Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly.
He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
keep on digging for all the negatives so you’re blinded to the positive.
Is McWar preferable?
Watch those videos upthread.
I go with Biden because he recognizes that for the foreseeable future the greatest threat facing us is Pakistan. He’ll bring sanity to our foreign policy..he does not see the need to attack Iran…he’ll get us out of Iraq.. He voted for Iraq b/c we got lied into that mire.
The biggest threat facing you is Pakistan? PAKISTAN?!
Why must Americans always see a threat somewhere? When will Americans ever put these things into some reasonable perspective? When will Americans ever stop needing a threat? When will Americans decide to simply take their place as a member of the community of nations and start acting like a normal country that does not need to create enemies and threats?
In fact, the biggest threat facing you is yourselves and your politicians.
So it is not just a question of needng bogeymen. We stirred up the hornets that were quietly in their caves. Now we need to face the consequences of our action.
Yeah, I’ll see. I’ll see on my next trip to Pakistan, which hopefully will be in a few months.
United States politicians are perpetual Chicken Littles. None of them questions whether the sky is falling. The only argument is over the identity of the culprit du jour that is causing the sky to fall. They need a threat. If it is not the evil Communists, it is the evil Muslims. If it is not Iraq, then it is Iran, and if it is not Iran, it is Pakistan – or is it Russia? Or China? Or some as yet unnamed existential threat? And in the meantime, those who are in touch with reality are shuffled off to the alternative media never to be heard from except by people who already understand the reality.
And by the way, to the extent that Pakistan IS in trouble, the United States bears enormous responsibility. By keeping in power a military dictator who deposed a democratically elected government (so much for the notion of spreading democracy), and whose disapproval ratings were higher than Bush’s, the have denied the Pakistani people everything the United States claims to stand for.
Giv’em some slack; media brainwash, bread and circus has ensured a compliant public.
A slow, step-by-step approach maaay work while letting the repubs continue will be absolute disaster [much worse than what will come in any case]. I’m with Arthur (Gilroy) on this one.
Hei! Så ikke dette før nå. Joda, det går bra, men jeg blir stadig mer kynisk og oppgitt når det gjelder politikk. Har mest gått over til å drive med musikk — en mer oppløftende fritidsinteresse. Snakkes!
I HAVE SOMETHING TO SAY ABOUT BIDEN and you’re all going to think I’m a big SAP.
But I’m going to say it anyway, and let the slings and arrows fly at me fast and furious…
For all his faults, flaws and foibles — and YES! YES! They are MANY! — I cannot help it: I still love Joe Biden.
I always have.
There. I said it.
So, have at me. That’s why I haven’t been able to muster the hate. That’s why my CYNICISM has been tepid. That’s why I haven’t been able to GRUMBLE, let alone BITCH, about this VP choice.
I love Joe Biden.
I love him.
I HEART JOE BIDEN, and nothing you say can change it.
Okay, go ahead, all you bitter haters from here and other sites, I know you just can’t WAIT to lay into me and say what a fucking CENTRIST RIGHT WING FASCIST SELL-OUT I AM, or worse, what an IGNORANT IDIOT… blah blah blah.
I love Joe Biden.
I love him.
I HEART JOE BIDEN, and nothing you say can change it.
“Joe Biden is the right partner for Barack Obama. His many years of distinguished service to America, his seasoned judgment and his vast experience in foreign policy and national security will match up well with the unique challenges of the 21st Century. An Obama-Biden ticket is a very impressive and strong team. Biden’s selection is good news for Obama and America.”
Me too, MS. I felt great relief at this news, because the Clinton speculation was starting to scare me.
I like Joe because he’s not afraid to say the fucking maverick lost four multi-million dollar airplanes, lives in eight houses, and employs god knows how many aides to help him remember what he thinks about things.
i think you see a kindred spirit in biden…..ballsy and confident….imperfect…..i think a lot of people in america will relate to him…..i think that was one of john mccains strengths….his humorous attitude you saw on the daily show made him seem like a nice old man you could hang with…..of course it was an illusion as it all is….whomever creates the most effective illusion wins.
nice to see ya maryscoot:)
on August 23, 2008 at 12:01 pm
Biden is a great choice. He brings balance to the ticket. He brings the conventional look of the WASC to the ticket, to balance Obama’s BK look. He is very good on the stump. He is smart and quick. He is a statesman, and is a heavyweight on policy.
Good choice, Obama. Another excellent result from a test.
I think he is a safe pick and unfortunately fills the needed role of a white male on this ticket. My first pick was the KS Governor but I do not think some of the public or the corporate media could handle 2 barriers broken down at once. Biden will not rock the boat of the DC establishment.
I think Biden will be a great attack dog and he can away with more things because of his mouth diarrhea reputation. Kind of the reverse effect of McCain’s screw ups on foreign policy being overlooked. “That is Biden just being Biden.” I like that.
Biden’s pick will force McCain’s hand away from Romney because of the elitist rich factor.
One thing about this choice to bring everyone back to earth is that I highly doubt Obama will allow Biden the free reign of power that W provided Cheney. Biden will be a good adviser and I agree him leaving the Senate opens up leadership spots for other Obama allies.
There’s been some speculation — part of it from me — that Biden will be a one-term VP. He’s getting up there in years and would be something like 73 in 2016. Having Biden help get the country on-course and then picking someone like Schweitzer or Sebelius to follow him in 2012, setting them up for a White House run of their own, would seem to be smart (to limited information me anyway).
But that’s long term strategy — something that’s important to consider, but the goal here and now is to win an election.
Amazing the amount of ageism I am seeing in regard to Biden! Chronological age is not the issue, folks. What matters is not how old a person is but their physical and mental condition, and their attitudes about themselves and the world. There are 80 year olds who are more with it than some 50 year olds.
I am not a fan of Biden’s because I don’t think he is all that hot on the things that matter to me (like, he thinks he knows something about Iraq when he clearly doesn’t). However, his age is simply not an issue and should not be.
The more I think about it, the more I like it. Biden is an extremely effective attack dog. Instead of responding to GOP attacks with reason and wounded dignity, he openly mocks them (noun + verb + 9/11), plus, he’s sharp as heck on the issues. The power of ridicule has been under-used by the Dems. McCain’s mock-worthy posturing is in for a barrage of ridicule, I hope.
I didn’t have enough information to come up with anything useful or brilliant to say about the VP pick, so I left it to others. And I’m afraid about all I knew about Biden was that the horrible bankruptcy/credit card bill was his baby. Understandable, since Delaware is owned and operated by banks, but still not palatable.
I still don’t know much about Biden, but I read a diary this morning Over There about Biden’s support for Amtrak, and that makes me feel a bit better. The fact that so many other people think Biden is a good pick makes me feel a bit better too.
I’ll wait to see what happens in the next few weeks.
i think it was a strategic big penis move….obama can be very effeminate…..skinny, refined, nurturing, quiet etc…..biden has balls…..its a perfect fit…it also means in 8 years if everything goes well and nobody gets assasinated we will be looking for a brand new dem candidate….biden will be too old and doesnt he have brain tumor issues or something? so let me be the first to say;
These Video clips tell ALL
provided by Huffpost, a repost b/c they’re so good.
verbosity? what verbosity…
best one-liner of all the primary debates.
Let’s see. An oldtime DC insider who voted for the Iraq War, is a self-declared Zionist, and has said he would be honored to run with McCain.
Hope, change, “Yes We Can.” Repeat as necessary ad nauseam.
I’m not disappointed. I gave up on America years ago.
hello, Sirocco. It’s good to see you again.
keep on digging for all the negatives so you’re blinded to the positive.
Is McWar preferable?
Watch those videos upthread.
I go with Biden because he recognizes that for the foreseeable future the greatest threat facing us is Pakistan. He’ll bring sanity to our foreign policy..he does not see the need to attack Iran…he’ll get us out of Iraq.. He voted for Iraq b/c we got lied into that mire.
The biggest threat facing you is Pakistan? PAKISTAN?!
Why must Americans always see a threat somewhere? When will Americans ever put these things into some reasonable perspective? When will Americans ever stop needing a threat? When will Americans decide to simply take their place as a member of the community of nations and start acting like a normal country that does not need to create enemies and threats?
In fact, the biggest threat facing you is yourselves and your politicians.
Wait, you’ll see.
Pakistan is a failed state with nukes and ready to blow. You ain’t see nothing yet.And not just my humble opinion.
Af/Pak is Taliban-AQ. Kabul is now encircled. And in Islamabad, “the Pakistani military is the real terrorist nexus with the Taliban and al-Qaeda. We’ve funded billions and nothing has changed.
So it is not just a question of needng bogeymen. We stirred up the hornets that were quietly in their caves. Now we need to face the consequences of our action.
Yeah, I’ll see. I’ll see on my next trip to Pakistan, which hopefully will be in a few months.
United States politicians are perpetual Chicken Littles. None of them questions whether the sky is falling. The only argument is over the identity of the culprit du jour that is causing the sky to fall. They need a threat. If it is not the evil Communists, it is the evil Muslims. If it is not Iraq, then it is Iran, and if it is not Iran, it is Pakistan – or is it Russia? Or China? Or some as yet unnamed existential threat? And in the meantime, those who are in touch with reality are shuffled off to the alternative media never to be heard from except by people who already understand the reality.
And by the way, to the extent that Pakistan IS in trouble, the United States bears enormous responsibility. By keeping in power a military dictator who deposed a democratically elected government (so much for the notion of spreading democracy), and whose disapproval ratings were higher than Bush’s, the have denied the Pakistani people everything the United States claims to stand for.
Hey Sirocco, very happy to see you here. Hope you are doing well.
Giv’em some slack; media brainwash, bread and circus has ensured a compliant public.
A slow, step-by-step approach maaay work while letting the repubs continue will be absolute disaster [much worse than what will come in any case]. I’m with Arthur (Gilroy) on this one.
Nå – hvordan går det?
Hei! Så ikke dette før nå. Joda, det går bra, men jeg blir stadig mer kynisk og oppgitt når det gjelder politikk. Har mest gått over til å drive med musikk — en mer oppløftende fritidsinteresse. Snakkes!
How do you really feel about Joe? I can’t tell.
How have you been, anyway? You know how I feel?
Fired Up! Ready to Go!
Obama/Biden. O’Biden. Dammit, let’s win this thing.
But then, I’ve know Joe longer…
Sen. CHuck Hagel endorses the Obama-Biden ticket
Steve Clemons on Biden’s wife, Jill: Wait Til America Gets to Know Jill Biden
Me too, MS. I felt great relief at this news, because the Clinton speculation was starting to scare me.
I like Joe because he’s not afraid to say the fucking maverick lost four multi-million dollar airplanes, lives in eight houses, and employs god knows how many aides to help him remember what he thinks about things.
Now I’m looking forward to this fall.
i think you see a kindred spirit in biden…..ballsy and confident….imperfect…..i think a lot of people in america will relate to him…..i think that was one of john mccains strengths….his humorous attitude you saw on the daily show made him seem like a nice old man you could hang with…..of course it was an illusion as it all is….whomever creates the most effective illusion wins.
nice to see ya maryscoot:)
Biden is a great choice. He brings balance to the ticket. He brings the conventional look of the WASC to the ticket, to balance Obama’s BK look. He is very good on the stump. He is smart and quick. He is a statesman, and is a heavyweight on policy.
Good choice, Obama. Another excellent result from a test.
I think he is a safe pick and unfortunately fills the needed role of a white male on this ticket. My first pick was the KS Governor but I do not think some of the public or the corporate media could handle 2 barriers broken down at once. Biden will not rock the boat of the DC establishment.
I think Biden will be a great attack dog and he can away with more things because of his mouth diarrhea reputation. Kind of the reverse effect of McCain’s screw ups on foreign policy being overlooked. “That is Biden just being Biden.” I like that.
Biden’s pick will force McCain’s hand away from Romney because of the elitist rich factor.
One thing about this choice to bring everyone back to earth is that I highly doubt Obama will allow Biden the free reign of power that W provided Cheney. Biden will be a good adviser and I agree him leaving the Senate opens up leadership spots for other Obama allies.
Obama/Biden 08! It is ON!
There’s been some speculation — part of it from me
— that Biden will be a one-term VP. He’s getting up there in years and would be something like 73 in 2016. Having Biden help get the country on-course and then picking someone like Schweitzer or Sebelius to follow him in 2012, setting them up for a White House run of their own, would seem to be smart (to limited information me anyway).
But that’s long term strategy — something that’s important to consider, but the goal here and now is to win an election.
Amazing the amount of ageism I am seeing in regard to Biden! Chronological age is not the issue, folks. What matters is not how old a person is but their physical and mental condition, and their attitudes about themselves and the world. There are 80 year olds who are more with it than some 50 year olds.
I am not a fan of Biden’s because I don’t think he is all that hot on the things that matter to me (like, he thinks he knows something about Iraq when he clearly doesn’t). However, his age is simply not an issue and should not be.
If some of his “gaffes” are really just attacking McCain and pointing out uncomfortable truths, then let’s have some gaffes..
He will be a formidable attack dog. Just what we need right now..
The more I think about it, the more I like it. Biden is an extremely effective attack dog. Instead of responding to GOP attacks with reason and wounded dignity, he openly mocks them (noun + verb + 9/11), plus, he’s sharp as heck on the issues. The power of ridicule has been under-used by the Dems. McCain’s mock-worthy posturing is in for a barrage of ridicule, I hope.
I didn’t have enough information to come up with anything useful or brilliant to say about the VP pick, so I left it to others. And I’m afraid about all I knew about Biden was that the horrible bankruptcy/credit card bill was his baby. Understandable, since Delaware is owned and operated by banks, but still not palatable.
I still don’t know much about Biden, but I read a diary this morning Over There about Biden’s support for Amtrak, and that makes me feel a bit better. The fact that so many other people think Biden is a good pick makes me feel a bit better too.
I’ll wait to see what happens in the next few weeks.
i think it was a strategic big penis move….obama can be very effeminate…..skinny, refined, nurturing, quiet etc…..biden has balls…..its a perfect fit…it also means in 8 years if everything goes well and nobody gets assasinated we will be looking for a brand new dem candidate….biden will be too old and doesnt he have brain tumor issues or something? so let me be the first to say;
i think we have a NUTTER FOR PRESIDENT in ’08. His name in John McCain.
you know what a nutter is right?
we could play on these words all day and have too much fun