their lives.
i dont find that to be wankery
i find it surprisingly intuitive
regardless of what a few left wing bloggers feel, 18 million people voted for clinton. that means something.
Show me where he’s wrong? Maybe Bayh gives him Indiana, as you’ve said, but he’s not wrong about the vitality of her supporters or even the sheer numbers should would bring on right off the bat. How is he wrong?
I’m asking.