I’ll give McCain a little credit for taking the high road. His handlers must be tearing their hair out.

(CBS) In an interview with CBS Evening News anchor Katie Couric Saturday at his home in Sedona, Ariz., presumptive GOP nominee John McCain had kind words for Sen. Joe Biden, who last night was named presumptive Democratic nominee Barack Obama’s running mate.

“I think he’s a good selection,” McCain told Couric of Biden. “Joe and I have been friends for many, many years, and we know each other very well, and so I think he’s made a very wise selection.”

Saying something gracious and true when it is not to your political advantage is far too rare these days. I’ll give McCain props for resisting the urge to slam his old friend. This is particularly true because there is no way that Joe Biden is going to return the favor.

And whatever they might say later, criticizing Obama for making a wise pick for vice-president just isn’t very convincing. They’ll say that the ticket should be flipped, with Biden on top. But that’s a far cry from a real hard-hitting critique. Is Obama wise or not wise? McCain has already weighed in.