We know that more drilling in Alaska and off the US coastlines won’t mean jack when it comes to lowering gasoline prices for the next twenty years, at best, and then it will have only a marginal effect (a few cents per gallon) on the price of gas.*
No matter. As I predicted, the Democrats are caving to the relentless GOP calls for more drilling, repeated uncritically all too often by our inept/corrupt/stupid news media (pick any qualifier than you think applies). They have begun to produce a bill that will — shock of all shocks! — allow more drilling in Alaska and off our coastlines, even as another hurricane barrels into the Gulf of Mexico, threatening oil rigs and refineries.
After absorbing months of criticism for inaction on the high cost of gasoline, House Democrats yesterday began assembling broad energy legislation that allows greater drilling off the Atlantic coastline and Florida’s gulf shore.
Speaker Nancy Pelosi (Calif.) and her leadership team, emerging from a nearly two-hour meeting with the Democratic caucus, offered a plan that marks a policy reversal for Democrats. It would allow more offshore drilling in exchange for additional funding for renewable resources.
Pelosi said the ideas were a framework for legislation that could come to a vote by the end of the week. “It will put us on the path to make America energy-independent,” she said.
The most controversial provision, which drew fire from conservatives and liberals alike, would permit drilling 100 miles off the Atlantic coasts from Virginia to Georgia, and in the Gulf of Mexico off Florida’s western coast.
Nancy Pelosi, and all the other gutless Democratic officials who suddenly decided to drank the GOP’s “Texas Tea,” Let me state unequivocally what you are: a bunch of stupid cowards and sellouts. This won’t help a damn during the election, because Republicans will still attack Democrats for being against oil drilling before they were for it. All it will do is make the lobbyists for Big Oil (who can justify their high fees to their clients, now) and the McCain campaign team happy. The people running McCain’s campaign will still say that whatever bill you produce doesn’t go far enough and will continue to run their duplicitous ads claiming Democrats oppose American energy independence.
You want proof that Republicans will use this lame ass bill against you? Well, they already are:
Republicans rejected the plan, saying the limits placed on the Atlantic and gulf coasts would seal off areas closer to shore that could produce the most oil.
“It leaves most American energy under lock and key when we should be doing everything possible to expand energy production, increase conservation and promote development of clean, renewable energy,” House Minority Leader John A. Boehner said in a statement yesterday. “It would permanently lock up 80 percent of our nation’s offshore energy resources — holding hostage billions of barrels of American oil.”
Congratulations. McCain’s campaign manager couldn’t have scripted a better outcome if he’d tried. Instead of attacking Republicans for the lies they admit they are telling about the effect of more oil drilling, you chose the coward’s way out. Now, not only do you piss off your base, but you’ve managed to appear wishy-washy and unprincipled to millions of Americans who don’t follow politics much, but do recognize the smell of rank hypocrisy (it smells like defeat, by the way) when they come across its stink. You’ve reinforced the meme that Democrats don’t stand for anything but their blind ambition for power. Heckuva job, Brownie Ms. Speaker!
* According to the Bush administration’s Department of Energy as described in their latest analysis released in June, 2007, any effect on oil and gas prices from greater off shore drilling won’t occur before 2030, and even then will likely be “insignificant.”
The projections in the OCS [ed. note: short for Outer Continental Shelf] access case indicate that access to the Pacific, Atlantic, and eastern Gulf regions would not have a significant impact on domestic crude oil and natural gas production or prices before 2030. Leasing would begin no sooner than 2012, and production would not be expected to start before 2017. Total domestic production of crude oil from 2012 through 2030 in the OCS access case is projected to be 1.6 percent higher than in the reference case, and 3 percent higher in 2030 alone, at 5.6 million barrels per day. For the lower 48 OCS, annual crude oil production in 2030 is projected to be 7 percent higher — 2.4 million barrels per day in the OCS access case compared with 2.2 million barrels per day in the reference case (Figure 20). Because oil prices are determined on the international market, however, any impact on average wellhead prices is expected to be insignificant.
When do the Dems choose any other way but that of cowards when confronted and challenged by Republicans? It’s not for nothing Republicans
get away with supposed superior credibility on national security issues. If you’ll blink in a stare down with John Boehner imagine the old nut sack shrinking mano-a-mano with Putin. I realize legislative imperatives and thin majorities dictate much of this behavior but the optics are terrible. It’s not changing anytime soon either.
Why I’m shocked. It’s not like we haven’t had a nearly 18 month history on this.
Seriously Steven, you didn’t honestly expect the Democrats to stand up to Big Oil, right?
You did note where I link to my prediction that they would cave on this point in an earlier post.
Yeah, just making sure, because despite your well-founded outrage and the fact the Dems completely deserve to get their asses handed to them on this, we all knew it was coming.
The blogs, the Dems, the GOP, the media. Sure as the sun rises, the Dems fold.
And you still manage to sound kinda surprised by it, that’s all.
I agree with Zandar, trying to stir up outrage just doesn’t work anymore, it hasn’t worked in many many years. We are so completely downtrodden by this lifestyle of stress, stress, stress, and our real powerfulessness, that outrage and anger is a useless motivator.
I want to work from above the diaphragm, not below the diaphragm. (you yogics will get that one . . .)
I meant to write “powerLESSness.” Sorry.
Well, what’s that say that part of Obama’s natural constituency, those of us that are progressives on this site, knew this cave-in was coming? It means many progressives have blindly sided with Obama without any quid pro quo. Progressives got nothing out of signing up for Obama except some vague promise to maybe fix things in the future if it is a slam dunk politically (which means never to those of us in the reality-based world).
If you’re not outraged you’re not paying attention. Anger is appropriate right now. Righteous anger. A true patriot, a true politician, would be fighting this insanity with all of his or her power.
Instead we get these bags of bones and everyone wonders how we got here.
this isn’t going to go anwywhere, because the states that have coastlines wirh preserving will flip out. Florida will block it. NJ will block it. California will block it. New England states will file lawsuits.
Alaska? they don’t give a shit about their state anyway, so why should I?
Well it has already gone somewhere: the repugnants score points and the Democrats look again like the stupid asses they are for not handling the whole thing differently. That’s what it’s all about. Oil? Who, me? Did I say anything about oil? You must be nuts.
the democrats ALWAYS look like stupid-asses.
I’m not saying you’re wrong to be angry (and if you live in a coastal state, call up your senator and represetnative and either bitch him/her out or be super snarky and suggest putting a drilling tower on the l,ocal beach), but it’s not worth losing sleep over IMO.
It’s taken me a long time to get to this point, but eventually (to maintain your sanity) you just have to let go and laugh at them.
The most unconvincingly denied justification for the invasion and subsequent occupation of Iraq is cheap oil.
That’s working out as well as the war on terror, yes?
All those “common sense” types, unfortunately represented in the Media by Ed Schultz, convinced themselves that Iraqi oil resources would become US resources, just like magic!
CheneyCo. provided multiple excuses for their invasion and occupation; again Americans were given many choices. After all, being the richest nation on the globe, we deserve many reasons to steal and commandeer another nation’s resources. Each reason custom fit the consumer — fear of Saddam, right to cheap oil, fear of being bombed, take your pick, America.
Well, I guess it’s time for another major party since the republicans are corrupted beyond redemption and the democrats have become a bunch of enablers. I call the latter the W and W (wuss and wimp) boys who, apparently, can’t punch their way out of the proverbial paper bag.
Come to think of it, Obama looks a bit shaky on his feet these days as the Barbie of the North keeps landing solid shots on his democratic jaw. And, McCain sails on basking in the glory of his new veep. Maybe, he should have put Hillary on the ticket after all; at least, she fights.
Guess, progressive hopes lie with people like Cindy Sheehan. Maybe, she can land a blow for the future by beating Pelosi in that hot San Francisco race.
I feel your pain, BooMan, I really do. I wish I could put some steel into those democratic spines. (Sigh)
Whether you consider the merits of the bill a cave-in or not, the fact that conservatives are lambasting the compromise is more an opportunity to undermine right-wing credibility than it is an opportunity to join the circular firing squad.
This is an opportunity to say: “Conservatives claim they are for an ‘All of the Above’ energy policy, but they are so deep in the pocket of Big Oil, they won’t accept an actual ‘All of the Above’ bill — because it takes away Big Oil tax breaks and forces them to compete with clean energy.”
My point is that it doesn’t matter what the Dems do in terms of agreeing to drilling offshore. It won’t work because they have already been painted as the anti drilling higher gas price party by the republicans. They would have been better off attacking the GOP for lying than attempting any kind of bill. Better to call “bullshit” on the GOP than to buy into their framing.
I agree, but that train has left the station (in part because the broader progressive movement — myself included — did a poor job both in seizing the initiative and countering drilling propaganda over the summer, which has put congressional leaders on the defensive).
I would also note this is a way to turn the conservative frame on its head. Conservatives had been couching support for drilling in an “All of the Above” frame — which was smart. (Clean energy still polls better drilling.)
But now they’re greedy. They don’t chant “All of the Above,” they chant “Drill, Baby, Drill.” And they’re rejecting an “All of the Above”-style bill.
The fact that they are not following through on their own frame is an opportunity to exploit.
If you’re interested, I wrote about this in more detail at http://ourfuture.org/blog-entry/2008093709/will-drill-baby-drill-temper-tantrum-shut-down-our-govern
I think you need to zoom out from your ultra-closeup pov. These situations, whether it’s oil drilling or Medicare Part D, are like twin children fighting over who goes first. It’s all the same, and trying to micromange this stuff is a waste of your energies.
I mean Obama should have put Hillary on the ticket. Sorry.
how does putting Hillary on the ticket fill your gas tank?
It doesn’t, but neither does off shore drilling.
What’s your answer – a return to lifestyles of 55 B.C – as opposition and negativity rule the day.
In the Great New Game of Oil (Energy) there’s a lot of politics being played, disinformation and taxes imposed (Avg tax per gallon 49.6 cents, yet Transportation fund is broke).
What a PITY.
We say NO! to drilling
We say NO! to refineries -the crux of the problem, no new refineries in 29 years
We say NO! to LNG Terminals
We say NO! to Wind Farms
We say NO! to Transmission Lines
We say YES! to biofuels and ethanol that drive up the cost of the food we eat. {UN report on Biofuels – the impacting cost of food supply]
It ain’t common sense choosing to starve and be mal-nourished so we can drive our cars!!!???!!!
Your sourced link to the twenty year figure is wrong…lots of jiggered stats to suit the positions. The well established figure by those who drill will confirm:- Drilling new wells in the oceans takes 8-10 years to pipeline. Drilling on land 4-5 years.(World Energy Report, BCA Research, etc) Then there are all those already drilled wells that were capped when oil was at $10/bbl. WIth oil at $100/bbl they should be allowed to be uncapped. Build refineries that lowers price of gas, ya know supply and demand.
Don’t drink the anti-oil kool-aid. There’s no affordable priced alternative. People are borrowing money against payday to buy gas so they can drive to work!!!
Ask these workers who have to borrow money to fill their gas tanks so that they can drive to work if the Dems should cave.
I support renewable energy (wind, solar, geothermal), nuclear if necessary as a stop gap and r&D research funding by the feds for hydrogen, fuel cells and fusion. I support lowering taxes for diesel for personal cars (such as Ford’s 62 mph vehicle sold in Europe but not here) and I oppose ethanol produced from corn, etc. I also support conservation and tax credits/subsidies plus research funding for higher energy efficiency technologies. I oppose off shore drilling because it only increase our reliance on fossil fuels which cause global warming, besides being a pollution risk to coastal regions.
That answer your questions?
I would rather pay a high price for non-polluting, sustainable energy than a high price for unsustainable polluting energy.
It will also put us on the path to more spills, but hay, it’s a big ocean.
It was inevitable–and not just because the Dems are enablers. Americans are desperate. What the Dems have to do is roll drilling into something that will actually accomplish something–money for research, transit, etc. If they permit drilling without getting something in return, the game is over.
That might have worked in lesser times, but this globe is in crisis, and we need real change now, not piecemeal bits of progress snuck into bills like grabbing more free resources from the government-owned land.
That’s great. But what are you going to do? In the short term, politics trumps geology, ecology and reason. So…unless you can convince the American public to “power down” voluntarily, you lose. It certainly true that drilling won’t make the US energy independent. It’s also true that gasoline is never going to be “cheap” again–no matter how much drilling we do. But,…the argument can be made credibly that gasoline will be “cheaper” than if we don’t drill. (I don’t buy it, but that’s just me) You’ve got to get some buy-in from the public. If they can’t afford to get from their suburban homes to their jobs;they can’t unload their vehicles or their McMansions; and there’s nowhere for them to go even if they could unload them, all the rational arguments in the world won’t work.
Actually, I think that turning the “drilling” bill into an “energy” bill that would actually invest in research, transit and reasonable conservation, would ultimately kill drilling. It will take years and billions of dollars to bring that oil to market. If the OilCos thought they couldn’t recoup their investment because demand would be destroyed by the time they were ready to bring it to market, they wouldn’t even start.
I can’t agree more with Gore Vidal; he’s been saying for what, 30 or 40 years that our democracy and Republic had devolved into a two party one-party system.
We can load our loathing onto Pelosi and the rest of the Dem leadership all we want, but these people have inherited a system they matured into.
How do we break it down? It seems impossible without large-scale changes in our economic structure and by involvement of “the people” in their destiny. We The People have left our national destiny up to corporations and their elites for a century. Once more of “We The People” grasp that destiny, we have the kernel for real change to fairness and egalitarianism.
This isn’t really a surprise. What can be tried is to have a couple of amendments added to the bill to the benefit of the people.
All energy resources generated by this country should stay in this country … oil, natural gas, ethanol … along with their derivatives, and not be allowed to be sold to other countries. The republicans claim that drilling will decrease oil imports from overseas, the best way to start is to stop shipping our own energy resources overseas.
All energy resources generated by this country should be sold to US companies based on supply/demand within this country, regardless of world prices. The republicans claim that drilling will decrease gas prices here so the day after the bill is signed into law there should be at least a 25% drop in the price of oil just due to the availability of offshore drilling. If the price does not drop there should be a sunset clause in the bill that will kick in immediately due to a lack of a price drop.
My 2c.
While we are putting together a comprehensive bill re energy research, why don’t we look at subsidizing high speed trains and imitate what the Japanese and French have already done? Plus, we could bring back the trolley cars like we used to have and like Vienna, Prague, Dresden, Warsaw and Nagasaki still have moving large amounts of people through urban locales. (I know SF has the BART and Chicago the El and NYC the subways plus Philadelphia and New Orleans) Even Syracuse at one time had an extensive system. So we could return to this idea for all our mid size cities.
Finally, why not have a Manhatten type project (when we put the first atomic bomb together) for energy research and modernizing our transportation systems. The times demand it and the party that promotes it will be the party that seizes the future. Hopefully, it will be the Democrats or some Progressive successor.
Here we have a policy that is popular (for whatever idiotic reason) with 65% of the populace. The House represents the populace. They voted as the populace wishes.
I’m confused. Why is this the wrong thing to do?
Now, I hope that they got something for this. That’s what I would have done. Exact a price.
But to expect politicians, all of whom are looking at re-election votes in 8 weeks, to do something different is to fail to understand the political process.
This also takes an issue off the table. So, I think it was a good vote.
Politically, the Democrats once again half-assededly stood their ground on the parties 25 year position on drilling only to now meekly cave in and do what the GOP wants. Democrats will not get credit and it will not be “off the table”, as Steven shows above. They will hammer Democrats on the issue and once again correctly paint Democrats as losers that won’t fight back. They’re tired of fighting and the enemy is sooooo mean that they just give in.
Also, per your ‘the issue is popular’ argument. The Democrats control the house and while it’s the poeople’s house the Democrats set the agenda. They didn’t choose to act on ending the Iraq war or set an economic agenda that would help out average American families. No, they chose to “take things off the table” by following a Republican agenda: passing FISA, passing a resolution setting the table for war with Iran, drilling for oil, etc.
Democrats need to stop the defensive cut and running strategy of “taking things off the table”. That’s called cutting and running and I for one am sick and tired of being on the side of cowards. I would rather see them mowed down in their cowardly retreat than stand up for them.
“I would rather see them mowed down in their cowardly retreat than stand up for them.”
This is one issue; I know, I know, you are going to say “It’s always one issue.” We need to keep control, to control the agenda. And yes, the control of the agenda has gotten us little to date, and there is a good reason for that. The reason is Bush. He has the veto, and he has the mighty wurlizer of the media. The two are powerful.
I see no nobility in losing the House.
Ah, yes, the noble loser slur.
It is always the issue of the day that you want to cave in on only to have the next issue pop up and like the boy that cried wolf you come back to us real liberals asking us to stand with you as you chip away at the fundamental issues that make us liberal and not conservative–foreign policy, civil liberties, economic policy, crime and capital punishment, the environment. What’s left for the appeasing, moderate Dems to stand up for when they give in on these issues?
Believe me. I didn’t want the Democrats to get mowed down in their retreat. I pleaded with them and tried to change them from the inside to stand their ground and fight back. But they wanted to retreat. Still do. They still haven’t learned their lesson. Look, you want to change a 25 year old Democratic position on offshore drilling 60 days from an election because you’re worried this minor issue could effect the election. This sounds like a harried retreat to me.
So at this point liberals like me have decided the best way to fight for my beliefs is to let the Democrats get mowed down.