I’ve been remiss in posting here for a while, in part because of work (which is something that involved very little writing, unfortunately). So, to make up for it I wanted to share something I’ve been working on at work that people might find interesting or helpful.
Around the time of the bailout, I started trying to wrap my brain around how the hell we got here. Since part of my job is tracking economic news, I struck upon the idea of a timeline, and decided to find out if there was a way to create one online.
Turns out there are several. I settled upon one called Dipity, and set around creating a timeline I called Meltdown 2008. It’s been up there for a couple of weeks, and since last week has held the number two spot among the hottest timelines on the site.
As of today, it’s gotten over 62,000 views. Check it out after the jump.
Now, if I could just get it all into a narrative somehow…
Overwhelming, and without an end. Yet.
1 year ago today the DOW was a record high of 14,164, today it closed at 9258, a drop of 34.6% with no end sight.
and l thought l was overly pessimistic with predicting a bottom at 8000.
at this point, l have to agree with jerome a paris at ET; the only thing thats going to clean up this mess is “nationalisation“:
now we ll know what would happen to any candidate who tried to make this argument, even as solidly based in reality as it is…but look for it to appear in some form after january 2009, assuming the econmy lasts that long.
If the herd is a contrary indicator, then all the anodynes from politicians, corporate executives, and the media argue against economic recovery and smooth sailing ahead. Consumers, too. One anecdotal sign is when living in a hot housing market, we talk about our houses the way we yammered about stocks during the last boom. Ever hear, “Thank goodness the appreciation of our house makes up for our devastating stock losses [nervous laughter]”? Worse, we’re apparently throwing money at real estate in sizzling markets the same way we used to at stocks.
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
well, it appears l may have spoken too soon…nationalisation…by any other name…via NYT, U.S. May Take Ownership Stake in Banks:
bet this has a lot of bvd’s in a twist tonight. the greedey bastads may have finally gone to far with the hoarding of all the cash that’s been thrown at them.
we shall soon see who gets called out and who doesn’t, because it looks like they’re ready to pull the trigger on somebody, or body’s.
methinks citicorp just lost the wachovia deal to wells fargo…big time…since the WF offer doesn’t involve any fed funds and theirs did.
If you make another timeline, about Governor Palin’s career, you could call it “Sarah n’ Dipity”.
OK, just give me 3 steps toward the door….