Dennis Kucinich is running for re-election to his House seat in Ohio’s 10th District.  Please donate to his campaign.

Cindy Sheehan is running to unseat Nancy Pelosi in California’s 8th District.  She needs your help to remove the failed speaker.

Anthony Pollina is running for governor of Vermont on the Progressive Party ticket.

Also on the Progressive Party ticket in Vermont is state attorney general candidate Charlotte Dennett, who vows to prosecute the shrub for murder.

Thomas Hermann, an Iraq war veteran running on an anti-war platform, is another Progressive — he’s running for the U.S. House of Representatives.

Ralph Nader is running for president again.  I’m not voting for him, for reasons I’ll explain later, but I do support his message.

Cynthia McKinney is running for president on the Green Party ticket.  She, more than Nader, perhaps has the organizational power to make some kind of impact in November.  She isn’t going to win, obviously, in this rigged system — but enough votes may begin to help build the Green Party further.

Please donate whatever you can to these progressive candidates.