I think at this point it is appropriate to start a Thomas Eagleton watch. In other words, how long will it be before elected Republican officials that are facing reelection in November panic? How long before they panic and tell John McCain that he is not going to keep Sarah Palin on the ticket and drag them down with the ship?
Palin is lawyering up in the Troopergate scandal. MSNBC is reporting that Republicans are up in Alaska vetting her anew:
It was an open secret in Wasilla that her daughter was pregnant but almost no one (if anyone) on McCain’s staff knew about it.
Her husband was once arrested for DUI.
Palin was the director of indicted Senator Ted Steven’s 527.
She lied about opposing the bridge to nowhere.
Add all of this to the fact that she has no experience. It can’t be long before panic sets in and Sarah Palin follows the path of Thomas Eagleton. She’s Thomas Eagleton on steroids.
What are the odds Palin will turn down the nomination in the next day or two due to “family reasons”, BooMan?
I think she sticks it out, while they play the blame the librul media card. Besides McCain is a stubborn asshole. Who on his staff is gonna tell him he can’t have the beauty queen on the ticket?
McCain met her once. left the vetting to Schmidt.
McClatchy News
Hmm. Well, that theory certainly has merit, as expected the Grover Norquist arm of GOP is now solidly behind her 100%.
Abstinence? What’s that? They’re more than willing to overlook that in Palin’s case if it means they can use Sarah Palin’s story to convince swing voters to end sex education in school, end a woman’s control over her own body, transfer as much of the country’s wealth to the people with nine figure bank accounts and finish off the dying invalid body of civil liberties.
What’s a little hypocrisy when the fate of the country’s at stake?
They like it because it means that Palin’s daughter is accepting her “punishment” for having sex, the child.
Oh BooMan — just admit you’re a misogynistic sexist who thirsts for the blood of poor innocent fetuses every full moon. Like all the rest of us nasty leftists bloggers, you’re just a hater.
my first comment was 2 weeks..i doubt she makes it that far.
Really, the only thing that would sink her is if it came to light she had an abortion. Bush had DUI’s. McCain was a crook during the Keating Five scandal selling his office for campaign contributions. Bill Clinton was a notorious womanizer. None of them was disqualified from running.
Eagleton was kicked off the ticket because of evidence of prior mental illness at a time when 90% of people thought that meant you had a weak character, a weak mind and was likely to go on a killing spree at the drop of a pin.
I don’t see Palin getting kicked off the ticket unless McCain decides she has to go, and I think he’s too stubborn to admit he made a mistake.
Palin is the $10 million dollar woman – that the haul since she was announced to the VP slot.
Rich fundies love her.
Well…the standard response seems to be: double down! So, never. Admitting mistakes (even implicitly) isn’t in their repertoire.
Palin is now just being vetted: via TPM
This is turning into an ugly disaster. I’ve got to say that I still believe Palin is going to withdraw for the good of the country.
your short memory is showing. These guys don’t cave for anyone. the last 8 years No?
A reckless President. Just what we need to deal with nuclear-armed states like Russia, Pakistan, and North Korea.
Destroying evidence and intimidating (and perhaps bribing) witnesses.
In the past few days, I’ve had some superficial fun regarding Gov. Palin’s looks and how much I like them.
But with each passing hour, with more news breaking, that fun has turned to pure outrage at how unqualified she is and how cynical John McCain is in making this pick.
After the grand slam of Barack Obama’s speech last Thursday, where he punched out every single criticism of his with seriousness and strength, we now have Gov. Palin and her fucked-up world taking up the spotlight.
It’s goddamned criminal that, with all the problems we have right now, this grossly unqualified “candidate” is the talk of the town. Even worse, some of the polls show that people think she’s qualified? Hello? Are you brain-dead?
Does no one outside of the left see what’s going on?
I still think that her hairstyle is the real danger to her candidacy.
No. I love her hair. I love her glasses. I love how she looked in the blue suit on announcement day. It’s the corruption and backwards mind underneath that I have deeply entrenched problems with.
Bill Maher says he wonders if Americans are too dumb to sustain a democracy. This election will be the final exam.
In my moribund moments, I think the movie Idiocracy is too optimistic.
Wait for the “I’m behind her 1000 percent” before you make the serious wagers, man. 🙂
I think she’ll be off the ticket very soon. Sadly, this will be blamed on bloggers going after her daughter’s pregnancy rather than the real cause, which is AIP. The Republicans can’t have a woman on the ticket who once advocated the secession of Alaska from the union.
Yet we’ll turn out to be the bad guys in the eyes of many because a few bloggers and Kos diarists and commenters couldn’t respect this family’s privacy.
Puts FISA in a new light doesn’t it?
Really? I don’t know. I saw that too, but in her video to AIP she talks in typical conservative language. It’s reasonable to argue she was just reaching out to potentially like minded voters.
If she goes down it’s because she’s not qualified as seen as a pander to women.
But I’m not sure she will go down. I’d still put the odds in favor of her sticking on because to get rid of her would be a concession of bad judgment–which would be just as bad if not worse than keeping her on.
Why not? Most of them are closet Confederates.
A party which, apparently, was fomenting armed insurrection against the United States of America. A party whose platform is apparently treason.
She signed the membership card.
Can you post evidence and further information?
I was just going to ask myself.
I searched around for any reference to a threat of armed insurrection by the Alaskan Independence Party but found none. It’s not in any of their articles either. It’s extremely conservative but so far as I can find not threating “treason”.
OK, for the good of whatever, Bristol is going to be married in a short time.
Did Bristol agree to this? What about that young fellow who is involved?
Is actually young?
Maybe this is the flip side of the guy everyone wants to have a beer with. She’s the woman a lot could identify with (albeit on the trashier side), unimpressive husband, pregnant teenage daughter, trying to rise above her circumstance, still believin in the redemptive power of the Good Lord.
Please, please, let her stick it out for a few more days. It is truly, hilariously, tragically compelling to watch this train wreck unfold. I mean, it couldn’t have been scripted better– or worse. Hilarious line from James Carville just now on Larry King: “This pregnancy shouldn’t be an issue. It has nothing to do with how inexperienced and unprepared Sarah Palin is to be vice-president.” Which is true. But what kind of cold-blooded bitch (sorry) accepts the nomination in full knowledge that it will expose her pregnant daughter to this kind of scrutiny? What about, “Thank you, Senator, I’m very flattered that you would consider me, but my family comes first for me and there are some circumstances that make it impossible for me to accept your offer to join the ticket.”
the McCain campaign is now saying that Sarah Palin is “Commander in Chief” of the Alaska National Guard that is fighting in Iraq. General Palin to the rescue!!! mooseburgers for the the warriors, of course.
The delay of the convention is supposedly to show concern over Gustav, but may well signal a rebellion in the GOP ranks over a non-vetted VP, and an attempt to replace at least on person on the ticket. don’t be surprised if Palin withdraws in order to go home and “care” for her daughter.
I still think she was picked for maximum elbow-throwing and kneecapping potential… With the whole campaign ready to feign Shock and Outrage that anyone could [fill in exaggerated accusation here].
If you saw the CNN interview where (shock!) the interviewer actually does her job, a very polite and gentle request for an example (of a decision made by Palin) goes unanswered, and the McCain spokesbot I mean person is already on the preemptive-guilt attack, something about “belittling” all of the Governor’s decisions by asking to hear about one of them! That word must be on their talking points.
ugh. We need to call ’em out on this — I forget what it’s called in basketball, when you throw yourself to the ground when the refs are busy to make the other team get a foul.
video at this link (below), headline:
I just saw McCain spokesman Tucker Bounds on CNN “
“Gaming the ref”, is what I have called it..