I was going over my 9/11 posts since I started my blog in 2004, and I found a reference to a Petraeus testimony session on Iraq which happened a year ago. Now, a year later, and… we’re still there. More Americans are dead. More Iraqi civilians are dead. When Bush removes the next bunch of troops he has announced, we’ll still have more in Iraq than we had when Petraeus was testifying.

The poem, however, was one that I enjoyed writing and which is still applicable. Here it is:

Dr Seuss Watches The Petraeus Testimony…

The Warning was “Orange”
It was not safe to play
So I sat and watched C-Span
That dangerous day

I sat there with with wonder
I sat there with awe
And watched all the flow charts
Petraeus could draw…

I listened to Levin,
As he spoke with disdain…
Like the rest of the Congress…
(uh, except John McCain)…

I listened to Warner
And Kennedy, too,
But Petraeus just did what
George Bush said to do

And he threw out statistics
And said things are great…
And Iraq’s getting better..
Why its almost a state…

And all we must do
Is just add to our stay…
Some years, maybe ten,
And two months and a day.

That’s all we must do…
That’s all that we need…
Just some more occupation
And some boys who can bleed…

And what will we get
For our effort and toil?
A voice in the mid-east
(And, of course, all that oil).

So, even when benchmarks
Don’t seem to be met,
We’ve got to keep going…
We have to. You bet.

Cause Iraq is complex,
Says George W. Bush…
And he keeps us involved
Like a stick up the tush…

It isn’t improving…
It’s not going to change…
It’s not getting better…
The end’s not in range…

So when you can vote…
And get rid of these poops…
Let’s get out of Iraq
And bring back the troops.

Have a nice day, folks.

Under The LobsterScope