I go to see Bruce Springsteen (who was awesome) and Sarah Palin accuses Obama of palling around with terrorists. Isn’t that pleasant? I can’t wait to see what Tina Fey has to say about Palin’s beauty-pageant contestant performance in the debate. How do you even parody something like that?
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
Tsk, tsk…She’s going to have to give back that Miss Congeniality award.
Yeah, well, Larry and Susan over at No Quarter started selling that particular line of bull** six or eight months ago.
I can tell you what is coming next. Next they will try to make a close association between Obama and Saddam Hussein because Obama knew Tony Rezko, and Tony Rezko knows someone else who met Saddam once. Larry and Susan have been trying to sell that one too for at least the last 8 months or so.
It is desperation time, I guess.
via TNR’s The Stump
Today there was a jazz, art, and wine festival not far from my home, so I went to check it out. At one end they a place for voter registration with one table for Democrats, one for Republicans. The Democrat table had placed pretty prominently an Obama/Biden sign, but the Republican table did not have a similar sign for McCain/Palin. Then I noticed a sign was under the table. And then, after looking more carefully I saw a big cardboard cutout of Palin next to the table. Seriously, I felt such revulsion that I could not restrain myself from making a disgusted face before walking away.
You know, in this area it takes a lot of nerve to put up a big cardboard cutout of Sarah Palin.
Wait a minute! Palin IS a cardboard cutout! How do you make a cardboard cutout of a cardboard cutout?
It was a banner day for the GOP.
It seems we have forgotten about Hurricane Ike..
Sadly, to often we fail to recognize our frailty in the face of nature’s wrath, whether hurricane or climate change that comes more slowly. Disaster is inevitable if we don’t heed the warnings. May those poor souls rest in peace.
Ike’s Katrina’s husband.
The MSM has been instructed to ignore Houston and Galveston, just like they were instructed to downplay the flooding of New Orleans and the absence of evacuation from New Orleans.
The Capitalists want another disaster to suck off of. Just like Iraq, just like Katrina — flood the cronies with FEMA money and let the people suffer. Surprisingly, nothing gets done, people affected are outraged, but since the MSM stifles their stories, there’s no support, no outrage from the public at large.
This is Disaster Capitalism at work.
About the bailout bill. I’m not sorry I’ve donated to this blog, and I will do so again.
My only excuse was that I was very upset about the whole evolution, and instinctively I will get very defensive when I feel one of my people is being attacked. [Krugman]
Well, it’s just one thing, and I’m sorry I said that shit, Booman. I wasn’t wrong about the bailout, okay, but I admire you and your blog, and hope you have a great Sunday.
It’s fucked up, but I’m most upset Cabin Girl likely saw it. Feels like I let her down, somehow, I don’t know what’s up with that. Sorry.
it’ll cheer you no end
Clusterfuck Nation by Jim Kunstler
feeling better?
thought so…
Ha. Palin screeched that Obama said America was imperfect.
I know who did. Her minister Larry Kroon. Someone alert the Obama campaign to look up the sermon “Sin is Personal to God.”