Today, both candidacies are going for the knockout punch. McCain’s giving an economic speech to the Green Bay Chamber of Commerce before he and John Bircher Sarah Palin campaign in Blaine, Minnesota. Meanwhile, Barack Obama is in Coral Gables, Florida and Joey Biden is in Sterling, Virginia. Everyone is on offense. McCain’s clearly trying to open up a Kerry state for takeover. But McCain desperately needs to hold on to both Florida and Virginia.
Obama will be in Daytona Beach and Jacksonville on Saturday. He’s invested a lot in Florida and he clearly wants to keep the state in contention. I think he can win the state if he can hold down McCain’s numbers in the North and the Panhandle.
Voter registration in Florida has surged in the Democrats’ favor since 2006. They’ve gained 176,000 voters since then; Republicans have lost 8,262. Democrats now have an edge of 468,209.
However, a lot of the those voters are Wallace Democrats and Florida is one of the few battleground states with a Republican governor, and we know how that works, don’t we?
As for Wisconsin, McCain brought the noise last night at the Resch Center in Green Bay.
“The days of me first, country second end on Nov. 4,” McCain said, later adding: “That’s how we see this election, country first or Obama first.”
The crowd replied with chants of “Country first! Country first!”
When I see John McCain saying things like that, I just want to stick my fist in his mouth. Here’s what Barack Obama said about this line of attack in his acceptance speech in Denver:
But what I will not do is suggest that the Senator takes his positions for political purposes. Because one of the things that we have to change in our politics is the idea that people cannot disagree without challenging each other’s character and patriotism.
The times are too serious, the stakes are too high for this same partisan playbook. So let us agree that patriotism has no party. I love this country, and so do you, and so does John McCain. The men and women who serve in our battlefields may be Democrats and Republicans and Independents, but they have fought together and bled together and some died together under the same proud flag. They have not served a Red America or a Blue America – they have served the United States of America.
So I’ve got news for you, John McCain. We all put our country first.
But John McCain is out there like some second-rate pasty fascist or old-school old-line segregationist, talking about how it’s either ‘country first or Obama first.’ I’d like to meet John McCain in the middle of the street somewhere, mano y mano until one of us drops. I hear he’s not one to back down from a challenge. I’d drop him like a sack of potatoes.
But I know I’ll have to content myself with a symbolic asskicking. I am hoping that America has evolved beyond the point where they’ll respond positively to McCain’s hate speech. If McCain were truly ashamed of his defense of the Confederate Flag, he’ll be ten times as embarrassed of his tactics in this campaign. He’s a rodent.
Both McKKKain AND Palin the Bircher are rodents.
“So Sambo beat the bitch”: that’s Palin’s remark after Obama clinched the nomination.
Disgusting people.
Don’t have to convince me. The full court press is on, today odious GOP talk radio slimeball Neal Boortz pinned the multi-trillion dollar Wall Street meltdown on too much regulation: Liberals forced the real victims here — Wall Street titans — to make loans to po’ black folk that were never going to get repaid, and it’s literally all Barack Obama’s fault.
No really, that’s his entire theory.
You’d better believe this is the GOP’s attack plan: broke-ass minorites bankrupted America when they couldn’t pay back the perfectly fair and not-at-all predatory loans Wall Street was absolutely forced to give them by Dirty Fucking Hippies.
It begins.
I guess Neal forgot about all the white folks who’ve been losing their houses too…
Every time I think it would be impossible to hate the GOP more, they find some way to get me to do it.
McSame’s speech said much the same thing.
It’s aimed at convincing people that Barack Obama and the Democrats ruined the economy while Bush’s SecTreas is telling the world that the new gubment agency to save Wall Street is going to cost us “hundreds of billions” of dollars.
It’s on. I think I’m going to be physically ill.
And, of course, never mind the fact that the mortgage and banking industries found a way to get very, very rich by so distancing themselves from the responsibility for questionable loans they made by selling and reselling them through multiple layered transactions.
I remember a few years ago when it seemed like mortgage brokers were popping up like weeds in every little strip mall around. I have several acquaintances who hung out their shingle. One was a laid off factory worker, another had been selling wood burning fireplaces another was a car salesman. All of these people, with very few qualifications, got into the business of mortgages. And as long as the pyramid held together and the housing “boom” was maintained by this false facade of easy mortgage money, they seemed to flourish. But it didn’t take much of a pothole before the consequences of this kind of business model began to turn bad. Of course, in the end, the banking and financial institutions had already taken their money and run, while the one left holding the bag was the “working class” dude who, in the end, owed someone regardless of the terms.
And now the practice of corporate welfare has gone nuclear. Once again, it is the working people who will bail out the fatcats, giving them an opportunity down the road to once again get rich at the taxpayer trough.
These assholes should be in jail. I heard the President of AIG on the radio the other day. He was “shocked” to find out his company was in such dire straits. The freaking President of the company doesn’t know his business is a house of cards?
“Who could have known???”
Where have we heard that one before?
Who could have known? indeed.
I don’t think we should put them in jail; rather, I think we should follow the Billy Ray Valentine principle (at 7:45):
My mistake–I meant to reply to you here, but I mistakenly placed it downthread.
And just how much capital would that Confederate Flag defense get him today? And will a trip to Bob Jones U. still work? Things have changed somewhat in the South, but just what does “somewhat” mean? In my opinion, McCain must eventually go there to shore up that component of the Republican base.
Otherwise, five bucks says Booman can take McCain (a sick old man) out with one blow.
I’m half-convinced that McKKKain’s actually already dead, and they keep re-animating him with the same machine that keeps Robo-Cheney ticking along.
Yes, and I’m convinced that Cindy McCain is a cyborg. I have never seen her eyes blink. Creepy.
and maybe join in. McCain has no honor at this point, pretty soon we are going to get McCain fatigue from pointing out his lies and smears.
I think he repeated the Franklin Raines lie in the speech today, claiming Obama had him as an advisor when Raines was never an advisor. I guess if Obama doesn’t have his own Phil Gramm, you just have to make one up, huh?
And for McCain to claim that Obama is responsible for this crisis is just as ridiculous as claiming that Obama is responsible for high gas prices. Jesus Christ, Obama didn’t even get to Washington until 2004 after the real estate bubble was already in full bloom. McCain and his Republican buddies were the ones who created this turd.
But believing a lie about Obama being responsible for the mortgage meltdown is preferable to the truth of being a racist.
McSame is selling yet another piece of absolution so people can feel good about voting against Scary Black Man In Our White House.
The last days of this campaign…the last days of America…are all lies.
Second-rate? I say that
Dick CheneyAmerican Fascism has no equal, and I question your patriotism for even suggesting otherwise.Why do you hate America?!
Neil Boortz was only copying the vile Larry Kudlow.