
Because since Ronald Reagan, the National GOP has done nothing but damage the United States. It has been the party of Debt, Deficit, and Decline. Now Torture.  While wrapping itself in the flag they have purposely hurt its economy, allied itself with enemies of the Constitution, gone to war (seemingly for domestic political purposes), and in its latest Admin, staffed the Federal Govt of the United States with the grossest of incompetents imaginable.

They have no shame.  Nothing is out of bounds in the pursuit of power.   The purpose of the power they want is to comfort the comfortable and afflict the afflicted.

As a whole, the Republican Party is the most UnAmerican political organization since the Communist Party.  Its total philosophy can be summed up in the phrase, “I got mine, screw everyone else.”  The complete opposite of what this nation was founded on and thrived.


Since Reagan, its sole period of National (not personal or corporate) consideration, was during Bush Sr.’ s Admin….when it was staffed and led by people who were of a generation which did place the Nation first.  After that, its been the worst type of Gilded Age economic programs and Bronze Age social programs.

And that’s not even to mention STAINING my and every American’s name by the criminal use of torture.  They should all stand trial for it.

As such I refuse to acknowledge the GOP’s equality with the Democratic Party.  I refuse to give them that legitimacy.  They have lost that privilege.  They are anathema to the long term health and honor of the United States of America.  They are a cancer which should be excised.

I would hope that other Democrats would follow.  Anyone running against a GOP Congressman or Senator who has supported this Admin in its war crimes should not grace a stage with them.  They should not appear on a TV or radio show with them. Shun them totally and explain why to the constituents.  Tell them that they have smeared “our” honor with their actions.  To act any other way is to say, “Well maybe they have a point and we can disagree.”  There is NO justification for torture without the penalty of the law.  Hold a mirror up to their face and let them see their crimes reflected.

Obama should do the same with McCain.  By supporting this Admin and its criminal policies McCain has given up all right to complain about the treatment he received.

The plain fact is, a political party that endorses torture has no place in American political life and we should be up front in reinforcing that fact.

After all, they are only as powerful as we allow them to be.  Call a spade a spade and say you would not debate with torturers.  They are more suitable for the jail cell than discourse on the nation’s future

Truthfully, the Republican Party served the nation for over 100 years.  Sometimes well, others poorly.  But it has reached the end of its rope.  Mired in senility and stupidity, as demonstrated with the slide show during the biggest political speech of McCain’s career…they can’t even find a photo of the right building.  If they can’t do that, how can they be depended on to defend the US, work aggressively on its problems, and react to emergencies?  

No, their time is long past.  Like responsible siblings with a non-competent relative, we need to take their keys away.  They cannot be trusted with driving the Nation. They cannot be trusted with the National checkbook.  They can’t be trusted with the Nation’s international relations.  They fall prey to too many Carnival barkers and their rhetoric.

They can’t be trusted with the Nation’s reputation.

Let them sit at home and slowly fade way.  It would be better for the nation if the GOP died, passing away like the Whigs.  It would truly improve the future of the US if (as in the past) a strong 3rd party arose taking the saner members of the GOP and some Democrats who might agree….leaving the existing leadership to wither with their bitterness.

And the best way to speed that day is to take away their legitimacy, the air they need to survive.  Once gone, we can have a more productive relationship with a responsible political partner in a new opposing party.
