Four Pinocchios for McCain. Dude lies.
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
Keep an eye on this topic over at intrade.
Perhaps there will be a market shake up, if low information voters can be ramped up on how completely HORRIBLE for themselves (and the rest of America) it would be if McWorse & Palin are installed in office.
I would think Intrade is very easy to manipulate if you’re willing to shell out a few bucks, something the Republicans have never been shy about.
Read this for another view:
I hope Mark Whitlock and Bob DeMoss never find work again.
McCain afraid to campaign without Palin..
I feel like i’m cheating on booman by reading another blog..but Palin Trip to Iraq was at a border crossing point.
And what is funny that Palin never met the PM of Canada, to some extent he’s a foreign leader. Notice Palin has a Canadian accent, are we sure she’s actually resided in Alaska.
I’m gonna call my attorney…
but I actually agree with Pamela Anderson:
McCain’s pissed off room mates.
(Linked, since there is too much funky code in the embed box.)