Here are my predictions for the 2nd debate:
McCain will mention Bill Ayers, terrorist at least ten times.
Obama will say how much he respects McCain’s service to his country and his “heroism” at least as much.
McCain will call Obama a liar.
McCain will accuse Obama of negative campaigning and avoiding the issues.
McCain will tell us we’re all gonna die if he doesn’t get elected as President because Obama is dangerously naive about the terrorist threat.
McCain will mention he’s a maverick at least once (if only to make Sarah Palin happy).
Obama will mention George Bush in the same sentence as John McCain more than a dozen times.
McCain will promise more tax cuts which will save the economy. Meanwhile he will accuse Obama of wanting to destroy the economy with the same old “tax and spend” liberal policies that failed in the past.
McCain will say we are winning in Iraq.
Obama will say we are ignoring Afghanistan because of the failed strategy of attacking Iraq.
McCain will look Obama in the face numerous times (but he won’t like doing it).
Tom Brokaw will exhibit his usual fake gravitas as moderator.
So what are your predictions?
McCain will go in overly confident because he’s an “old pro” at this town hall format. But he’s only used to being in front of audience of adoring Republican fans. These people won’t be so friendly toward him and he will want to leave. It will be like George Bush Sr. at his town hall debate with Clinton in ’92 when he checked his watch and tried to defend “people with means” by showing everyone his American Express card.
McCain will attempt to be sunny like Reagan but will only succeed in creeping everyone out.
With the incredibly crappy format (no followups, preapproved questions), we’ll hear the same old talking points from both sides. McCain will come off as a desperate old man with nothing to say and Obama will come off as knowledgeable and intelligent and very capable of handling the presidency.
It won’t change the outcome one way or another, and will essentially be a waste of time.
Someone in the crowd will go off-script, asking something not pre-approved. What can they do to them? Nothing.
So what are your predictions, he asks?
Your response is not bad, but that won’t happen. The Middle East will again not be touched upon as in the VP debate. Obama will not have to avoid NOT SAYING “two states,” as Biden did.
If it does happen and the Israeli-Palestinian issue comes up, McCain makes points by saying “I support two states.” Like Biden, Obama avoids the issue and looks as if he is again sucking up to AIPAC, the right wing.
Yep. Nailed it.
And Obama won’t do anything of note because face it, anybody or anything could defeat the Republicans in this environment and Obama and the Dems are simply playing not to lose.
Which is fine if they had a long-term plan for liberal rule. But they don’t. Unless continuing DLC Clintonian-style conservative corporate rule is somehow “liberal” these days.
Obama and the Democrats had a chance to knock conservative economic policy down and out for decades. But I guess we’re seeing how totally corrupted the Democratic party is that their economic policies are barely distinguishable from Republican economic policies.
So I guess this perfect storm will result in a D “win” at the ballot box but liberals will lose out on a once in a lifetime chance to teach the American people how dangerous and reckless conservative economic polices are.
And liberals aren’t even putting their chosen candidate to the test. It amazes me that we are sitting here and watching our economy come crashing down and Obama is running to Bush for answers to “fix” the economy.
That’s when you know you have no principles. When you look to George Bush to fix the biggest economic depression in a lifetime because you’re too scared of acting. Talk about not having the courage of your convictions! Or maybe Obama’s convictions are the same as Bush’s convictions?
you’re approaching troll territory at this point. That’s the most dishonest stupid thing I’ve ever seen you write.
Trolling? Try trolling for the truth!
You just can’t handle the truth!
O.k., lighten up. Your man is going to win so no reason to go bananas enforcing the party line. Unless . . . you’re declaring a premature Obama victory and jettisoning the real liberals from the good ship Obama . . . you’ve already raised the prospect of a right-leaning cabinet in another thread, hmmm. Maybe that’s what you’ve got on your mind.
And I’m not being dishonest in the least; I mean every last word of my comment. You should learn to have an honest disagreement (trotting out “troll” “dishonest” and “stupid” is a sure sign of desperation). I thought you were a bigger man than that.
But please, continue the Obama coronation apace. I now realize this is the ultimate political “win” for you and you don’t want your blog sullied with liberal skepticism. Especially that dirty fucking hippy skepticism. This is your day! The one day you fought so hard for and gave up so much to get (like all the old Democratic party principles). I hope it’s everything you “hoped” for. I hope you Democrats that have sold us out the last two decades are finally right and now, if we give up the last remaining liberal principles it will finally pay off. We’ll see.
And I actually prefer Obama win. I’m just sick and tired of you trying to convince us that Obama gives a flying fuck about liberals. Or that he has liberal policy goals. He doesn’t. He’s what we would have called a moderate Republican 20 or 30 years ago. In fact, Obama, like you, has demonstrated a knee-jerk hostility to real liberals. You refuse to see the damage Obama can do by failing to take on conservative ideas and in fact, moving the acceptable parameters of debate even farther to the right. Any honest assessment of the Democratic triangulation (moves to the right) the last few decades would recognize this danger. You will eventually run out of room to run to the right. In fact, that may have already occurred.
The damage Obama and Bush have now done to our economy and our basic societal safety net is dramatic. We will see the extent of that damage in the near future. But make no mistake about it–Obama adopted the Bush/Paulson bailout of Wall Street at the expense of regular middle-class Americans. There’s no spinning out of that–as much as you cry “troll” and “stupid”. You’re the one that’s being dishonest by selling Obama as some sort of progressive and denying the obvious.
Obama is letting Bush “fix” the economy, in fact he whipped for Bush’s bill and used the same fearmongering Bush did to sell it. You don’t like this fact so you are being dishonest about what’s going on (you even had the audacity to admonish liberal bloggers for lying about this bill). You’re lucky. You don’t need to snooker liberals anymore. Any stuffed shirt with a D behind his name could win this election so you might as well get on with it and throw your liberal “friends” over the side of the boat.
I fully expect that from you.
the entire premise that Obama has control of Bush’s economic policies or could have ‘knock[ed] conservative economic policy down and out for decades’ is patently dishonest.
The bailout vote included 47% of the progressive caucus on the first vote and over half on the second vote. My whole point has been that progressives are split on the issue, and that it is dishonest to misrepresent the facts about a piece of legislation in order to fear-monger people into voting for or against it.
I might add, that the polls have shifted decisively in Obama’s favor since the moment he took a leadership role in the bailout process, and that McCain’s wishy-washyness on the bill has murdered his chances of becoming president.
Finally, it’s very tiresome to get called names by people that are supposedly more liberal than I am. The idea that I would advocate selling out liberals carries about the same weight as the idea that FDR did sell them out.
The progressive caucus is as confused as the American people are regarding economic affairs. Dodd and Frank, et. al are not pure progressives on economic issues. They take quixotic “populist” positions on a few things (evidently standing up for underwater homeowners is the ‘progressive’ cause du jour–as is banning short selling and mark to fantasy accounting).
Indeed, the progressive caucus, on the whole, has failed to focus on basic liberal economic principles. But I don’t blame the progressives entirely. After all, it’s the conservative Democrats like Obama who have so dominated the conversation where the debate is over how big of a payoff and what minimal strings we will attach to any bailout of Wall Street.
A liberal economic policy would seek: a progressive tax code, reregulation of finance and banking, labor protections, bankruptcy reform, increased focus on consumer protection and worker safety, the return of usury laws, a defense of and increase of social safety nets like retirement security (social security–pension protections) and most important of all–socialized health care. I can think of no greater investment in our economy than providing health care to all Americans.
And a few progressive are leading the charge on these things: Bernie Sanders is actually the one politician hewing the closest to progressive liberal economic principles–from what I can see.
And I agree with you Obama is winning the politics–for now (and how dumb was McCain for not pulling the mavericky stunt of voting no? The one time he didn’t listen to his inner maverick he got punked). But that doesn’t mean it’s wise policy.
I predict I will not be watching the debate tonight and instead will settle down with either a good book, or my lovely wife and I will find something on the teevee to watch together.
Additionally, I predict that nothing of note will come out of this debate. Or, if something noteworthy does appear, it will show up on YouTube within 5 minutes. McCain will be on the attack all night, Obama will appear cool and get in a few factual counterpunches without looking “threatening”.
And just to go wild and crazy – I predict that McCain will give only a cursory answer to at least one question so that he can use the time to attack Obama’s character instead.
Brokaw will either be useless as a moderator, or he will betray his sympathies utterly and show himself to be “in the tank” for his fellow “Silent Generation” member and tilt things for McCain.
Also – the media will declare it a tie, but polling after the fact won’t support that assertion. Polls will not be dramatically moved by the debate. And for the rest of the week, McCain will descend further on the spiral of madness he’s been riding since, oh, let’s say the choice of Palin as VP.
I can’t predict, but I hope that Obama brings up the Keating 5 issue for review….and, if so, I’d Love to see McCain’s reaction.
Obama really should gently push a couple ‘buttons’ and let everybody see how unsuitable for Office McCain is, as he goes off like nitro… he’s so touchy these days, it should be easy, and still look like you’re innocently bring up a point for consideration…
this history buff whats to see Daniel Webster/Preston Brooks…..
forgot to mention….WITHOUT the beating. I want Obama to be the President, not the Patient.
I just want people to see the Hair-trigger Hothead..McCain
Obama will keep his cool while McCain continues to disrespect him. McCain will droan on with his tired jabs at Obama and even more tired talking points.
I think McCain will demonstrate how nasty he really is tinged with a bit of instability and just a touch of madness. If Obama plays it cool, and I am sure he will, he will get the chance to tie McCain in knots especially if he brings up the Keating issue. The debate should contribute to the McCain-Parin slide in all the polls. Well, at least most of them.
… this will be boring as hell as both candidates spout their canned talking points. The McPalin strategy of saying whatever sounds good and not answering the question will be widely used.
receiving word that immigration will finally be discussed. that should provide some fun…
Too bad I’ll be missing all the fun. Actuall, I suspect the only thing humorous will be Pat Buchanan’s and Lou Dobbs’ commentary on the debate.
But I ain’t watching that either.
i predict that the pressure cooker will finally blow tonight with mccain’s temper.
That, my friends, is a good bet.
the reason he’s so grumpy, ya see, is cuz he’s bein forced to go negative on Obama. It’s “antithetical to his persona”. Also.
I think it is a definite possibility. Your comment also provides a convenient opening for me to issue my only prediction for tonight, which is that at least twice I will find myself seriously concerned about John McCain’s mental health.