This one’s going to be short because there was so little work that needed to be done from where I left off last week to get to completion.

Once again, I want to point to Boran2’s Saturday Painting Palooza as what inspired me to post these last few weeks. He’s always been gracious in encouraging others here to give a look at the works they create. There are some beautiful photographs added on to his posts the last couple of weeks. You should take a peek…  
Last week I was nearly finished, having pretty much completed both sets of flames. The only thing left to be done was to clean up any eff ups and clear it all over.
Here’s where I was…

Remember how I thought that there was little to define the outer, black flame because it was the same color as the body of the truck? Well, the more I looked at it and the more I looked at the picture I’d been given, the more I wanted to do something to highlight this outer flame more.
Here’s another look at the picture I was given…

You see how it’s kind of hard to tell what the hell is what? The purple stripe I used on my work was thicker than the work in the picture and that helped a little to give it more definition, but it wasn’t enough for my liking. So, I decided to airbrush a light highlight onto the outer flame to give it more of a contrast from the flame underneath, and which also seved to better enhance the 3D quality of the entire deal.

Here I’ve run a white line around all of the upper, or sunlight catching edges…

You can see it here, too…

Btw, can you pick out the uninteded, sort of anatomical element I ended up with in the above picture? :o)

Now the work with colors is finally complete. The only thing left to do is dump a bunch more clear on top of it, wet sand it, and polish it to a high gloss.

Here are a few pictures of how it looked with the final clear coats on it, with a couple at the end of it finished and put back together.
The owner is intending on buying a set of oversize, custom chrome wheels and tires that will really finish the job off and compliment the work I’ve done…

Again, can you make out the feature at the front of the fender? I think it’s pretty cool that I ended up with a nifty looking “eye” when it happened completely by accident :o)…

Here’s a closeup. It looks nice, doesn’t it?…

Thanks so much for hanging out each week and following me through this. I had a lot of fun writing these up and sharing what I do :o)

I don’t know when my next interesting job will come along, but I’ll definetily share it when it does come.
In the meantime I’m more and more intrigued by Tampopo’s idea of painting images onto venetian blinds :o) You could actually do two images, in open and closed positions that might give an illusion of movement when opened and closed. What a cool and unique idea! :o)
