Now is the time to get greedy. If voter registration is still ongoing in your state, you need to set aside some time and register some voters. If early voting is allowed, you need to cast your vote and convince others to do the same. The shorter the lines on election day, the fewer Democrats will lose patience and walk away. If there is a remotely competitive congressional or senate race in your state, find out where their local office is and stop by to see what they need. At a minimum, bring them a case of water. I want you to read this piece by Zack Exley. Read it and then tell me that you don’t want to be a part of that history. Don’t let this opportunity pass you by. We’re poised to make the type of sweeping gains that change the course of a nation. We can see gains like we saw in 1932, which brought us The New Deal, or 1964, which brought us the Voting Rights Act and The Great Society. We can’t let up on the pedal now. As Al Giordano says, it’s halftime in America.

This is the part of the movie when the winning team needs to breathe in its second wind and keep pushing, inch by inch, vote by vote, kicking and scratching and clawing down the field for every last millimeter of ground. There will be setbacks and probably some injuries. There will be penalty flags and unlucky breaks.

This is the final half of the championship game. There won’t be any second chances. The team that stays on its feet and keeps on moving, that is relentless and without mercy toward its rivals, is the one that will emerge triumphant in the end, which is now close enough to taste.

There’s a saying in sports, ‘Don’t leave anything on the field’, which means that you should expend all the energy you have, and save nothing for the post-game interview. We might win seven senate seats, or we might win fifteen. We might win a dozen House seats, or we might win seventy. We might win the Governors races in Indiana and North Carolina, or we might not. Barack Obama might win a narrow victory or he might achieve a landslide blowout that brings a powerful mandate for change.

A lot of the hard work has been done to put the architecture in place, but now we need people to step into those roles and execute the plan. Find your local Obama office, or the offices of your rep or Senate candidate, and be a part of history. You’ll regret it if you don’t.