Okay, would you rather eat a moose’s nose or a sheep’s eye?
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
I’d go with the eye. I might not eat it, but I dissected one once in biology class and I’m a little more familiar with it.
theoretically, you could make a sheep’s eyeball into a bong.
In the NE, moose hunting is big….. For many, Moose burger to Moose filet mignon is to die for… Very strong tasting.
My preference is caribou.
Having been offered the sheep’s eye more than once, I am willing to try the moose nose.
I was once served cow’s brain in Iraq…
Cow’s brain – yeah. Of course, they eat that in the U.S. and Europe too.
The problem with the sheep’s eye is that it is a big honour to be offered that, which makes it almost impossible to turn it down and not be rude (I found a couple of ways that were graceful enough to work)! It is usually offered from a quzi, which is a whole sheep stuffed with a rice mixture that includes raisins, pine nuts, often whole eggs, and sometimes even small birds called asfur. It is cooked outside in a hole in the ground, and is simply delicious.
Usually it is bedouins or rural people who cook it. You can buy a whole quzi already cooked, but it is not the same. You can buy a quzi in the U.S. as well. A few years ago the brother of a close friend of mine died. The are from Palestine, and she asked me to help prepare refreshments and serve the guests for his 40 day celebration, and she ordered a quzi for the event. It was not a full-grown sheep, though, but a lamb of more manageable size.
what with CJD and all. Of course, it could be that in Iraq they don’t feed the cows their own brains.
The Islamic dietary rules involving butchering make consuming an unhealthy animal far less likely than in non-Muslim countries. For meet to be halal (i.e. religiously acceptable), the animal must be apparently healthy and able to walk. A downer animal would therefore not be halal.
As for what they feed cows in Iraq, it is most often a natural diet – you know, the old fashioned stuff.
I want a bailout too, from the gov’t, maybe if all the consumer’s with a credit card balance stopped paying we would get bailed out by Uncle Sam.
We were the first to be bailed out. When Reagan told us we didn’t have to pay our bills. We were encouraged to borrow to pay for our lifestyles and cheney said deficits don’t matter. Now we could use that money.
When your creditors call, tell them John McCain was a POW. That should work.
do either come with a side of hacked email?
Wonder what her user name and password were? Wasilla and Moose? I’m sure it was a tough nut to crack. Hope they find the 10 yr old criminal mind behind this crime.
it was apparently perpetrated by the “anonymous” group, part of the 4chan and /b/ hackers…a decidedly ruthless collection of geeks and hackers.
I read somewhere that her user name was something like “gov.palin” or “alaska.gov” or something like that. You know, totally hard to guess.
Frankly anyone who puts important stuff on Yahoo mail (or Gmail or any other web mail) deserves what they get. I use mine for chatting with my sisters, library renewal reminders and the like, but then I’m not running a state government, or even a city government the size of Seattle (close in size, from what I gather).
Well, I think the implied point is that the ‘important stuff’ she was dealing with through her yahoo account was stuff she’d rather a hacker have to crack as opposed to it be available under the Freedom of Information Act.
Kind of like the Bush administration using the RNC servers instead of their White House governmental accounts.
We’ve seen this playbook before!
I’d rather eat a piece of cake. But I’m on a diet.
Down 50 pounds though, and counting, since the start of summer….
Good for you, Lisa. Keep up the fine work.
Way to go, Lisa!
Wow, that’s great! I think I found some of your 50 lbs. 🙁
I wish I’d lose 50 lb. My doctor has me on an appetite suppressant, which seems to be working, but slowly. In one way I want to just have it go away, like now, but deep down in my mind I know that it is going to take a while.
But if I can lose a pound a week, I’ll be a happy guy. Especially if I can keep it up for a couple of years.
The best way to lose weight is slowly, and by consciously changing eating habits.
This week’s theme is Shadows and Silhouettes.
See ya’ll there.
ok, yesterday…from obama:
h/t to Silent Patriot @ C&L
good one!
My apologies if this was already posted, but I did not see it in the open threads…
From Michigan: Racial slurs spray-painted across Obama billboard in Pittsfield Township
Lovely. I like this line:
Good effort, morons. As far as you could reach…
But still yucky, not fun and disturbing.
causing some heads to explode in mcstain/palin central:
Ted Stevens Is Earmark King — Will McCain And Palin Say Anything?:
segue to <crickets>
One question: Will the snot be removed before eating?
Ewww. I’m going with the eyeball.
It’s never too late to become a vegetarian (although the selection of local produce in Alaska might be slim).
How long before the McCain/Palin camp either insinuates or directly accuses Obama and/or those in his employ of hacking Palin’s e-mail account? Failing that level of accusation maybe at minimum fingering a very close supporter or surrogate as the instigator of the theft? Predictions?