Check out Sarah’s ‘Nowhere, Alaska 99901‘ T-Shirt.
That’s the zip code for Ketchikan, AK…home of the Bridge to Nowhere.
Palin is NAILED as a LIAR.
Check out Sarah’s ‘Nowhere, Alaska 99901‘ T-Shirt.
That’s the zip code for Ketchikan, AK…home of the Bridge to Nowhere.
Palin is NAILED as a LIAR.
Yes. Finally, the gloves are off.
Here’s Gov. Rendell: If I was Palin You’d Be Calling FOr My Impeachment
Yes. let’s get back on track.
This is too rich:
Watch this Video via TPM
Sarah Palin: Maverick to No where
I love that ending.
Ratfucking has rarely been so sincere.
Whoa, read the comments! McCain’s base shows their true colors, lily white and hooded.
the comments are brutal. But, then, so is the video.
Oh boy. He sure will need some protection.
Paternity test in the works down the road. Get this young man a lawyer. Quick.
Looks like he has credibility and fits right in with this piece in the IHT/NYT:
one very secretive family the Palins. Everything’s calculated.
It’s called in my books: Using your baby for political ends.
they keep saying that.
why not “her waters broke”!?! Meaning that then, people reading would know THAT is when you for sure go straight to the hospital, do not pass go, do not cross the nation in a 10 hour FLIGHT, etc. Good heavens!
From Wiki:
Preterm premature rupture of membranes (PPROM) is a condition where the amniotic sac leaks fluid before 38 weeks of gestation. This can be caused by a bacterial infection or by a defect in the structure of the amniotic sac, uterus, or cervix. In some cases, the leak can spontaneously heal, but in most cases of PPROM, labor begins within 48 hours of membrane rupture. When this occurs, it is necessary that the mother receive treatment to avoid possible infection in the newborn.
but it is not synonymous with your water-breaking.
helps clarify things a bit. and reduces my ignorance, since I had been hearing “her water broke” — and now there’s another description (with somewhat different implications for the potential newborn).
Leaking amniotic fluid is not the same thing as water breaking.
However, water breaking or fluid leaking before labour begins endangers the baby, and is an emergency. The woman should get to a hospital immediately.
I can’t hear that video. Is it a joke or what?
It’s a kid saying that he’s the father of Bristol’s baby.
Naw, he can’t possibly be. According to O’Reilly, Governor Palin supervised her daughter’s sexual escapades, remember?
Lies to Nowhere. Email your list.
she’s touting Alaska’s budget surplus. Well, happily Oil is over $60/bbl. With those royalties, there had better be a surplus. Has absolutely nothing to do with her skills.
or should it be CountDowd?
This is a pretty good ad. We need more like it.
Love the ad.