I think the appropriate word for this convention is ‘listless’. It has no list. It needs more than a little Joementum. Perhaps Fred Thompson can lead a group nap.
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
we need a drinking game
every time you see a person of color in the crowd at the RNC you take a drink. and if you see 2 sitting together you get a bong hit.
guaranteed no one will ever get drunk playing that game.
Yup. Nothing like the JoBama convention.
Jeez, Booman, I guess you missed the Christianist singer. That girl really rocked! And Republicans jiving! The floor is on fire!
Does anybody know where I can listen to the GOP Convention?
I went to CSPAN but all I’m getting is a re-run of Ozzie and Harriet Do Quaaludes
No. That is the GOP convention.
pacifica radio…use the “live stream #2”
the progressive view.
I hope that is the last speech I ever see Bush deliver.
That was a speech? Cindy looks like she want to jump from the balcony.
I think it’s listing quite nicely; I’m just waiting for it to capsize in the harbor. Go, Fred!
Listing like a drunk elephant.
OK, this I gotta see.
(turns on TV)
(attempts to listen to Grandpa Fred)
(wakes up)
(turns off TV)
No I don’t.
Oh wait, he did say something I agree with. He said that being a POW does not qualify anybody to be President. I think we can all agree on that.
You guys are watching it? Wow, I am impressed. You have far more fortitude than I do.
Let me know how it all turns out.
Some of it is funny…the place seems somewhat empty, and the crowd is so…flaccid.
I noticed something else about them, but I can’t put my finger on it. They’re all so……what’s that word…WHITE.
And they definitely skew to the higher end of the age range. Did they eat their young?
The traitor Lieberman called 9/11 a “natural disaster” but then corrected himself.
…for this picture of the upper-rafters convention audience at Wonkette.
This was the funniest thread I’ve read here. Not quite selling me to go back and watch the pieces i missed.