And by base I mean the mainstream media. They are coming to Johnny Mac’s rescue to save poor beleaguered Sarah Palin from the likes of that bitchy mean old liberal CNN reporter, Campbell Brown and hateful liberal blogger nutcases like yours truly. Think I’m crazy? Well then take a perusal of some of the mainstream outlets this morning to see what they are saying about the Palin nomination. In general, they are giving it a pro-Republican spin, folks. McCain’s “base” is carrying his water for him once again. Here’s a good example from the The Boston Globe this morning about what a great choice she is to be one heartbeat away from the Presidency:
Palin provides a striking alternative
VP pick defies archetypes of women in politics
… Sarah Palin, the Republican governor of Alaska and John McCain’s unexpected choice for vice president, represents a striking alternative to the female archetypes that have long dominated American politics. She is a sharp departure from traditional Republican wives such as librarian Laura Bush and heiress Cindy McCain, but she is also very different from the Democrats’ pair of urbane working mothers, Hillary Clinton and Michelle Obama, who are strongly identified with the pro-abortion rights feminist movement.
For some conservative women, Palin’s sudden arrival at the pinnacle of American politics is both welcome and long overdue.
“It’s so great to have a strong female role model,” said Emily Zanotti, a 26-year-old conservative political strategist from Chicago who writes the political blog American Princess. “We don’t really belong anywhere, women like me. In the Republican Party we’re not really welcomed because we don’t fit the traditional model, and we’re not welcomed by the Democrats because we’re pro-life.” […]
And after decades of hearing women who favor abortion rights argue that the male-dominated Republican Party could not possibly understand the plight of women facing an unwanted pregnancy and have no business regulating abortion, women who oppose abortion say Palin is a living validation of their point of view.
Yep, she’s all pro-life mavericky goodness. A point of view supported by Clive Crook (that really is his name) at The Atlantic who thinks Palin was a great choice for McCain, pregnant teenage daughter or no:
I was unsure how the pregnancy of Sarah Palin’s daughter would affect social conservatives’ view of the governor’s nomination for VP, but they seem to be taking it in their stride. If anything they are seeing it as a positive–more proof that Mrs Palin is a good and supportive mother. At any rate, they say, it is nobody’s business but the family’s.
The other good news for the McCain campaign is that many Democrats are mishandling the issue as badly as they mishandled the nomination in the first place. There is a tone of exultation over the Palin family’s difficulties that will strike many centrists, and decent people regardless of ideology, as repellent. Again, to his enormous credit, Obama himself was the exception. What a class act he is. He reminded reporters that he is the son of an unmarried mother, said the families of candidates and especially their children should be off-limits, and told the press to drop the story. It won’t of course: it will mine it for all it is worth. But Obama said the right thing and gave every sign of meaning it.
Yes, Democrats (and the liberal media — Crook goes on to tear Campbell Brown of CNN a new one for daring to question the choice) are so mean spirited about poor Governor Palin. What great news for John McCain!
Here’s the AP chiming in with more McCain talking points about how “honest” and forthright Palin was, and how she really was vetted before she was chosen:
ST. PAUL, Minn. (AP) — Sarah Palin voluntarily told John McCain’s campaign about her pregnant teenage daughter and her husband’s 2-decade-old DUI arrest during questioning as part of the Republican’s vice presidential search, the lawyer who conducted the background review said.
The Alaska governor also greatly detailed the dismissal of the state’s public safety commissioner that has touched off a legislative investigation, Arthur B. Culvahouse Jr. told The Associated Press in an interview Monday.
Palin underwent a “full and complete” background examination before McCain chose her as his running mate, Culvahouse said. Asked whether everything that came up as a possible red flag during the review already has been made public, he said: “I think so. Yah, I think so. Correct.”
Yep, full and complete vetting. No question about it. Hey, rube, wanna buy a bridge in Ketchikan, Alaska? I can get it for you cheap!
And what about our good friends at the New York Times? Well here’s their very own cuddly conservative David Brooks to tell us all what to feel about the Palin choice:
John McCain is not a normal conservative. He has instincts, but few abstract convictions about the proper size of government. He’s a traditionalist, but is not energized by the social conservative agenda. As Rush Limbaugh understands, but the Democrats apparently do not, a McCain administration would not be like a Bush administration. […]
The main axis in McCain’s worldview is not left-right. It’s public service versus narrow self-interest. Throughout his career, he has been drawn to those crusades that enabled him to launch frontal attacks on the concentrated powers of selfishness — whether it was the big money donors who exploited the loose campaign finance system, the earmark specialists in Congress like Alaska’s Don Young and Ted Stevens, the corrupt Pentagon contractors or Jack Abramoff.
. . . . Like McCain, Palin does not seem to have an explicit governing philosophy. Her background is socially conservative, but she has not pushed that as governor of Alaska. She seems to find it easier to work with liberal Democrats than the mandarins in her own party.
Instead, she seems to get up in the morning to root out corruption. McCain was meeting a woman who risked her career taking on the corrupt Republican establishment in her own state, who twice defeated the oil companies, who made mortal enemies of the two people McCain has always held up as the carriers of the pork-barrel disease: Young and Stevens.
Many people are conditioned by their life experiences to see this choice of a running mate through the prism of identity politics, but that’s the wrong frame. Sarah Barracuda was picked because she lit up every pattern in McCain’s brain, because she seems so much like himself.
The Palin pick allows McCain to run the way he wants to — not as the old goat running against the fresh upstart, but as the crusader for virtue against the forces of selfishness. It allows him to make cleaning out the Augean stables of Washington the major issue of his campaign.
Isn’t that great! Palin is just like McCain, only younger and with good female Christian ovaries. If she could have been a POW I’m sure she would have. The Fundies love her, she fights corruption, she hunts and fishes for real (not like that windsurfing French guy or Hillary), and she’s got the Commander in Chief experience Obama never has had.
So what does this mean to me? Palin will stay the GOP’s Veep nominee. To borrow Arthur Gilroy’s signature line: Bet on it.
Posted last night at
Traitorious, or something like that.
These people are like 11-yr olds. And Arianna Huffington sympathizing with them? OMG.
If you have no case as an attorney, if your client is guilty as hell on the facts and the law, what do you do?
I’ll spell it out for you:
You pound the table with your shoe. You object to everything. You rail against injustice. You throw as much bs against the wall as you can to confuse the jury.
We are the jury, all of us who vote. The GOP wants to rig that jury vote, and if they can’t do that they want to distract the jurors from the truth. How doyou do that? You blame someone who has nothing to do with what your client has done. in this case, the Republicans are scapegoating liberal bloggers. It’s an old tried and true tactic. That’s why they are arresting journalists like Democracy Now’s Amy Goodman and doing pre-emptive raids against kids in the Twin Cities. That’s why they whined about Obama’s patriotism. They have no facts to support their cause. So, they will pull crap like this.
Yes, those are the words, those are the tactics of distraction, obfuscation, and casting guilt aside and playing the “blame game.”
Borrowed this from somewhere else, but there is plenty of solid reasons to rip her to shreds, no need to go to the gutter.
Here’s the list off the top of my head…
-Troopergate (Abuse of Power)
-Bristol Baby (it’s a cheap shot, but is relevant when poking at the Abstinence plan, and for rubbing an unwed teen mother under the noses of religious fundies)
-Bridge to Nowhere (For it before against it, campaigned for it no less)
-Membership in AIP (secession is one of the acceptable routes for this group, not the only route I’ll admit, but Alaska always first?)
-Various Gaffes/Errors (Pledge of Allegiance/VP does wut?)
-Ted Steven’s PAC
I’ll also throw this in there too.
Matanuska Maid was a failing, state-run dairy that had lost about $600,000 over two years when the state Creamery Board finally decided to shut it down in the spring of 2007.
Sarah Palin felt so strongly that Matanuska Maid should continue operating that she fired the entire state Board of Agriculture and Conservation, which appoints the Creamery Board, just to install new members who would reverse the Creamery Board’s decision and keep Matanuska Maid alive.
TPM Dairygate
So what?
The press will soon start running the dominant narrative that the press itself and the Democrats and nasty bloggers on the left are mean, cruel and unAmerican by beating up on Palin. They’ll be so absorbed with this narrative that no one will ask about this stuff.
Did anyone in 2000 ask about Bush’s AWOL for the National Guard or Cheney’s draft dodging? Or Bush’s drunk driving? Or his incompetence at everything he’d ever done in the private sector except be a figurehead for a baseball team? They had the info on all that stuff, but they were absorbed by all of Al Gore’s “lies” instead.
They’ll ignore Palin’s “blemishes” very quickly. She’s not a Democrat or a liberal after all.
Well, many of us picked up on it; I don’t need validation from the MSM to go ahead and put forth the truth. Thank the Goddess that there were many smaller news outlets that did do the investigations and got the word out, even if it was just among progressives and some Democrats. Don’t let your cynicism get the larger part of you.
Don’t let your cynicism get the larger part of you.
A constant struggle.
Never rid yourself (or us) of that cynicsm, just don’t let it get take you away . . .
“See, in my line of work you got to keep repeating things over and over and over again for the truth to sink in, to kind of catapult the propaganda.” G.W. Bush
Works over there why not over here? The DNC needs to push the issues.
I think for the most part they do. But if no one sees them doing it . . . ?
I just don’t think they push hard enough on the right issues. If it is a big enough story, they will have no other choice but to cover it.
I love Brooks’ column, because it reads like it was written before the pregnancy thing came out.
Everything is good news for John McCain.
And the NYT still ran it! That tells you everything you need to know about the so-called Liberal Media, doesn’t it?
yeah, well that’s no surprise. they also ran what I’m calling “the meltdown column” on Friday, where brooks abandoned any pretense of objectivity or seriousness and pretty much sat in his booster seat and threw his plate of pureed peas at the wall.
And they also published MoDo’s ode to Palin on Sunday, in which it quickly became clear that MoDo is the world’s biggest closet case, and she’s got the hots for McCain’s VP. You could practically hear MoDo’s hitachi magic wand buzzing away in the background.
And certainly before “milkgate!” Anti-corruption indeed. 🙂 🙂
All this detailed nit-picking . . . she’s a trophy, no more.
But WaPo columists are not amused, not at all, especially Eugene Robinson. And this time you can throw in Richard Cohen and Ruth Marcus for good measure.
Guess they lost their invites to the next McCain bar-be-cue at one of those — how many is it up to now? — homes
JohnCindy McCain owns.It’s a war between the Dominionists and the Realists, and it’s splitting the Village apart.
Dominionists vs Realists.
First of all, I find it surprising that anyone would really believe that there was a snowball’s chance in hell that Palin would be removed from the ticket or step down. And for all the apparent stumbles that have happened out of the gate for McCain with this, I believe it is a gamble that may well work out well for him in the end. It energizes the base, is a completely new narrative for the media to work with and it has all the things that they just love to talk about. It has sexism, aspects of misogyny, maverick-ness, teen sex, former beauty queen made good. I have thought from the beginning that after all the initial shock and surprise wore off that the media would embrace her and make her one of the their own lovable figures. Her lack of qualifications don’t mean shit in this case. Only the political junkies and partisans like us care about those things. All the “scandals” that are swirling around her will be disregarded by the people McCain is trying to win over with Palin. She will be the “everymom next door”. The soccer mom who always brings the refreshments. The caring mother who is seeing her teenage daughter through the most difficult time of her life. And hey, did I forget to mention that she hunts?
All McCain’s camp has to do is make people “feel good” about her. Let the party hacks and spokespeople fight the controversies with all the sexist Democrats and liberal blogging hatemongers. Let them work to control the news cycles. The media will be only too happy to comply, as we are now beginning to see.
She will be the ultimate Teflon candidate. If Democrats try to fight this election out by attacking her they will most certainly lose. The Republicans want this to become an argument over Palin. And if history is any indication, many Democrats will be only too glad to comply. Hopefully, the Obama camp realizes this and does not take the bait.
The media will try and stick all of the outrage of the blogosphere on the shoulders of Obama in order to force him to distance himself from all of the allegations surrounding her lack of qualifications, thereby making it seem like they have no merit. They will use the same technique that was used with the Wright controversy. Create distractions, obfuscate and create tangential controversy so your opponent fights the wrong battle.
Are we going to fall for it again? Hey, people elected a President because they thought he would be more fun at a barbecue than his opponent. What makes us think that mentality has changed since 2004?
Yes, I fully expect them to force Obama to disown the netroots, just like he was forced to disown Rev. Wright, his foreign policy advisor, etc.
And the sad part is that he will do it.
I’m not so sure the MSM in on board with them. The MSM is the arm of the corporatocracy. The last thing they want is an unknown product running the country. Palin is not a ‘sure bet’ with them. Sure, she’s sold out, but she doesn’t have deep roots in that constituency. Look at the way David Gergen responds to her. He’s the litmus test, not a hack like Brooks.
I will bet you dollars to dimes that Obama’s people have been putting feelers out to the corporatocracy, to make them feel at ease with an Obama administration. He may be liberal, but he’s not suicidal. He knows where the power lies in this country, and he will not offend it until he has enough of it to stand on his own.
Palin will almost certainly stay, but she is not going to be Ms Teflon.
The MSM is the arm of the corporatocracy. The last thing they want is an unknown product running the country. Palin is not a ‘sure bet’ with them.
Also, there are so many skeletons flying out of the Palin closet until the MSM hasn’t had time to digest it all. Some villagers are beginning to get pissed off about not getting to talk to her.
Don’t be sanguine about this, of course, but consider what the corporatocracy wants and does not want.
I think, though, that one of the problems here is that we are not starting this process with a level playing field. The corporate media have been in the pockets of Republicans for an extremely long time. So out of the gate the advantage is very much with McCain. The onus will be on the Democrats to convince these long time Republican accomplices that either they are better for them or that the Republicans have veered so far off course at this point that they no longer serve their interests. And that is a very tall order. I’m sure Obama is putting out those feelers you talk about. But I think he has a very uphill battle to win them over. He and his people are very good and they may well win the argument in the end. But we’re a long way from having any sense of comfort of a major shift in the allegiance of our corporate media away from the Republicans.
So Palin has a built in advantage just by virtue of her party status. The teflon might well be chipped away over time. But she starts the fight with a very thick coating of it with which to deflect Democrat’s arrows.
off Topic: Well that picture of Romney and Palin is probably we democrats should be glad never happened. Kinda makes you think that is what the RNC wanted instead of McCain.
After watching Traitor Joe Leiberman on appears he was McCain’s first VP choice. So McCain gives the Conservative’s what they want, with a back slap to the face,a woman conservative with a a lot of baggage. Who’s own family contradict the all those Christian Values in the RNP platform, DUI-drunk husband, out-of-control children, who can’t practice abstinence.–I wonder if Bristol, went to a purity ball with her dad? She will probably step aside so he can call on Traitor Joe to be his running mate.