(Crossposted from My Left Wing.)
South Africa SMILES!!!
I did not go there expecting to see what I saw.
I was amazed. Here is a country not even 15 years out of apartheid. A country with huge problems. Crime. Immigration from other, less stable surrounding countries. Rampant poverty. An AIDs epidemic. A huge drug and alcohol problem. Competing ethnicities with centuries of hostile history. An entrenched, largely racist white establishment that still holds most of the money.
And what did I see? Besides ample evidence of all of those things?
I saw this.
Over and over and over and over again.
Read on.
I saw it on the street.
I saw it in the audience. (I was playing at a Johannesburg jazz festival.)
I saw it flashed out of school busses.
From women. From men. From children. From white people AND black people.
Look for smiles on a city street in America.
Smiles like this.
Everyone with whom I dealt, from festival administrators and sound engineers through friends that I made and on down to waiters, waitressess and people working at coffee concessions…all competent, relatively happy and taking care of some serious business on an almost Scandinavian (if a little looser) level.
And party?
Check this out and try to find it in any American city.
A new friend…a fellow musician, a white South African who had been old enough to both understand the evil of apartheid and revel in the joy of its end…had picked me up at my hotel on my one day off and given me a guided sociological tour of the city and its history. He was quite perceptive, and opened my eyes to many things. On the way back to the hotel…I had to be back for a 9:30 PM pickup to go play at 11PM…we hit a really heavy traffic jam. Saturday night on a fine six lane superhighway. (Three in each direction, with big service roads on each side.)
So there we are, talking shop and stuff, surrounded by what appears to be an endless line of cars and a big, long distance-style bus. There’s a lot of music coming out of a lot of cars, and people are beginning to get out to see what’s happening up ahead. We’re not paying much attention. I’m not worried about getting back in time; I’ve still got a couple of hours.
Suddenly out of nowhere a tall young white guy wearing what looked to be a party zebra or cow suit…white with black spots and stripes, little ears, a tail, the works…lopes on by with a shit-eating grin on his face. Like out of a Fellini movie if Fellini was a little sillier. Then people start wandering up and down the line of cars…mostly white, but with all races mixed in…holding beers and laughing. It’s a rugby crowd, and the local team seems to have won. The party is ON!!!
Simultaneously, a black taxi driver gets into a beef with someone…I never quite figured out who…and starts prowling between the cars with what looks like a billy club in his hands and apparent murder in his eyes. I take my seat belt off and prepare to take care of business if I must, but nobody else seems to pay him much mind.
Then several of the male partiers bolt from a car, stand at the edge of the road, drop their pants and start taking an obviously much needed, beer-inspired piss directly at the traffic going the other way, and accompanied by much laughter from any number of cars, bend over and moon the world before they return to their companions. Meanwhile, the runner in the zebra suit is doing his thing, again to many cheers and and an equal number of proffered beers.
This is LOOSE, brethren and sistren.
Harmless, too. All in good nature.
Without any evidence whatsoever of the dreaded Paris Hilton/Boy Band virus that accompanies most such activities when they do happen in the US.
I saw SO MANY evidences of the relative health of the society there.
Relative to this cesspool of a culture, anyway.
The best of all?
We were waiting to get on the return plane. A couple of bands, every race known to man represented. There was a final “security check”, certainly mandated by Homeland Security on incoming US flights. The passengers lined up…a hundred or more… and one young guy was in charge of the questioning. It was like being questioned by a combination of Redd Foxx, Richard Pryor and Dave Chappelle. He had a different act for each person in line, and all were intentionally funny. He knew what bullshit was going on, and he milked it for 30 minutes straight.
This is a very practical country, this South Africa.
Now for a postscript.
Nothing official works well in the US.
But the same spirit that I saw in South Africa is what keeps us going here as well.
So the flight is 16+ hours including a layover in Dakar. I don’t sleep well on planes and that plus the double jetlag of a five day turnaround had me dumbed down to seriously low levels when we finally arrived at JFK at the ungodly hour of 7 AM on Labor Day. I collected my carry-on baggage, deplaned, went through passport security, collected my suitcase, went through customs, stumbled to the AirTrain and eventually settled onto a subway for the long ride to the Bronx. I got as far as Times Square when it finally dawned on my numbnuts brain that my laptop was not in my backpack. I had left it on the plane, in the overhead.
I scrambled out of the subway, hailed a cab and told the driver…Islamic to the core, with some mullah preaching and singing on the radio…to HIT IT!!!
Back to JFK.
No traffic…Labor Day morning, about 9 AM by now…and for 1/2 hour I tried to find someone at JFK to whom I could talk on my cellphone.
Automated runaround lines, and when I did reach human beings, they gave me wrong numbers. Ten or more phone calls, all corporate bullshit.
Back at the JFK terminal. The South African Airways desks are all closed. No planes coming in or leaving until the afternoon. Nobody knows nuthin’. Cops? Nope. Homeboy Security? Nope. Information desk? Nope. They send me to a “Lost and Found” where the guy essentially says “Lost and found? Nope, Not here anymore.” (Subtext? “JUST what I need. You and yer fucking computer. Get lost.”)
Now, I have everything backed up, but stilll….Macs are expensive!!! Plus it would be a month of computer hell before I was up and running well again, and I am in the midst of both a book and a great deal of music writing,
So there I am, 24 hours of little sleep, dejected, dunno what to do…and this little, older black guy dressed all in black with a couple of gold teeth says to me “You a musician, right?” in some sort of Caribbean accent. (I am carrying my instrument on my back.) I think what the hell; I’m gonna be here until I resolve this one way or another, may as well hang. We get to talking; I tell him I play jazz and latin music, he says he’s a trumpet player from Panama; I ask if he knows Victor Paz (A great Panamanian/NYC trumpet player who generously initiated me into the mysteries of latin music when I first started trying to understand what was going on around the clavé upon which it is built.) and I am instantly his good friend.
“Of COURSE I know Vitin!!!” he says, gold teeth lighting up the joint. (There’s that smile again.) We talk for a minute, and I begin to think that he’s not just passing through. Maybe he works here. I ask him if he knows how this terminal operates, and he says “Know it? You BET I know it.” So I describe my predicament to him. He takes my arm and leads me behind a roped-off area to an office that says something about “Incoming Transfers” where several black staffers are goofing on each other in a familial way. They see him and say “Candyman!!! Whatchoo up to!!!???” and he reaches into his pocket and comes out with a couple of handfuls of wrapped hard candies that he gives to everybody. Then he says “My frien’ here has some troubles. I know that you can help him.” and almost magically, he disappears.
A fine woman asks me what’s the matter, and I tell her. She picks up the phone, talks to someone, puts down the phone and says “Mah man gonna go look. Sit tight.”
The phone rings a few minutes later, she says. “He’s got it” very matter-of-factly, interrupts a faux “lover’s quarrel” game of the dozens between a couple of the others in the office and says “Herman…stop that foolishness and go take a little walk to get this man his computer.” Which he does and five minutes later…there’s my computer. I thank them all, tell Herman’s apparent girlfriend that I like her new hairdo…the main subject of the teasing that was going on when I walked in…and once again there are smiles all around. Maybe not quite as innocent as the ones I saw in South Africa…after all, this IS the heart of the Empire… but from the heart nonetheless.
My deskbound saviour then tells me “You were very lucky. The security people searched that plane but they missed it.”
It’s a 17″ silver Mac PowerBook, sitting in plain sight in an overhead fer chrissake!!! I “missed it” because I never leave it out but always put it back in my backpack when I’m on planes. Except this once, half asleep and jetlagged out.
Nothing official worked.
Nobody knew nuthin’ except the Candyman…it turns out he’s a skycap…and a few people doing real work in a little side office. (He was working when I left but I gave one of his friends my business card with a blanket invitation to any gig I’m doing in NYC. I hope to hear from him.)
And I was lucky. Had the Homeboy Security fools found it they probably would have closed the terminal, dragged it out somewhere and blown it up.
And that’s my excellent South African adventure.
Have faith.
As Martin Luther King Jr. said:
The arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends toward justice.
Mandela knew too.
Lest we all forget.
YA GOTTA BELIEVE!!!-Tug McGraw, reliever for the Miracle Mets in the early ’70s.
Ya gotta believe.
Yes we can.
Let us pray.
My man Obama may be carrying the same message as those people I saw in South Africa, the same one as those people who helped me at JFK.
He may be carrying it to the general white audience here in the U.S. for the very first time. Dressed up and mainstreamed a little, but if you read his books you will see that he learned it on the streets as a young man. The same place I got it. The same place Michelle Obama learned it, too.
Places McCain and Sarah-girl have NEVER been.
“Ya gotta believe.”
It works.
Believe it.
Those who have escaped oppression and slavery believe it.
Bet on it.
You should too.
Lissen up.
I hear things changing.
Hear it?
Let us pray.
All tips and recs gratefully accepted.
Back to sleep now. (If I can…gotta de-jetlag, and soon.)
I told you to aim high…don’t settle for the Clintons when you don’t have to. Aim high. Go for the gold. I told you.
I aim as high as I think I can hit, Booman.
Truth of the matter?
I am not at all sure that we are good enough to join the emerging world. Only the absolute incompetence of the old Ratpubs can save the day during this election. If that happens it will be a short time before the sleeple forget about their failures under the barrage of right-wing media, and there is always a new generation of hustlers ready and eager to take the place of the ones that eventually simply got too rich to take care of business.
Maybe it has always been this way. The flux and surge between initial growth and gradual decay.
As above, so below.
A human being is fully grown by about the 20th year, and then takes another 50 or 60 to fall to derelict pieces. Perhaps human societies obey much the same rules. New ones always arising out of the old, only to age and die over centuries.
If so, all I have to say is:
I am with the new.
At the edge of the wave.
I have no choice.
I was born that way.
So were Ma and Pa Clinton.
They just missed the boat by a little. But MAN, did they give it a try!!!
One little weakness…one which has wreaked havoc with many a man’s life, mine included over the years…and there y’are.
Another boat missed by a pubic hair.
No Monica?
Gore in 2000.
And EVERYTHING changes.
For the better?
We’ll never know.
And here’s where we are at.
McCain or Obama?
No choice in the matter.
Se ya on down the road, and best of luck in the future.
Gandhi was once asked why he traveled third class when he could afford better accommodations.
His answer?
But he would counsel less haste.
And perhaps a small correction.
So be it.
And a a good story.
Beautiful – thanks.
Sweet dreams.
I’ll tell you what Artie, just when I think you’re the only guy more cynical than I am around the Frog Pond, you go and make me have faith in humanity again.
Safe travels the next time you take the road, my friend. Well, for as long as we’re allowed to travel.
I am only cynical about cynics.
It’s just that there are SO MANY in positions of power here in the so-called developed world.
It’s not like that everywhere…although the cynics who run this country are trying mightily to make it so.
Travel is a broadening experience. Especially if you get out of the tour bus lanes.
This is exactly why Americans must never leave the USA – it is FAR too dangerous to see what the rest of the world is like!
Sleep well & thank you for the smiles & a beautiful picture of the outside.
Great story AG, and just the one I needed to hear tonight, especially after listening to some of the R convention, twas a great antidote to that!
Something is definitely brewing out there beyond this country’s borders, that’s for sure!
The same thing is…and has been for at least a couple of hundred years…brewing within its borders as well.
Racial equality.
Racial parity.
That was the point of the JFK part of that post.
I have been involved in that movement since I was a 14 year old white kid and discovered Charlie Parker and Dizzy Gillespie. I did not get involved because of any high moral goals…I didn’t even know that they were black when I first heard them…I was just pursuing a sort of living excellence.
I think that the world histories of the last 60 years or so are going to focus…provided that we do not blow ourselves up, of course…on the growth of this idea across the globe.
Human ecology.
The preservation and effective use of the greatest of all “natural resources”.
Mankind in all of its hues and sexes.
I played an outdoor concert with an astoundingly good band last night in Battery Park on the very southern tip of Manhattan. The band is essentially the same one that went to South Africa, The Latin Giants of Jazz. (Although it was billed differently and was playing different music in South Africa.) It plays…and plays as well or better than did the original bands…the music of Nuyorican/Cuban New York. The music of the Tito Puente, Machito and Tito Rodriguez bands, the music of the Latin swing era.
The crowd or well over 1000 was totally racially mixed…as is the band and as was the urban culture from which the music arose… and the band was burning. Compared to the boring, repetitive, over-hyped amateurish music that is being pushed by mainstream cultural entities like the NFL…well, there simply isn’t any comparison. It’s like the difference between air hockey and Michael Jordan. Between a DC comic book and James Joyce.
The heat that comes off of this relatively new movement…this idea, this LIVING FACT…of racial parity is undeniable in its power, and it is happening all over the world.
In Africa, in South America, in Europe, in the U.S….and it is finally being reflected at the highest levels of the political culture here as well. That is what the Obama candidacy is about, and win or lose it has changed forever the political landscape of the U.S.
White America has been relatively ignorant of the power of this idea until very recently, although it has been bubbling to the surface of the culture in relatively stronger amounts for well over 60 years.
Ever read “Black Like Me”, the story of a white reporter who in the ’50s dyed his skin and hair and passed as black in the pre-civil rights south? It is a very powerful and moving book, and the most powerful thing in it, to me, is this southern reporter’s amazed awakening to the power of the love that was being generated between and among the oppressed black people of Jim Crow America. That power is now beginning to be harnessed all over the world, and not just among people of African ascent.
It is catching, this love.
It is contagious.
And it is SO powerful!!!
That says it all, to me.
A new day is coming.
It’s not here yet…but it is well o0n its way.
The more people who understand that, the better off we will all be.
“Black Like Me” -AG
I sure did, and agree it was a very powerful and moving account. And definitely an eye opener for me having only lived as a child and young adult in a 100% “white” culture.
Traveling a bit in Mexico and Europe, and having lived in N CA for several years has created awareness enough to make sense of what you say, AG. I appreciate your perspective!
Hey Arthur, I can see you were properly jet-lagged, but you sure the South African ganja didn’t get to you, too?
I hadn’t realised you’d signed on to the Obama campaign. Me – I desperately hope that McSame doesn’t win. That would be a tragedy. But I don’t think that Obama is going to change the world.
#1-Clean and sober these 20+ years. Coffee is my last drug. I used to drink some wine, but I’ve stopped that too.;
#2-It’s not that I have “signed on” to the campaign. I still think that a Clinton/Obama or Obama/Clinton ticket would have won much more easily than what is happening now. What I have signed on to is the defeat of the current regime. Nothing more. Even if new folks came in who were equally rotten it would take them years to consolidate their power enough to be able to be effectively rotten.
I think that Obama is not necessarily a force so much as he is evidence of a force. A rising force. Racial parity. A new generation. Is it time for that force to break through, or is this only a harbinger of next time? (If there IS a “next time” should he lose, of course.)
Beats me.
I’m just doing what I do.
Watching, listening, playing, traveling…
He does have talents, though.
So does Palin.
Only her talents are more like those of Paris Hilton. And I do not (necessarily) mean that in a dirty-joke kind of way. She will appeal to those who identify with empty, lying, relatively talentless celebrities with a nasty mouth and a vindictive spirit.
We shall soon see which set of talents is triumphant.
Bet on it.
A little more than five weeks to D day.
We shall see soon enough.