Do you think that McCain/Palin is not an ongoing Intel Op? Please.

Ongoing and long running.

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Bet on it.

McCain, Culverhouse and the Iran/Contra Gang

The Man Who Vetted Palin

A few quotes follow from this unsurprising but informative Counterpunch article.

They OWN us now, folks.

Pretty soon it’s going to be Underground Railroad time again here in America.

Only…where are ya gonna GO!!!?

Read on.

McCain, Culverhouse and the Iran/Contra Gang

The Man Who Vetted Palin


The bold type headlines on newsstands last week with their titillating pronouncements of “dark secrets,”  “scandal” and “lies,” have missed the real story by 23 years.  And the insatiable pondering of how a proper vetting process of VP hopeful Sarah Palin could have overlooked an animal rights train wreck, an ongoing  ethics investigation, a coziness with a secessionist group, and a potential foray into censoring library books in small town America also misses the mark.  

The vetting process worked exactly as it was supposed to work: it delivered a Republican candidate with a heaping plate of character flaws and serial judgment lapses who thus wouldn’t wince at reading fiction from a TelePrompTer to 37 million Americans.  (What’s the difference between George W. Bush and Sarah Palin? Lipstick.)

The real dark secret is that our country has been held hostage to this democracy-gutting strategy since the Reagan administration allowed money launderers, gun  runners and their criminal defense lawyers to seize power in what is still inadequately called Iran-Contra.  (Had much of the record not been classified or shredded, the public would have seen a personal profiteering operation as well as an illicit arms network involving the U.S., Israel, Iran and Central America. And until the complete record is expunged and all the players are dead, it matters greatly to the Iran-Contra gang who runs the country and has access to what’s left of that classified material.)

The man assigned to vet Sarah Palin is Arthur B. Culvahouse, currently Chairman of the giant corporate law firm, O’Melveny & Myers LLP.  Could a man with the following credentials fail to sleuth out Palin’s character issues when most are readily available in newspaper and internet archives and the public domain?  Mr. Culvahouse was a member of the Federal Advisory Committee on Nuclear Failsafe and Risk Reduction; the Counterintelligence Advisory Panel to the U.S. Senate Select Committee on Intelligence (1989-1990); the President’s Intelligence Advisory Board (PIAB) and the President’s Intelligence Oversight Board.


If there is anyone in the country who has access to high level intelligence, it is Arthur B. Culvahouse.  So if he had this massive dossier of negative intel on Sarah Palin, why wasn’t she passed over as McCain’s running mate?  Unless, of course, this was precisely the profile being sought.

An in-depth review of the saga suggests that there are a limited number of  people still alive who know what Iran/Contra was really about and how far it reached inside the oval office of President Reagan and the office of George H.W. Bush who served as his Vice President.  Arthur B. Culvahouse is one of them and holds the unique distinction of being among just a handful of people to have read the classified material in President Reagan’s presidential diaries concerning Iran-Contra as White House Counsel as well as reviewing documents from senior administration aides. (The  Reagan diaries were later published, without the classified material.)  Most of the other individuals who were involved in Iran-Contra or were lawyers for those involved are either dead, hold high-level posts in President George W. Bush’s cabinet, have received high level appointments by him, or are advisors on Senator John McCain’s campaign.  (These are mavericks for sure; but not in a good way.)


Bush II was an Intel op.

The almost total impotence of Carter’s 4 years was an Intel op.

Bush I and Reagan were Intel ops.

As were Nixon’s fall and JFK’s assassination.

Wake the fuck up.


Author: Arthur Gilroy

Born. Still working on it.