Michelle Obama will be attending tonight’s debate with a special guest. Her name is Lilibet Hagel, and she is the wife of Nebraska Sen. Chuck Hagel. I am sure some of the Republicans are wondering why Chuck Hagel cannot control his wife. I am wondering why Chuck doesn’t come right out an endorse Barack. If he wants a cabinet position, I think he needs to endorse. No endorsement, no cabinet position. Of course, maybe Lilibet would make a good cabinet officer.
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
Wife to wife still a strong signal and maybe the flag that Hagel will step up the plate this week after the debate – is Obama scheduled to be in Nebraska this week?
I wonder what didn’t go right with talking VP with Chuck?
Obama never really considered any Republicans. Hagel is hard right on social and fiscal issues. He’s only sane on the Iraq war, but of course hasn’t had the courage to really do anything about it.
Hagel would have been a terrible VP choice and Obama knew it. Only big media pundits ever gave that idea any credibility.
Lillibet has previously given her seal of approval to Senator Obama. Does Chuck really need to actually say the words?
Yeah, I think he does. Otherwise it leaves the impression that he and his wife might disagree.
Hagel’s wife has given money to Obama’s campaign. So he obviously didn’t stop her, unless she has money of her own(like say .. Maria Shriver) .. do we know the politics of Hagel’s wife? .. do we know whether or not it’s a Maria/Gropenator type thing … because if she shares Hagel’s views .. it would be very interesting as to why she’d contribute to Obama
O’Donnell at Huffpost sees Colin Powell ready to endorse:
What do you think –
Will a Colin Powell endorsement hurt or help?
Endorsed by the most discredited man in the world. That’s what I’d say, if I were John McCain.
Yeah, right after saying Sen. Ted Stevens’ (R-AK) word is sterling or something like that.
Powell just made his debut on stage at the Royal Albert Hall, London – he’s now a Rap star – hip hop dance and song.
Go take a look:
Former US Secretary of State Colin Powell: rap star
“Now is the time for the council to tell Saddam that the clock has not been stopped by his stratagems and his machinations. We believe that the resolution that has been put forward for action by this council is appropriate. And in the very near future, we should bring it before this council for a vote.
The clock continues to tick, and the consequences of Saddam Hussein continued refusal to disarm will be very, very real.
Thank you.”
IRAQ Denial and Deception article and VIDEO have been removed from the website of the White House and State Dep’t.
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
Joe Lieberman seems to have more courage than war veterans Colin Powell and Chuck Hagel. At least Lieberman has put his committee chairmanship on the line to endorse McCain.
Hagel is leaving Congress, he has nothing left to lose. The same for Colin Powell. Yet they stay on the sidelines, quiet, like cowards.
I think Colin Powell should have resigned in 2004 and endorsed John Kerry. He knew what a disaster Bush and Cheney were. But instead he was the “good soldier”, and Bush rewarded him by promptly firing him after the election. Wuss.
Obama doesn’t need Hagel’s endorsement. If Hagel did endorse him, and he later gave him a cabinet post, it would seem like another backroom deal. On the other hand, giving him a post without the endorsement would be seen as truly reaching across party lines.
I would be shocked if Hagel and Lugar are not offered cabinet posts, and Lugar would be my choice for Agriculture.