How would you expand the powers of the vice-presidency? I’d make it so they could fly in space anytime they want to.
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
I’d make sure they could never wink at the camera.
I’d make it so they could get away with shooting lawyers in the face.
Oh wait…
I’d give the VP the power to prosecute individuals for wearing white after Labor Day.
I recently saw the phrase “twustomer service” referring to companies reaching out using Twitter. The VP should be able to ban this and other annoying phrases and remove them from existence.
(OK, this is a lame attempt to turn my peeve today into a relevant comment)
Let the VP override a baseball umpire whenever they like?
Besides a bionic heart?
I like the image of the vp in space.
“Open the pod bay door, Hal”
“I can’t do that Dick. Go fuck yourself”
in a week when Doonesbury is tolling the “death knell” for newspapers, the San Jose Mercury News delivered one of the funniest pictures they’ve ever printed, unfortunately it’s not on the comics page. They must have laid off ALL their editors to let something like this slip through.
The Governator has been wearing out pens vetoing bills lately, and this is a serious article contrasting his vetoes with previous governors. The picture isn’t online though. Here’s what ran in the dead tree this morning.
Californians should get the joke. For the rest of you, the man on the left is named Brown, but it isn’t former Governor Jerry Brown, it’s former Assembly Speaker and SF Mayor Willie Brown.
We’ve had three African American Governors in American history. Oh, wait, I guess that makes four.
Yup. My “WTF” meter went off the scale again.
Rachel Maddow just had a comment about how Palin had quoted a Westbrook Pegler. Someone so right wing that he got thrown out of the John Birch society.
Well, this sort of answers the question about what kinds of reading material she reads, now does it…