What stunt will John McCain come up with next?
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
McCain’s next stunt-Read closely
A new NEW Economic Plan
that should help Joe and Jill Mainstreet, McDonald workers, day laborers, and field hands.
not much for the core problem – getting banks to trust each other and restart inter-bank lending. Ya know unblock the frozen pipes.
McCain surrogates and his merry band of wingnuts to aggressively raise questions about Obama’s citizenship during the final stretch. They will make false claims that Obama is not really an American citizen, not born in the U.S. and doesn’t meet the minimum legal requirements to be president.
pot. kettle. black. issue)
that’s old news 02/28/2008…and I believe it was by his own party that raised the question..Mitt, Huckabe and the likes.
What stunt will John McCain come up with next?
Bazooka-vomiting himself into low earth orbit.
I was thinking he would come out with a bear on a unicycle.
My thought was McCain biting the head off a live chicken.
Didn’t Ozzie already do that?
Yes, but McCain will geek also. He’s proved that with Bush.
Ooooh, we gotta love this. Hilzoy at Political Animal has the details –
Document The Atrocities
Watch the Video! at 3:36 before the end.
Cokie Roberts doesn’t have a truthful bone in her.
There were a couple of progressives who adopted the phrase “He’s not MY President!” but I don’t think the phrase ever caught on, precisely because it delegitimizes Bush and brings down the credibility of the American government as a whole.
What’s wrong with bringing down the credibility of a government that has none?
Anyone watching msnbc, it’s the Clinton Biden appearance, Hillary is very good although she has gone on way too long.
He’ll start throwing the crockery around in the local Vietnamese restaurant, get himself restrained by the help, then put out the video about how he’s STILL a prisoner of the Vietnamese.
This one gets my vote!
Well, apparently the feeling is mutual (in a manner of speaking).
“Among Asian Americans who have made up their minds on a candidate, two-thirds of Vietnamese Americans support McCain.”
Whereas “Japanese Americans, Chinese Americans and Indian Americans support Obama by more than a three-to-one ratio; and Korean and Filipino Americans who are likely voters also support Obama over McCain, but the gap is much smaller, with ratios less than 1.4 to 1.”
Senate Guru is back, apparently just took a hiatus…. Strange, but whatever – I am glad he is ok.
A buddy of mine posted a YouTube on Palin’s arrival at the hockey game in Philly. I think it’s just awful that Palin exposed her daughter to such a hostile crowd.
I agree with you I was thinking the same thing when I saw the video….My children would have been devastated and I would not have subjected them knowing they would be booed. I think she has been using her children too much in this campaign not to mention a 6 month old being hauled around and trotted out with all the lights and the noise.
The kids are not being booed, their mother is. I am sure they realize it is their mother and not they who are being booed – not that that makes it any easier for a kid.
It is inexcusable that she is subjecting little kids and an infant to all this just for her own aggrandizement.
he’ll use footage from the flyers game for an ad to try to drum up some sympathy vote for his corrupt VP.
ugh. i think I just made myself sick…
he’ll make a forced landing while hunting wolves in alaska and be saved from marauding packs of AKIP militiamen by todd and sarah on a james bonderized sno-mobile…previews coming soon to a
theatrerally near you.He will drop the “Maverick” tag line and introduce a new one. John “The Bullet” McCain…capable of jumping hills faster than 1972 Ford Mustang. He will shoot up terrorist and shoot down and new tax bills. John “the bullet” McCain..an old man who doesn’t need viagra.
A bunch of mumbo/jumbo to avoid the true economic issues of today.
over and over again
He will make allegations that Obama is an alien from outer space.
Somebody on another blog wrote that we’d never have guessed that McCain’s running mate would emasculate him. “The health of the king is the health of the land”, so he must strive to appear manly and vigorous. Why else is he supported by arm candy rather than advisers and analysts?
McCain wants to turn America’s attention away from the economy and away from various peccadillos. Maybe he can even get more attention than Mrs. Palin for a day or two. It is time to wave the shiny object and pray that Dr. Mesmer’s trick still works.
Obama is looking more and more Presidential. Obama is going to get on TV and have a half-hour “chat” with the public on the 29th. Obama can be generous with time and money and appearances… he has the energy and the support of huge crowds like a wave under his surfboard. Obama looks and acts healthy, and rather sexy. McCain looks as shriveled as his manhood. Anything majestic by McCain after the 29th will appear to be me-too-ism. Thin and wasted and late.
He is running out of time. The Republicans say that he can turn this momentum around in 30 days. He has 23.
So, the debate is Wednesday, after his nap. Thursday is Letterman, and he probably ought not weasel out again. (I bet that Letterman already has the scripts written for another week of needling.) But he might move it up to Tuesday.
That frees Thursday for flying somewhere exotic and dangerous… like the war zone! He could waltz into Switzerland and stand in front of some crumpled ediface whispering that the Gnomes of Zurich are not only real, but they’ve stolen our wealth. He’ll next go to Russia and stare down Putin! (He’ll growl at the new tiger kitten and suggest turning her into gloves for his running mate.) Onward to some place with phallic missiles threatening the sky (he’ll talk about preemption and support for our allies). Maybe a base with a host of C-130s (Angels of Death) streaming rapturous fire. Finally, a nice dramatic photo-op could be posed in Georgia along an oil pipeline with the suggestion that wealth is something we pump out of the ground and consume… and that we must be prepared to fight and die for our oil, no matter what country currently sits on top of it. The long shot of a gushing pipeline right behind his crotch won’t be subtle. Neither was Commander Codpiece’s stuffed flight suit.
If he times it right, he can distract from Obama’s speech and be back for the following Sunday’s talking heads. And Chris Matthews can be wargasmic again.