I know Alaskans speak English, but I have to ask you Alaskans, “Does Sarah Palin make sense to you?”, because down here in the lower 48 it seems like she is speaking a foreign language.
COURIC: You’ve cited Alaska’s proximity to Russia as part of your foreign policy experience. What did you mean by that?
PALIN: That Alaska has a very narrow maritime border between a foreign country, Russia, and on our other side, the land– boundary that we have with– Canada. It– it’s funny that a comment like that was– kind of made to– cari– I don’t know, you know? Reporters–
PALIN: Yeah, mocked, I guess that’s the word, yeah.
COURIC: Explain to me why that enhances your foreign policy credentials.
PALIN: Well, it certainly does because our– our next door neighbors are foreign countries. They’re in the state that I am the executive of. And there in Russia–
COURIC: Have you ever been involved with any negotiations, for example, with the Russians?
PALIN: We have trade missions back and forth. We– we do– it’s very important when you consider even national security issues with Russia as Putin rears his head and comes into the air space of the United States of America, where– where do they go? It’s Alaska. It’s just right over the border. It is– from Alaska that we send those out to make sure that an eye is being kept on this very powerful nation, Russia, because they are right there. They are right next to– to our state.
If you are an Alaskan, could you please provide us with a translation?
I lived in Alaska as a child, so let me try.
Alaska is closer to Russia than any other state. So … blah, blah … I’m confident!
I’m sending you by FedEx a Mooseese dictionary. In Alaska they speak mooseese.
Not to take away from the Couric-Palin interview, the segment you cited that deals with foreign policy, there’s this priceless nugget. Palin had throughout the interview, prepped answers. It seems she stumbled in giving wrong answers to questions: Ponder this –
Thinkprogress’ priceless find
Yeah, Palin is more right than we may think – The bailout is abouit those who care about health Care Reform. With the bailout of Wall Street – and it will be trillions, making for a trillion dollar deficit each year going foreward – health care reform won’t happen.
That’s the outrage.
What the interview demonstrates. Should McCain win, we need heavy prayers, essential oils, take your pick. May McCain have a long life.
I beg to differ. If McCain wins we need pitchforks, lumber, and rope.
sorry, don’t expect an outpouring of the populace with pitchforks, lumber and rope.
they’ve been drinking too much flouridated water, and a diet loaded with flouridated salt, msg, corn syrup and popcorn while watching bubblevision.
Ask Preznit Bush.
Lord but it sounds like a direct quote from one of his rambles.
Doesn’t it?
Ya know, it does sound like Bush.
It almost in fact sounds like McSame is running the worst campaign ever just so that Obama wins.
Herbarack Ohoover.
could be Barack FDR.
but we’ll need more than fireside chats.
This been well planned….the burning of the dollar… after amassing trillions in profits. Ya know, if you’ve a pile of trillions and hyper-inflation hits. my you’re not hurting.
True, planned all the way to Barry taking the brunt of the blame for all this and not Bush and the GOP.
Just in time for 2012.
Yes! Sounds very much like GW. And I remember the post turtle joke going around about 43, too.
Translation: Palin is an idiot.
that we won’t notice. The voters in Alaska never noticed!
Did Palin order the Alaskan National Guard into battle against the Russians to defend the Republic of Alaska? I may have missed it.
There has to be some concern in R circles. I mean, without being cruel, she is clearly out of her realm, and her performances are simply getting worse.
I truly expect to hear McCain announce that Palin has been mauled by a polar bear while defending her baby. Mitt Romney will step into the breach.
Would anyone be surprised? Really…
I’d like to know the ratio of pundits on the (R) side who will throw their hands up in despair at the idea that this woman could be a 72-year-old heartbeat away from the presidency vs. the pundits on the (R) side who will insist – with a straight face – that Couric was being unfair and being a big meanie and asking her “gotcha” questions and how dare she be so presumptuous and …
I gotta tell ya, I’m not thinking that the numbers will be that good. Because if you’re still sitting on the (R) side of the aisle after the last 8 years of incompetent moronitude, this little bit of incompetent moronitude probably isn’t going to rattle your feathers that much.
Though I do wonder if Palin might have lost George Will for McCain forever last night. After the beatdown Will gave McCain last weekend, and now this, I just can’t see Will rolling over. I mean, the man’s not the most intellectually honest person in the world but come on – people have limits!
“Couric was being unfair and being a big meanie…”
That’s just it, though. In one of her worst exchanges with Couric, it was about the foriegn policy credentials as it relates to her time as Governor of Alaska. This has to be a queston they expect…
Tough questions may be in store for her regarding international relations and domestic policy, but she’s stumbling over layups.
This is a train wreck.
That’s why they are not letting her talk to anyone. Every time she opens her mouth she puts her foot deeper down her throat.
announce that Palin has been mauled by a polar bear while defending her baby
😀 Too perfect!
I wonder if the right has started to attack Couric yet for being in the tank or a sexist.
Reading this has simultaneously caused my head to explode, and reminded me of an email I received today.
I almost hurt myself laughing. OMG, that’s funny!
This killed me.
Oh my Jesus, Mary, and Joseph, God, Goddess, Sikkar the Lightbringer and the Flying Spaghetti Monster in a plastic bucket.
This is concrete evidence that the whole last 24 hours has been the McSame campaign killing the VP debate. There will be no VP debate, ever. it won’t happen. It can’t happen. It would ruin the GOP for generations. My 13-year old niece could outargue her.
This woman is not even qualified to run a free samples tray at a grocery store.
It would be like child’s play for her, and for my 13yo niece, too.
Unlike Sarah Palin, they are educated, curious about the world around them, and have the ability to express themselves better than this dolt. And I know my niece is a straight-A student…OK, there may be an occasional B every now and again, but still…!
True story. She got the job at an A&P (circa 1940) in Hartford CT because she had a college degree in Home Economics education, and demonstrated good sanitary practices in her interview. One of the highlights of her stint at A&P was meeting Ted Geisel, a.k.a., Dr. Suess, and his wife, and having a conversation about children’s books and her own first child.
My mother was a lot smarter and infinitely more honest than Sarah Palin.
You’re right, Sarah Palin is not qualified to do free sample trays.
This, from Newsweek, says it all!
The next administration must immediately confront issues like nuclear proliferation, ongoing wars in Iraq and Afghanistan (and covert wars elsewhere), global climate change, a convulsing economy, Russian belligerence, the rise of China, emerging epidemics, Islamism on a hundred fronts, a defunct United Nations, the deterioration of American schools, failures of energy, infrastructure and Internet security … the list is long, and Sarah Palin does not seem competent even to rank these items in order of importance, much less address any one of them.
These painful interviews make me wish McCain had pick Hutchinson. At least her interviews would have been entertaining in a Whirling-Dervish-on-crack sort of way. Hutchinson would have run rings around Couric & Gibson without saying much of anything, but at least making some fucking sense.
I just posted that transcript snippet to an open thread at the lunatic asylum that used to be Larry Johnson’s blog, No Quarter, adding the following remark:
As a lifelong stickler for the bizarre and the grotesque, I admit to fascination with the No Quarter phenomenon. The other day, SusanUnPc (aka SusanHu), who used to fight for human and animal rights, peace, and enlightened liberal democracy, proudly posted a “great photograph” of her new heroine Sarah “Wolfsbane” Palin meeting with… Henry Kissinger. Yes, Kissinger the war criminal, the blood-stained prince of darkness, the Metternich of the 20th century (albeit not so progressive and humane). That frankly shocked me a little, so I cannot be a radical misanthrope yet.
The site is also noteworthy for the confused ramblings of a certain “Rabble Rousing Reverend Amy,” easily the most annoying prose writer in the history of blogging.
I glanced at NoQuarter out of curiosity the other day. 2.5 seconds was more than enough. It is simply unbelievable. Larry was always a bit “out there” from time to time, but I really thought Susan had her feet on the ground most of the time.
I read Freak Republic for years, but the shock value has long since worn off. Hence the attraction of No Quarter: The spectacle of people betraying their own interests and convictions for spite, like deranged spurned lovers bent on some mad revenge, appeals to my contempt for the human race.
What I don’t get more than I don’t get anything else is how anyone who was a Hillary supporter can possibly embrace Palin, who is the exact antithesis of everything Hillary stands for. Two X chromosomes and a set of standard-issue female parts is all those two have in common.
I am not now and have never been a supporter of Hillary, but Sarah Palin being the nominee for Vice President is a HUGE insult to Hillary. Whatever anyone might think about her politically or personally, she is qualified for the job. Sarah Palin? Well, she might be qualified to be president of the PTA – or not.
That’s my exact take as well. Palin is G.W. Bush with different plumbing, minus the privileged background and Ivy League diplomas.
These “PUMAs” are probably old women who, for the purpose of vicarious self-validation, crave a female in the White House during their lifetime, come hell or high water. They would have endorsed the Countess Elisabeth Báthory, were she in the run. In fact, they defected to McCain well before Palin entered the picture, simply out of a desire to punish their own party for selecting a guy when it was “a women’s turn.”
There was a particularly poignant comment by one of these clowns to the effect that, upon her menopause, she had overcome the “selfish” obsession with a woman’s right to choose, and so was not concerned with the Supreme Court angle. This is quite beyond irony, and show just how absurd identity politics can get.
She is too stupid for words
Ran across this on a thread at the Orange site.