Peggy Noonan is a fucking tool

Peggy Noonan appeared on “Morning Joe” this morning on MSNBC and told us all that Obama’s mile-high speech didn’t soar, it was tired rhetoric and that no one would remember anything he said six months from now.

Never mind what you saw and heard. Never mind that liberal elites like Pat Buchanan and Bill Kristol and Mike Murphey said it was an amazing speech, strong, filled with specifics, unifying, calling all of us to our better selves.

Then she went even further and mocked democrats and liberals and our struggling single mothers with our “two-headed kids that we can use for a bowling ball…” I couldn’t hear the rest because Mika and Joe were laughing their asses off at how clever and funny Noonan was.

I hope this video gets played over and over and over again so that everyone can see exactly how ugly the Republicans have become.  I have never witnessed such raw contempt in my life.  She thought she was clever as hell. LOL Peggy Noonan!