Update [2008-9-7 22:37:22 by BooMan]: [Originally posted Wed Jan 10th, 2007 at 12:35:49 AM EST. Seemed appropriate to remind everyone]
I’m only doing this because BooMan looked me straight in the eye a few hours ago and told me he wanted me to. Dumb ass or fool? You decide.
For the sake of Democracy and accountability and all that is good in the world, I try to stay away from the baby animal pictures, but I’m just too weak. Quite clearly, I’m just too weak. Anyway, I knew all about the cuteness of baby pandas and kittens, but holy shit, have a look at these moose!
This does bring up an important point, however. Whenever a conversation about moose occurs, it’s absolutely imperative that somebody say “moose are no joke” before the conversation is done. The life you save just might be your own.
When they were much younger, my niece and nephew referred to my brother, Bruce, as Moose. They would say “Mooooooooooose” and then laugh and laugh hysterically, until they were finally reminded by a sober minded village elder that moose are no joke. As smart children, they understood this immediately and would spend the next several hours in quiet, somber reflection. May your village elders be so wise and the children of your siblings so docile.
Cross Posted from Suburban Guerrilla, where I seem to occur from time to time despite my clear lack of suburban credentials. This is an open thread. Feel free to stop thinking about Bob Casey.
In British Columbia, Canada I ran into a local quip for “Get Lost”. “Go Kiss a Moose” isn’t too likely as they are very shy.
I’ve noticed that dolphins are as fond of human babies as we are of animal ones. They gravitate right to the baby humans. It’s always fun to watch!
I once saw two moose just off the road coming back from Stowe to Burlington when I was working on Dean’s campaign. They’re pretty impressively big, let me tell you!
They have a Northern Plains exhibit at Seattle’s zoo that has moose, brown bear and bald eagles. The size of all three of them is pretty amazing — especially the bald eagle if you’re not used to it. There’s a nesting pair at the zoo. Their nest is bigger than my house, and at the moment in somewhat better physical shape.
That first moose looks like T.O., hee hee.
I’m not seeing it, but now that you mention it, I feel like I ought to be making rude comments all the same. I have no energy right now, but if ever I feel the tide of vitriol rising, I’ll be sure to share.
Just a few words of wisdom:
Never get between a baby moose and its Mama…
Never get between a moose & anything.
More words to live by:
Never, ever, try and milk a moose!
Unless you`re Bush.
I would never try a moose, let alone do that and milk one at the same time.
Unless one hasn`t had sex & it`s affected ones eyes. But if you read the sign by pulling your eyes to look chinese, you may see a moose or not.

Especially if it only has one udder.
So right. Back in my actual Dirty Effing Hippie days, while hitchhiking from Valdez to Anchorage, a cute baby moose wandered out of the woods near the road. Knowing mama was near, I scampered up the nearest climbable tree, waiting for the lovely pair to go back into the woods.
Ah. Good times.
Some very backwoods people I knew used to go moose hunting every year. One day after a successful hunt, I was freaked out by their 2 year old baby crawling around with a moose nipple in it`s mouth as a pacifier. Whatever!!
Recommended. But disgusting.
DISGUSTING?? Jeez, you should have seen the kid. Then when Granpa came out of the other room, just shuffleing along, I noticed his slippers were made from the ears, sewn onto some old shoe soles. I kid you not.
Very gross, but the baby sure wasn`t crying.
it’s great to see you posting again Chris! And damn, these lil ones are cute. I think the jury might still be out on the plural of moose… are they meese? Great FSM, let’s hope that isn’t the case … makes me think back to the Reagan years…
Anyway, nice to see you back, Chris!
We moved to northern NH a year and a half ago. Since then we’ve seen several moose, just perambulating along the roads. They are incredibly LARGE.
They never seem particularly spooked by humans or cars. I saw one female on the Kancamagus Highway (a great moose-viewing location) who was chomping away peacefully at some shrubbery for a long time while people stopped their cars, got out and took pictures, etc. She didn’t seem to care.
One thing that surprised me about moose: in photos, they look goofy because of their big schnozzes, and you don’t get a sense of their gracefulness. In real life, it’s easier to see they have very long legs and are quite elegant in their movements.
A few years back we were driving across US2 from Vermont to Maine on our summer vacation and saw a moose along the side of the road. It would amble along for a dozen paces of so and look back over its shoulder to check to see if cars were still driving on the highway. We saw it do this enough times to conclude that it was very comfortable with using the road’s berm as an easy walking path and had no difficulty accepting auto traffic in its world. As a sane driver, I gave it a wide berth.
they look quite delicious to me
as delicious as lambs and little baby veal calves
If you’d like to join the Mickey Moose Club, here’s the link.
Or perhaps you’d like to relax with a game of Pac-Moose.
Moose on the loose. Cute moosies.
my first husband and I were driving at least 70mph on a highway in New Brunswick. Since my eyesight was better than his, I started shrieking, “Stop! There’s something in the road ahead!”
He reluctantly slowed and, as the obstacle in the road loomed larger, slammed on his brakes to stop short of colliding with a monstrous male moose. The animal was taller than our car and his antlers were as wide. While calmly chewing his cud, he looked down his nose at us. He was standing on the center line and there was no way around him. We sat anxiously watching for a half hour until he decided to amble off the road and into the woods.
They may be cute when they’re young but that fellow was huge and ugly. We didn’t even consider getting out of the car to take a picture.
The really scary thing about hitting them with your car is their height: their bodies are up high enough to just crash right through the windshield and onto the people inside.
I seem to like animals like koalas and moose.
Once I saw a moose on TV plaintively lowing…and I was floored. I was in love.
That being said, although I have eaten moose burgers, and plan to do so again, I don’t like the idea of them being trophies or pacifiers for kids. Seems cannibalistic, but that is just me.
Also, over the years, I have heard stories about how these behemoths can be as belligerent as they wanna be and how to be on my guard and to know what their particular track looks like.
I’d rather have them on my pajamas than be trampled to death under them. Or have a koala pee on me in fright.
Hey, bro, thanks for the shout-out! Moose rock, of this there can be no doubt. I can remember the children shouting about moose, but I don’t remember the sobering reply. Curiously, I had an affinity for moose long before those events. I think it’s because they are easy to draw. Most of my moose drawings are set in unlikely locations like the Moon. Perhaps it is this context that gave the Moose such gravity and seriousness. I would certainly like to see a pack of moose bounding across the Sonoran desert, but it never seems to happen.