If Hillary Clinton was running as Obama’s Vice President, do you think the media would accept demands from Obama’s camp that she would not answer any questions about her candidacy from the news media or grant interview requests unless she was treated with “respect and deference” by whomever was “permitted to question her?
And do you think the media would have been so concerned about being portrayed as mean and nasty misogynists that they would have failed to demand that Hillary Clinton answer concerns concerning her ethical lapses while in office?
Do you think the media would agree not to ask Hillary Clinton any questions about her religious beliefs, especially if she was connected to churches, pastors and a religious movement which holds that the world is entering the End Times allegedly prophesied in the Bible, a period of of spiritual warfare in which supernatural powers will be granted to a special group of Christian believers (such as herself) who will do battle with the Antichrist and his followers prior to the Second Coming of Jesus Christ?
And do you believe that anyone in the media would have treated seriously Hillary Clinton’s claim that McCain had made a personal sexist attack on her because he used the expression “putting lipstick on a pig” to describe policies proposed by Obama, or even those she proposed herself?
And do you think the media would have hesitated to ask Hillary Clinton questions about her family, such as questions concerning past behavior by one particular member of her family that many Americans consider immoral?
And can you imagine Republicans not making a campaign issue about any of these matters, and running constant attack ads about them, if Hillary Clinton were the female Vice presidential candidate in question?
Well, like the title to this post says, these are questions you already know the answers to, now don’t you?
How about another question you know the answer to: What would happen to an Obama candidacy if it was revealed that HIS 17-year-old daughter was pregnant? What would the reaction be to such a revelation?
How about a question I don’t know the answer to: if a candidate can’t face the press, how can she ever face the growing Russian menace in Eastern Europe? Do you think Putin will grant her a pass like McCain is doing? Do you think he will show her “deference”?
Look, this whole situation of protecting little lamb chops from the mean antics of the press is getting downright ridiculous and dangerous as well. I don’t care how much McCain wants to get in her pants, the nation’s welfare (not to mention mine and my children) takes priority.
The Republican party has become a national disgrace in its insane attempts to win a third term for Bush’s failed policies. WAKE UP AMERICA! WHILE THERE IS STILL TIME. The inmates have escaped from the institution and they seek to control the levers of national power. A vote for Obama is a vote against madness. Viva Obama!!
My God is a God of love, not hatred. That is why I reject the evangelical deity.
And if Michelle Obama was a former(?) drug addict who stole from a charity to support her habit, would the media ignore it?
And if the Obamas had a pregnant teenage daughter and had dragged the boy who impregnated her onto the stage with them at the Dem National Convention, would the media have fawned over the happy young couple?
And if Barack had become engaged to Michelle while still married to another woman, would the media pretend it never happened?
And if Obama made rape jokes, would the gang on Morning Joe snicker along?
In light of the lipstick flap, I just have to post a link to this pin worn by a Palin supporter, and say WTF would happen if an Obama supporter used that graphic??
h/t rude one
Ugh. I love the rude pundit’s response to it.
The Mainstream Media is an arm of the Republican power/financial structure. Say no more.
Squad of Republican aides prepares Palin for interviews
“The fight is over how she is going to be defined in the eyes of the American public,” said Terry Nelson, McCain’s former campaign manager. “She’s been introduced, but all the information about her has not been introduced, and once that information comes to light people are going to draw conclusions about her, and the campaigns are fighting to shape the conclusions.”
“The sessions could be the first test of Palin’s ability to parry substantive questions on foreign and domestic policy.
No they won’t. Charlie Gibson will stick to the script provided to him by the McCain campaign, and anything that does not make Palin look golden will be edited out.
I wonder if their editing will be on par with CBS’s efforts to plaster over McCain’s screwups.
As Arthur Gilroy would say:
Bet on it.
steven d, please email me at bfstemp AT yahoo DOT com. I have a question…
Has it gone too far with the spouses and children?
RAWSTORY posted this over the top piece:
That is NOT over the top!
We’ve known about it for months and months… but the MSM is just starting to wake up to McCain’s lack of judgment, string-pulling, cover-ups, and lies, lies, lies. Some of the Arizona papers of the time were brave enough to describe what was happening.
She forged prescriptions and stole opiates from her own non-profit.
He lied and bullied and got it covered it up.
Yes, Cindy is a druggie. She never went through detox, or did the community service and other amelioration in order to avoid the trial and the likely 20 year jail sentence. She is probably still a druggie. I said when she showed up with the arm brace that she probably faked the sprain to get more painkillers.
Yes, John lied. He covered it up. He threatened reprisals and hired John Dowd (his Keating 5 lawyer) and his team of pitbulls to squash it. He took Cindy out of the hospital ENDANGERING HER LIFE, just to get her back home and secreted away. If he loved her, he would have seen her treated. Maybe he wanted her dead? Overdoses aren’t to be meddled with by hot-rocketing assholes, by monitored and treated by doctors.
Most of all this shows the lengths they will go to steal whatever they feel they need, to cover up embarrassment when caught, to avoid responsibility for poor judgment and worse behavior.
This is also typical Republican behavior: Look at Rush Limbaugh doctor-shopping and flying to party spots with sex drugs and pain killers in his pocket! Does he have a job? Yes! Does he feel like he can thunder about morality to the rest of America? Yes! Look at Palin’s kids: drunken, druggies, pregnant, vandals. Does she still have a job? Yes! Does she righteously tell the rest of America about God’s plan? Yes! Look at Haggart, Craig, Vitters, and the rest of the morality police waxing wroth about marriage while violating their own.
Damned hypocrites, every last one of them.
We need to elect people who can use good judgment in times of stress. We need lawmakers who can think through consequences. We need executives who can make the right decisions in tough times.
We don’t need liars, thieves, drug addicts or corrupt assholes in positions of authority.