Sarah Palin could have talked to John Kerry. Kerry would have told her that ordering cheesesteaks in Philadelphia is fraught with danger. Kerry made the mistake of asking for Swiss Cheese and tomatoes on his Pat’s steak. Palin went to Tony Luke’s and contradicted her running mate’s policy on Pakistan.
Palin’s apparent disagreement with McCain’s position on Pakistan came as the Alaska governor was picking up a couple of cheesesteaks at Tony Luke’s in South Philadelphia. She was approached by a man wearing a Temple University t-shirt, who later identified himself as Michael Rovito.
“How about the Pakistan situation?” Rovito asked. “What’s your thoughts about that.”
“In Pakistan?” Palin responded.
“What’s going on over there, like Waziristan?”
“It’s working with Zardari to make sure that we’re all working together to stop the guys from coming in over the border,” Palin said. “And we’ll go from there.”
“Waziristan is blowing up,” Rovito replied.
“Yeah, it is,” Palin said. “And the economy there is blowing up, too.”
“So we do cross-border, like from Afghanistan to Pakistan, you think?” Rovito asked.
“If that’s what we have to do stop the terrorists from coming any further in, absolutely, we should,” Palin said.
First of all, her real mistake was in ordering a cheesesteak. Everyone knows that Tony Luke’s makes great roast pork sandwiches. Get some greens on that, and you’re set. Their cheesesteaks are second-rate, at best.
I’m still trying to figure out why Sarah Palin is hanging out all week in deep South Philly. She’s gonna get her ass kicked down there every time she engages with the public.
wherein Tina Fey repeated Palin’s own words, EXACTLY the same words, from the Katy Couric interview to hilarious effect. It was truly surreal.
I recorded SNL because I was just too tired to stay up and watch it last night. I am really glad I did. It is a classic. It’s difficult to pick out a single favourite moment – there were so many.
even when she’s supposed to be lying low or high –
CNN: McCain retracts Palin’s Pakistan comments
what’s a campaign to do?
Take her up to some remote mountain in some remote country with no electricity and no satellite access and hide her in a cave until Nov 4?
debate coaching help at some location in Philly. Hence her disgustingly protracted stay in my city.
She actually had the nerve to show up at the Irish Pub on Friday night. It disgusts me that I was in the same place not 5 days before.
As for the Cheesesteaks, for the love of God, candidates please pay attention. You go to either Pat’s or Gino’s on Passayunk. Indeed, if you are a Republican, it is probably better now to go to Gino’s. And this is what you order: “Wiz with.” That is it. That is all you do. It is disgusting, and in fact I prefer “Provolone without.” But you have to do it.
For those of us who aren’t from Philly, what the hell do “Wiz with” and “Provolone without” mean? Specifically with or without what – onions? peppers?
And my stomach turns every single time I hear people associate the words “Cheeze Wiz” and “Cheesesteak”. How do you destroy a perfectly good sandwich by putting cheeze wiz on it?
It’s a fried onion thing.
Being from the burbs, I prefer ‘American without’…that whiz thing is just too much. 🙂
“wiz with” means “My choice of cheese for my cheesesteak will be Cheez Wiz, and I would also like that with onions.”
“Provolone without” indicates provolone cheese, no onions.
personally, I like my steak American with. I refuse to eat at geno’s: not only is the guy a rightwing nativist, he’s a carpetbagger from Jersey. Pat’s King of Steaks cleans Geno’s clock if you ask me, but neither come close to Steve’s Prince of Steaks on Bustleton Avenue.
Steve’s makes the best cheesesteak I have EVER had in my life. Fantastic.
Hahahaha. Such a proper translation from Philadelphian to English.
And the right wing politics of Geno’s is why I said Palin should probably go there. Indeed, shouldn’t Geno (or whatever that fuck’s name is) be really upset that Palin dissed him?
And I hate saying that because I hate the Northeast. 😉
yeah me too, but man-oh-man, what a steak!!!
One word: Jim’s pizza steaks
Okay, that’s three words.
Yeah, folks around here pretty much agreed that she had got it wrong when I mentioned it. Many didn’t even know where Tony Luke’s is. Not as bad as swiss, but still.
I’m glad I took the time to advise one of Obama’s advisors before he had his steak around here.
How you doing anyway DD?
Been busy with DE stuff. Must stop by Drinking Liberally soon.
What could Palin possibly know about the economy in Waziristan?
Less than she knows about the U.S. economy – i.e. somewhere in the negative numbers.
So is asking for swiss & tomato on a Philly cheesesteak like asking for ketchup on a Chicago hotdog — it provokes pity and anger in the onlookers?
not so much pity and anger as utter scorn.
so, I understand cheesesteak etiquette
McCain said Obama didn’t get it and accused him of wanting unilateral actions across the Pakistani border. Then she says the opposite. Its closer to the truth since that is what we are doing right now. Bush’s
lastonly attempt to get Bin Laden being unilateral with no consultation with the new Pakistani government. Our troops were in a firefight with Pakistan’s regular army last week over it. Do Palin and McCain talk? Did she watch the debate?Now I’m as partisan as anybody, but let’s be fair here. You ask “Do Palin and McCain talk?” I mean c’mon — how much more are these people supposed to sacrifice for their party? Would YOU talk to Palin? Would YOU talk to McCain?
McCain already crashed several airplanes for his country. Palin already put her commercially valuable body on the line protecting us from Putin. These are human beings, for gods’ sake, not lab animals to be tortured for our amusement. Extreme boredom and cognitive dissonance can kill. McCain and Palin have suffered enough. Let us not demand of them more than their frail equilibria can survive.
lol True they are very fragile at this point.
Fuck that, she should just have a slice of Sicilian and let the moo-cows live.