Ron Prentice is CEO of the California Family Council and Chairman of, the committee behind Prop 8 (the folks working to ban gay marriage in California).

Justin McLachlan has broken a major story in the Proposition 8 battle: California Family Council spends most of the public’s contributions on employees, not programs

The money was supposed to go to support the California Family Council’s charitable mission, instead, most of it went into the pockets of the organization’s employees.

Please read Justin’s entire piece and then catch his follow-up post here: So who’s really running this place?

As I pointed out in my story about the California Family Council, the one thing I wasn’t able to nail down explicitly is exactly who, if anyone, is on the board of directors.

Nonprofit watchdogs generally say an organization like the CFC should have at least 5 board members, a large majority of whom are independent (read: not paid). But the CFC’s tax returns only list Ron Prentice, its executive director, and Peter Henderson, its director of strategic programs, in the sections where board members are supposed to be listed.

I trust we’ll begin to see more news and blog pieces referencing Justin’s research into Ron Prentice and his pocket-lining ways – articles like these:

California Anti-Gay Leaders Rake It In

Since 2003, the public has given the Riverside, Calif.-based California Family Council (CFC) nearly $3 million to support charitable work that the organizations says “protects and fosters judeo-Christian principles in California’s laws.” But, according to its federal tax returns, little more than $500,000 of that money has gone to “program services,” or expenses directly related to that charitable work.

In contrast, the CFC’s top two employees, including its founder and executive director, Ron Prentice, were paid a total of $1.1 million over four years. The CFC’s other employees earned a total of $900,000 in compensation — bringing the total spent on employees at the Council to about $2 million since it began in 2003.

Bash Gays – Get Rich

Wanna get rich but haven’t quite found your angle yet? Why not go into the gay bashing business? At least, that’s how the leaders of the gay hating organization California Family Council made their money.

Calif. Anti-Gay Group Successful–At Lining Leaders’ Pockets, Says Blog

Of the money taken in by the CFC over the four years of its existence, only 18 percent has gone to program services, according to McLachlan’s article. In its first two years, the CFC spent nothing at all on program services, though it took in more than one and a half million dollars.

REVEALED: California Family Council An Illegally Run Sham “Charity”

It turns out the anti-gay Christers at the Focus On The Family-related California Family Council are a bunch of crooks. A look at their finances has revealed that almost all of their fundraising goes to pay the high salaries of their executives.

Con Artist Exposed As Heading Prop 8 Campaign

As Justin McLachlan exposes, Ron Prentice has been operating a scam – raising money from good religious people – but using it to line his own pocket instead of using the money as he said he would. He is nothing but a con-artist. And now he is trying to con the people of California into bashing gay and lesbian families – so he can add another million or so to his bank account.

Anti-Gay Organization is Personal Money Machine

I have long held that a great many of the “pro-family” organizations have as their main agenda making a nice comfortable living for their founders and “ex-gay” for pay employees. True, there is also the political agenda of keeping alive the choice myth, but the real goal is money. Emerging facts about the Riverside, California-based California Family Council which claims to have a mission to protect and foster Judeo-Christian principles in California’s laws, for the benefit of its families is a case in point. These charlatans continue to prey on their sheep-like contributors to finance their comfortable life style and no doubt laugh all the way to the bank.

Pro Prop 8 Group Squandering Resources

The battle for equality, fairness and rights, aka Prop. 8 is an extremely close fight. So, it is with pleasure that I pass along this story about the California Family Council (CFC). They have been raising millions to pass Prop. 8, but instead of spending most of the money on GOTV efforts, the leaders have been lining their own pockets.

Does ‘A Prentice’ need Trump’s financial advice?

… perhaps Mr. Prentice should focus on his own house rather than spending so much time accusing our side of chicanery.

Liars & Thieves

The California Family Council ain’t helping nobody but themselves.

Just a heads up, Ron. This story ain’t goin’ away.