You have to wonder what the McCain campaign was thinking when they scheduled Big John to appear in the City of Brotherly Love. It should have been obvious that he would be booed out of town. Philadelphia is the most Democratic city in the country. John McCain isn’t welcome here and he’ll be extremely lucky if he can crack 15% of the vote. McCain’s not very popular in most of the suburbs, either, but that is where he should campaign if he wants to avoid further humiliation. I’m glad he cut his remarks short and skedaddled out of town. I’d love to be a fly on the wall to see how badly McCain abused his staff after this scheduling blunder. John McCain was booed out of town…now airing on all local Philly channels. Idiot. He better stick to campaigning in closed rallies with his new girlfriend.
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
I hope that at least he got some cheese steak before he was booted out.
Morons sent him to Reading Terminal. They have cheesesteaks there but they also have real live people.
Someone shoulda beaned him with a cheesesteak.
he can’t even handle playful ribbing from his wife, my friends. To have people mistake him for Obama really has to hurt his pride.
We’ve heard it all before anyway.
Deja Vu
McCain booed at CPAC
McCain booed in Memphis on the anniversary of Martin Luther King’s death (whose holiday he opposed)
McCain booed in Michigan
McCain booed giving a speech on the economy
That’s why I don’t believe the polls are real. Even Republicans don’t like him.
Yes, but now he has Sarah Palin. That makes a big difference.
Palin is on every cable channel right now! My eyes are bleeding.
It’s Alaska’s 15 minutes of fame…shame…whatever.
I know more about Alaska than ever wanted to know in my life. Palin’s accent when she says “Alaska” makes me reach for the bottle. She can not open her mouth without lying and her nose might be growing as she keeps speaking.
I absolutely cannot STAND her voice, and that drawling speech is painful to the ears. It makes her sound like a below average midwestern high-school-educated housewife – the kind of person who spends all day buying knick knacks and fake jewelry on one of those channels that sell that stuff 24/7.
I have that same reaction. I cannot listen to her speak. She sounds like a high school cheerleader running for student council or a television minister. Fake smiles and fake concern. It is a personal problem but its good to see someone else is suffering the side effects of Palin speak.
You have it exactly right! A high school cheer leader with a C average running for student council – perfect! Or better yet a smug, snide smarmy, self-satisfied cheerleader with a C average. May I use it?
Feel free. We can start a Palin support group. lol
GAWD! I NEED a support group! Although she is virtually universally reviled around here, so it’s not hard to find like-minded people. Twice I have overheard people who were obviously talking about her and joined in. Once was in the adjoining grocery line, more recently I was in the gym and heard people talking.
In fact, I know Republicans who were on the fence until Palin came along, and now they are voting for Obama.
How funny – one of my bus companions said the same thing this morning. I can’t stand her voice either, btw. It TRULY grates on my nerves.
Can anyone link to some video of local TV coverage? I’d love to see this.
O’bama on Letterman is very reassuring. There is still sanity in this process. He said the lipstick on the pig would be Palin. McCain policies being the pig (Bush again). He was entertaining and engaging. We will win this election. If there is any semblance of sanity left in the electorate, O’bama will win this election. Then the problems we face as a nation can begin to be addressed after eight years of self-serving politics.
We need both sanity and an honest vote. Right now, I’m in doubt we have enough supplies of either. In a real country with a real vote, McCain wouldn’t stand a chance.
We have one of the most gifted men of our time standing outside the door. If only we would open it up and let him in.
IF there is any semblance of sanity left in the electorate. THAT is the problem. There is lots of evidence that there IS no semblance of sanity.
Woman: Mr. Stevenson, you are the choice of all the intelligent people.
AS: Madam, that’s not enough. I need a majority.
Please, do not make the mistake of relying on thoughtful and careful voters. We need a majority. And for the majority, we need to create the impression that Palin is a flighty wack, McCain is senile, and the Republican Party is full of corrupt perverts. Now, these are all true, and the Materials Management Service people have come through for us.
Will Obama go after them at the crocodile brain level? He must do that.
BTW – you should have been watching AMC. You could have seen Jimmy Stewart as Mr. Smith instead of the pig and lipstick….
Supposedly one of the most charming political films ever – The Farmer’s Daughter. I’m killing time with it while I wait for Obama on David Letterman….
I took a nap earlier to stay up and see him. Its well worth it Lisa.
I couldn’t stay awake, but I taped and watched this morning. You’re right – it was worth it. He’s so utterly…competent. Normal. Sane. Just what we need in the White House.
And can you BELIEVE that weirdness with David Letterman thinking a black kid from Hawaii wouldn’t understand Disneyland???? Weird.