I’ve been remiss in posting here for a while, in part because of work (which is something that involved very little writing, unfortunately). So, to make up for it I wanted to share something I’ve been working on at work that people might find interesting or helpful.

Around the time of the bailout, I started trying to wrap my brain around how the hell we got here. Since part of my job is tracking economic news, I struck upon the idea of a timeline, and decided to find out if there was a way to create one online.

Turns out there are several. I settled upon one called Dipity, and set around creating a timeline I called Meltdown 2008. It’s been up there for a couple of weeks, and since last week has held the number two spot among the hottest timelines on the site.

As of today, it’s gotten over 62,000 views. Check it out after the jump.

Now, if I could just get it all into a narrative somehow…