Today is 9/11. No shit.

I want something to happen today. When you hear some fucking idiot talking about how great the Republicans have been in handling things in this post-9/11 world, don’t let that fucking idiot get away with it. I don’t care if you’re on the bus or train – call them out on it. If you’re listening to a radio show – call in and call them out on it. If you’re on line to get your lunch – turn around and set them straight. If you’re talking to your relatives – smack them if that’s how your family rolls. If you’re talking to your friends – shake the shit out of them. When you hear somebody saying McCain/Palin will make a better post-9/11 White House – get right in their face and set them straight.

Stop letting fucking idiots have the final say. I know the Dems won’t be so spiny to call out the bullshit with equally harsh words so fuck them. It’s up to real people (you know, people from the big city – or is it small towns) to call BULLSHIT when bullshit is spewed within earshot.

Don’t let a stupid lapel pin intimidate you. Don’t let that Republican hair make you start running. Once, just once – stand up and call out the bullshit you hear. Stop letting people shit all over what America once was and can be. There are good people here, right in this rust covered city too. Don’t be scared.

Don’t be quiet. Not today.