Here are my predictions for the 2nd debate:

McCain will mention Bill Ayers, terrorist at least ten times.

Obama will say how much he respects McCain’s service to his country and his “heroism” at least as much.

McCain will call Obama a liar.

McCain will accuse Obama of negative campaigning and avoiding the issues.

McCain will tell us we’re all gonna die if he doesn’t get elected as President because Obama is dangerously naive about the terrorist threat.

McCain will mention he’s a maverick at least once (if only to make Sarah Palin happy).

Obama will mention George Bush in the same sentence as John McCain more than a dozen times.

McCain will promise more tax cuts which will save the economy. Meanwhile he will accuse Obama of wanting to destroy the economy with the same old “tax and spend” liberal policies that failed in the past.

McCain will say we are winning in Iraq.

Obama will say we are ignoring Afghanistan because of the failed strategy of attacking Iraq.

McCain will look Obama in the face numerous times (but he won’t like doing it).

Tom Brokaw will exhibit his usual fake gravitas as moderator.

So what are your predictions?