Now is the time to get greedy. If voter registration is still ongoing in your state, you need to set aside some time and register some voters. If early voting is allowed, you need to cast your vote and convince others to do the same. The shorter the lines on election day, the fewer Democrats will lose patience and walk away. If there is a remotely competitive congressional or senate race in your state, find out where their local office is and stop by to see what they need. At a minimum, bring them a case of water. I want you to read this piece by Zack Exley. Read it and then tell me that you don’t want to be a part of that history. Don’t let this opportunity pass you by. We’re poised to make the type of sweeping gains that change the course of a nation. We can see gains like we saw in 1932, which brought us The New Deal, or 1964, which brought us the Voting Rights Act and The Great Society. We can’t let up on the pedal now. As Al Giordano says, it’s halftime in America.
This is the part of the movie when the winning team needs to breathe in its second wind and keep pushing, inch by inch, vote by vote, kicking and scratching and clawing down the field for every last millimeter of ground. There will be setbacks and probably some injuries. There will be penalty flags and unlucky breaks.
This is the final half of the championship game. There won’t be any second chances. The team that stays on its feet and keeps on moving, that is relentless and without mercy toward its rivals, is the one that will emerge triumphant in the end, which is now close enough to taste.
There’s a saying in sports, ‘Don’t leave anything on the field’, which means that you should expend all the energy you have, and save nothing for the post-game interview. We might win seven senate seats, or we might win fifteen. We might win a dozen House seats, or we might win seventy. We might win the Governors races in Indiana and North Carolina, or we might not. Barack Obama might win a narrow victory or he might achieve a landslide blowout that brings a powerful mandate for change.
A lot of the hard work has been done to put the architecture in place, but now we need people to step into those roles and execute the plan. Find your local Obama office, or the offices of your rep or Senate candidate, and be a part of history. You’ll regret it if you don’t.
doing my part.
But who stands guard over the Diebolds?
I sense that our opposition is not passing its morale check very well after the first skirmishing and, then, exchange of volleys. They had started out with a somewhat lower morale level this election as well. I guess they don’t have much stomach for the fight when they don’t have an overwhelming advantage in artillery fire provided by an outrageous advertising budget differential and totally cowed MSM. Definitely the time has arrived to unleash the heavy cavalry to ride them down and send them into full rout to be cut down totally by the fast hussars. Bullies don’t like an even fight and they take to losing even worse.
Let’s hope ours is a happier ending.
See you later – I’ve got a carload of yard signs to plant.
What’s up with the reclist? Is it stuck? There are diaries up there from a couple days ago with fewer recommends than some of today’s diaries.
constipated like the credit market
My god. The crisis knows no bounds.
I just noticed too.
My two-line entry has a few recs, but is not there (I’m not overly bothered, but the video should be seen by as many as possible).
It was actually your diary that prompted me to start checking. I looked at a couple of today’s other diaries to make sure BooMan hadn’t just blacklisted you 😉
I dunno. I haven’t touched the formula.
Older recommends count for less than newer ones. That sometimes leads to diaries on the list with fewer recs than ones off it.
Yup, I know that part. But it still looks like something is amiss.
Take this diary, from Oct. 5. It has 2 recs, and is still up on the reclist.
ask’s diary from today has 5 recommends, and all had to come within the last 2 hours because that’s when the diary went up.
you’re right. It’s odd and I guess I’ll have to have Andy look into it.
I donated to the Obama campaign today.
I carry that flame of hope, but my mantra still applies: one day at a time.
Thanks for the link to the Zack Exley article, Booman. That is immensely encouraging news about the tens of thousands of new grassroots activists who have been recruited and empowered, both for the outcome of the present election and for the future of America.
It’s also the great untold story of Obama’s campaign. I spend a lot of time at Obama headquarters. I like to be there. I like to bring them water or food. I like to be around people that are working. I’m doing this now, but in 2004 I was a county coordinator for ACORN (now having their offices raided in Nevada) and it’s in my blood to do the field work. I’ve been out a few times to knock doors just to get it out of my system.
Every word of Zack’s essay is true. And it is a miracle what is happening in these field operations all over the country.
That is where the real progressive change is coming (it’s already here!). And then I come back to blog and read all the grumpy comments that have no connection to the work going on.
I call it ‘battered-wife syndrome’, where someone has been beaten up so many times that they can’t believe there is a way out and better days ahead.
People need to get in touch with their local organization and get involved. It’ll be something to tell the grandkids about.
I was out making connections and planting signs earlier. It does get the energy flowing. I’m getting calls from new people wanting to get involved and we can’t keep signs or bumper stickers at the headquarters. Early voting began Monday and turnout is so far pretty brisk! I’m hoping for an update on new registrations tomorrow so we can send a mailing out.
People are still registering to vote here. The City Board of Elections extended the hours to 10:00 p.m.
The rest of the offices in the state closed at 5:00. They’ve had to call in extra people in St. Louis County because of the backlog of cards that need to get into the system.
I can’t wait to hear the numbers.
registration ended here monday, and in the past three weeks with a massive GOTV effort, we’ve gotten over 45,000 new voters registered in this county. l heard today that there’s still over 15,000 to put into the comp system and it was wall to wall in the clerk and recorders office all day monday.
mail ballots are going out, rec’d mine yesterday, and early voting starts the 20th thru the 31st, and will be open on sat the 25th.
turn-out is expected to be over 90%.
we shall soon see.