I agree with Little Ricky:
SANTORUM: Sarah Palin is the Clarence Thomas for feminists.
I even wrote about it: Sarah Palin is Clarence Thomas. That’s rather explicit, isn’t it?
I don’t know if Anita Hill was telling the truth about Clarence Thomas, but I do know this:
“We have created a system where there is not a lot of shame in stretching the truth,” said Charlie Cook, editor of the nonpartisan Cook Political Report.
I’m tempted to ask Charlie Cook “What do you mean ‘we’ paleface?”, but he’s probably using the Royal ‘We’. It’s the post-Gingrich Republican Party that has created a system where there is no shame about stretching the truth. The exemplars of that culture are George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, and their talking mouthpieces. The historical landmark for this culture?
That’s Colin Powell, John Negroponte, and George Tenet in the process of flushing America’s credibility down the toilet for a half a century or more. Five and a half years later we are still spending $10 billion a month in Iraq to try to salvage a ‘decent interval’ between our pullout and the collapse of the incompetent government we’ve set up there. That’s the kind of savage and costly consequence you get when a nation allows its leaders to have no shame about ‘stretching the truth’.
You know what I say? ENOUGH!!
So, you think a fed up electorate is going to rally to the polls and throw the bums out (or stop them from staying in)? Think again, via Laura Rozen:
In the old Soviet Union, the people were always aware that their rulers were liars.That,in the end,protected them from the disaster that befell that late unlamented tyranny.
In the US,on the other hand, the media, the historians and a whole class of sycophants and courtiers have created America the mythical land of virtue, where no politician ever lies, all the girls are virgins and the Presidents are brave men who get blow jobs only in their off hours.
Even for this jaded land which has seen its share of untruths uttered by everyone from Clinton to Starr to Cheney to Bush to Scalia,Sara Palin brings a new low.Not merely does she tell lies with abandon, she tells them repeatedly as though no one’s opinion has any relevance and their opinions will run off like water on a duck’s back.
As Shakespeare has said: “What need we fear who know it,when no one can call our power to account?”
the biggest lie of all…9/11…and l’m not referring to conspiracy theories.
the RATs have managed to use the attack on the world trade center as the centerpiece to their appeals. from muhammad cohen in the asia times:
l would like to think that the voting public will see through these lies, but they still appear to be buying in to the dominant meme…RATpublicans: strong; demoRATs: soft. whether it’s the GWoT, or “drill baby drill”.
truth has no value and must be discounted at every opportunity when lies are all you’ve got.
when an innocuous comment like “putting lipstick on a pig” is the outrage du jour, that strategy seems to be working quite well, thank you.
Although you could refer to the conspiracy theories. Or you could visit Meryl Nass’ blog on the anthrax scam. Science points the finger to Dugway Proving Grounds. That points to a government psyops. So if BushCo is mailing off anthrax through the mail (something not done on the spur of the moment) then what does that say about the rest of the lies? What does that say about 9-11?
with all due respect BooMan, there’s too much focus on Palin.
It’s all about McCain. You’re joining others, buying into McCain’s distraction. That’s why he can’t let go of her.
I will write about Palin until I can’t write anymore. Get used to it.
Bummer. I was just going to politely request that you, and the liberal blogosphere in general, stop telling me what outrage McCain/Palin have invented today and start telling me more about what Obama is doing and saying. Instead, the focus is on the other team. It seems I only read about Obama if he is reacting to the latest Repub ploy. It’s like a swirl of negativity sucking me down a drain of despair.
as you wish. It’s your property…so there’s no need to insult. Now I’ll be banned from here…that’s OK too.
why are obama’s surrogates letting him get bloodied up over this one?
A book I go back and read over and over is “PSYCHOSIS AND POWER: Threats To Democracy In The Self And The Group”. Nowadays it’s instructive in understanding the group mindset with the Republicans. They are like psychotics. They live in a place detached from reality. You saw the same kind of distancing from truth during regimes like the Nazis and other totalitarian regimes. Wilhelm Reich’s THE MASS PSYCHOLOGY OF FASCISM, while written about the early phases of Nazism, also applies.
They’re both rather difficult reads but they’re both worthwhile. You can understand what the bastards are doing.