Live-blog the Springfield appearance.
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
Doug Schoen (Mark Penn’s polling partner) was just on FOX News explaining why Biden is no help whatsoever. Is FOX now a full-time channel for petulant Clintonites on the outs?
(This has been another edition of Simple Answer to Simple Questions.)
According to C-SPan schedule they’ll provide coverage of the OBAMA-BIDEN RALLY IN Springfield today 3pm ET:
On C-Span Live Stream
The kitchen table is good…
“McCain’s only problem is figuring which of the seven kitchen tables he should sit at”
Oh, boy, the gloves, they are a-slippin’ off.
that was a good line.
Yes, very good line. More, please.
Unexpected, yet totally Biden.
A very good Bidenism.
Yeah the Clinton mouthpieces sure do flock to Fox News really fast. I did read at Digby’s blog that Fox news today was talking about Biden’s “compound” and “SUV’s” at his house. Hilarious!!
The 7 kitchen tables zinger by Biden was AWESOME!!
Biden sounds pretty good – and fired up. We could use a bit more energy heading into the convention and the next two months. I think this is a good pairing.
Because Obama’s been sounding really tired lately, so Biden (or anyone else who would have been chosen) adds a fresh voice to the campaign.
more than a good soldier —poor John McCain…he’s hung to Bush
Someone at dKos came up with a good one for Biden: The Take-No-Shit Express.
McCain may now be rethinking his VP pick.
Whoever his pick…The campaigning and VP debate will make a run on popcorn.
Order up and enjoy.
time for a new lottery?
l think romney just got the deep six, if he was ever seriously in the mix, and LIEberman’s odds just got better.
l’m going with k. bailey hutchison.
southern strategy ala nixon, rove, etal. go for the PUMA vote: if they’re serious…and real…it makes a lot of sense.
makes lots of sense, Hutchison to syphon away all those “HRC” women supporters.
We’ll see. Come September into October expect more economic pain at the food basket. To help out, Big Oil will manip down the price of crude and gas to $3.50 gallon but not very helpful as foreclosures rise and banks, ompanies go bust.
The politicos want to follow Rove’s lead (although Rove isn’t the genius he thinks he is), and choosing Hutchison will carve out a segment of women voters. He might even choose Clinton. She WAS a Goldwater Republican, and IS a member of The Family. It won’t do anything for women’s rights, but there are a lot of women like Phyllis Schaffly who have sapped our strength.
If this action is taken, the media will continue to declare the race close, and Penn’s pollsters will provide Rove smoke and gas. Within 5 points at the supposed polls, and he can swing the voting machines undetected. Too large a gap in the polls and no amount of cheating will win the election.
However, the money men still own the Republican Party… and their only real principle is that the rich get richer. They are quite successful at increasing their own wealth at the expense of the nation. The hidden old time money that went underground after the new financial disclosure laws went into effect? Those guys support Romney. Just look at who invested in real estate via partnerships and REITs, and where they built. Utah. They want a significant return on their investment.
There is a third option, though, from another player in the game. JEB. The team behind the Project for a New American Century are desperate to establish their imperial dynasty, and might not want to wait for George P. Bush to get fully groomed. How patient are they?
McCain won’t last much beyond his inaugural speech if elected. The honor, the library, the salute, the retirement benefits are all dessert. He doesn’t want to actually work. (How much time has he actually spent in Congress the last 2 years?) He’d follow Bush’s lead and let a Cheneyesque vp run the government for him.
If I was to bet on this… I’d say JEB.
It will be the only choice that will get Cheney to voluntarily leave his bunker under the Naval Observatory.
These 2 guys are street fighters!!
how do i make delaware dem my bitch?
chocolate dipped bugles served on a nice set of DDDs?
i need answers before my next nap
I liked the part where he said his wife is drop-dead gorgeous.
It was weird and only brought to mind McCain’s offering of his wife in the wet t-shirt contest…great, now I need brain bleach, AGAIN.
Aw, he was stumbling. I thought it was clever. Plus, it’s not like he was pimping her out like McCain did to Cindy.
It was classic Joey. He wasn’t offering his wife up to the crowd.
C’mon — it was just a human moment of the kind that will warm up the rather cool and distant Obama persona. I didn’t see it before, but I think now that Biden was the only choice. He’s precisely what Obama needed. I’m looking at an Obama/Biden blowout in November. Happy days are here again.
Neither of them were at their rhetorical best today. But its not where you start its where you finish. Better then when Biden started his own campaign. I was on pins and needles through both speeches. Any gaffe is instantly transmitted around the web and the world over and over. Running against McCain does helps put me at ease. 😉
How so? Maybe I’m having a serotonin rush or something, but I saw them absolutely kneecapping McCain. I don’t see where McCain’s going to find any ground to stand on from now to November. And I thought Biden’s presence seemed to bring Obama back up to the high energy levels that have been diminishing lately.
I’m ecstatic over this team so I watch with an overly critical eye. I’ve been waiting to go after McCain and his sleaze ball rich guy party forever. Obama has to win this election. I’m on edge ALLRIGHT!!! 🙂
I live in Springfield and just returned from the rally. Although it was unbearably hot, there was a good crowd and they were fired up about Biden. The amazing thing to me was the diversity of the crowd, especially the number of seniors and, dare I say, older white men. There were Obama organizers on every street corner, asking people to sign up for e-mails, etc. If this is evidence of his ground game, it’s pretty impressive.