It’s been seven (7) long years since Osama Bin Ladin (with a lot of help from the incompetence of President Bush and his band of merry Cheneys) pulled off the single largest foreign attack on US soil since Pearl Harbor, and the greatest single loss of civilian life in our history. In all that time, Bush has failed to capture Osama, and indeed, deflected military assets from capturing him in order to prepare for his illegal, immoral and failed war against Iraq, a country that was not responsible in any way for the 9/11 attacks, and did not pose a risk of imminent harm to our country, nor was it likely to for the indefinite future. A war and occupation that has made us less safe, destroyed our international reputation, harmed our relations with our allies, increased the terrorist threat against our nation and allowed Al Qaeda and the Taliban to regroup and regain control of much of the territory of Afghanistan, the country where Al Qaeda was based and where the 9/11 terrorists received their funding and training.
Yet, the media still parrots at every opportunity the right wing talking point that the Republicans are better qualified to protect this country from future threats to our national security, and far too many Americans believe that to be true. So if 9/11 didn’t change everything, apparently it did change one thing: the truth no longer has any meaning when it comes to our political discourse, which has never been more divisive, more based on hatred, more divorced from reality than at anytime since the days of Joseph McCarthy and the Communist red scares of the early days of the Cold War. This political campaign season is just more evidence that the real legacy of September 11 is the failure of our political system, our leaders (in both parties), our news media, and ourselves to uphold the ideals of human freedom, human liberty and human rights to which we have long pledged our allegiance and our sacred trust.
In short, 9/11 exposed the American dream in the 21st Century as a black hole of lies, deceits and, frankly, cowardice on the part of millions of Americans. We allowed fear to overrule the better angels of our nature. We let that fear be exploited by the worst political opportunists, war profiteers, human rights violators and lovers of tyranny and authoritarianism in our nation’s history. In the process we permitted these evildoers to take control of our government, eliminate our Constitutional rights and safeguards and turn our collective vision of this nation’s greatness upside down and inside out. We have abandoned every moral principle and surrendered our liberty to a gang of murderers and thieves in exchange for a promise of security they never intended to keep.
The lives of those innocent victims that were lost on that fateful day were sacrificed for nothing of any value. Until we elect leaders that reverse the terrible course of events which have played out on a daily basis for the past seven years we should remain ashamed of ourselves, and what we permitted to happen in our and their names. The murder of hundreds of thousands of Iraqis and the ethnic cleansing of millions more. The adoption of torture and the prosecution of aggressive war, both crimes against humanity, as official American policy. The trashing of our Constitution. The domination of our politics by fear, corruption, incompetence and disdain for the American people.
I pray one day we can look back on these terrible years and say 2008 was the beginning of the end of the reign of terror by the enemies of our republic, both those who are our external enemies and, even moreso, those of our country’s internal enemies, who have done far more damage than all the terrorists of Al Qaeda could ever have dreamed of achieving with their evil and senseless acts of violence.
I hope that someday soon we will look back on this year of 2008 as the beginning of the end of our national nightmare, and the renewal of the America we all idealized as children, and which we have always fought for and worked to bring about. That is my great hope for this country I still love despite the myriad flaws in its character these last seven years have exposed. That is the hope to which I dedicate the remainder of my life as an American citizen. Until that hope is realized, however, I cannot and will not be proud of what we as Americans have let our nation become in the aftermath of September 11, 2001.
Nicely said, Steven. But he only way things will truly change is by dismantling the government and installing another one. Call that action what you will, revolution, evolution whatever, but its time to start thinking about dumping what we’ve got and going for something better.
Let the tumbrels roll.
I was watching MSNBC with the replay of 9/11/01 morning telecast. And kinda just wondered why? And it reminds me we have allowed 9/11 to control our lives, the Cheney and W failed to protect America on 9/11. And, on this day we are still searching for OBL
And Republicans..there just worried about getting their next tax cut.
Bravo. Well said and heart-felt.
We need to excise the cancer afflicting America–Conservative rule–if we wish a peaceful and prosperous future for this country.
Obama and his followers are labeled terrorists by the United States. Obama and his followers considered themselves to be in a state of war with the U.S. They used airplanes to kill roughly 2,800 non-combatant civilians on 9/11. The U.S. was in a state of war with Japan and the Axis powers. We used airplanes to firebomb Dresden, killing 40,000 civilians. The U.S. used airplanes to kill 74,000 civilians in Nagasaki. The U.S. used airplanes to kill 140,000 civilians in Hiroshima. Obama is a very bad man. Yes indeedy.
Oh my! My infrequent peeks into FauxNews have even I pulling the Osama/Obama switcharoo. Apologies all around!
I echo your sentiments, Steven, and have always appreciated your writing and scholarship.
Your entreat, “until we elect leaders….”, I agree with wholeheartedly. In order for a patient to recovery in trauma therapy, they have to become crystal clear about what they experienced, factually, and listen to those who have experienced similar things and talk about the feelings they had surrounding their experience and their recovery from it.
Having said that, I do NOT for an instant believe that it is counterproductive to assert that 110 stories of steel and concrete can NOT be demolished into dust in less than 12 seconds once, let alone twice, without prepositioned explosives placed throughout those buildings.
Prepositioned explosives means foreknowledge on the part of those in charge of building security, at the very least, and one of the Bush family members was directly involved in the company that owned the security contract for the WTC complex.
The smoking gun, however, occured during Transportation Secretary Norm Mineta’s testimony before the 911 Commission, testimony that was left out of the final report. During that testimony it is patently obvious that Dick Cheney was directly involved in allowing whatever hit the Pentagon to hit the Pentagon.
While no crime scene integrity was preserved — just as it was not after JFK’s assassination — that does not mean that obstruction of justice and conspiracy charges represent an impossible successful prosecution.
I think we should turn Bugliosi loose on the entire Bush Crime Family. I think holding this one family accountable for its behavior over the last 70 years would go miles towards restoring our national dignity and our moral authority throughout the world.
Really? You don’t find it counterproductive to make an “assertion” which has been debunked, ad-nauseum, by careful review of the mountains of evidence by the best engineers and scientists in the world?
7 years later.
“There’s a time when the operation of the machine becomes so odious, makes you so sick at heart, that you can’t take part, you can’t even passively take part, and you’ve got to put your bodies on the gears and upon the wheels, upon the levers, upon all the apparatus, and you’ve got to make it stop! And you’ve got to indicate to the people who run it, to the people who own it, that unless you’re free, the machine will be prevented from working at all!” -Mario Savio
haven’t you heard?
No need to capture OBL; White House claims Bin Laden Was Not The ‘Mastermind’ of Sept 11
I hate Osama bin Laden for enabling Bush to do what he did to us…
…he deserves a little extra for that.
OBL had precious little to do with the 9/11 attacks. The one video the government paraded out in the right-wing echo chamber has been discredited as a fraud. It was a lookalike of OBL, and not a very good one, either.
110 stories of steel and concrete can not be reduced, onto its own footprint, into a pile of rubble in less than 12 seconds without the aid of controlled demolition.
You’re floating in la-la land if you believe that a single jumbo jet and a kerosine-hot fire is enough to cause such a symmetrical, failure of either tower.
Believe in the Easter Bunny if you must, but climb up out of the rabbithole that Dick Cheney threw us down on 9/11/2001.
Looks like we’re doubling down on capturing OBL afterall.
Surging after bin Laden
My bet is he is reported dead relatively soon, but the chunks will be a bit too old to have really been killed in the blast we’ll claim does him in.
Ahem. This reminds me of Iraqi WMD.
I gave it up Steve.
What possible reason would I have to think that so-called crazy people would be less truthful than this administration ?
Rove is Madison Avenue’s political pro. I just was told too much garbage to ‘go with the flow’ and not give at least as much credence as those whose big ‘no-no’ is to call the government and media liars.
Wow. What a shock. Not.