The only reason Colin Powell endorsed Barack Obama is because he’s a racist, or, at the very least, because they’re both soul brothers. After all, even though Powell served in the administration of someone who was totally inexperienced, he had never before endorsed an inexperienced liberal.
Colin Powell woke up this morning as someone that was reviled by the left and most of the world for his phony WMD presentation before the United Nations on February 5th, 2003. He goes to sleep tonight, reviled on the right as a racist who puts racial solidarity over principle. Colin Powell was respected by the Washington elite and much of the right. Now he’s no better than Al Sharpton and Cynthia McKinney. I’m sure Powell knew this would happen. That’s why I’m fairly certain he’s sincere in thinking McCain-Palin will be a disaster for this country. If he didn’t think that, why would he subject himself to this abuse?
That’s what will happen if you ever drop the water bucket you carry for them. Completely unsurprising, and he had to know it would happen–I am honestly surprised he’d follow through.
I think he’s still respected by the Washington Elite, by and large. They don’t want Caribou Barbie anywhere near the WH.
Not George Will, though.
Well, he can’t countenance Gov. Yup-Yup, but his wife is making money from the campaign (wrote C. McCain’s speech).
They need to make up their minds on Bible Spice. They destroy her only to put her back together. Then they destroy her again. It’s really weird.
As for Powell — well, I’m sure he knew it was coming, and with a little luck the Reps will severely damage themselves.
I am sure Powell knew it was coming from Limbaugh. Whether he saw it coming from George Will? That’s another story.
If he has any sense at all, he knew it would be coming from George Will, too.
And while Powell may be a lot of things, stupid is not one of them.
Maybe he’s looking to make a book deal and wants to make things seem more interesting for prospective publishers. I’m being snarky but is there really a down side here for him? If he’s not looking for another administration post, how will this hurt him?
He knew exactly what was going to happen, BooMan. You are correct. As to why he did it?
In this case I think this is his way of receiving penance, scourging himself by way of public flogging by the right. Maybe he’s trying to break with the administration and the GOP for good and this was the last straw.
But if that’s the case, he’s doing this for the benefit of Colin Powell, not Barack Obama. Which means he deserves no absolution.
You have to actually be sorry to be forgiven. He had years to make this break.
Too little. Far too late.
“he’s doing this for the benefit of Colin Powell, not Barack Obama. Which means he deserves no absolution.“
What would he deserve absolution for even if he HAD done it for Barack Obama? He never sinned against Barack Obama.
His sins are against humanity, and he won’t get a scintilla of absolution just for making a political endorsement. He’s have to start by acknowledging and expressing repentance for what he did, and acknowledging and expressing repentance for the horrific, catastrophic hell his actions helped create and perpetuate, and then he would have to dedicate every aspect and fibre of his being for the rest of his life to making his tens of millions of victims whole again. That would at least be a small start.
No, he wouldn’t deserve it then either. And you’re right.
judgment is reserved for others, not us lowly humans.
It’s called looking a gift horse in the mouth.
Colin Powell’s decision will not make him a liberal darling, but it will influence voters unsure of Obama’s military experience
Re your comments. All this criticism…did he do it for a black brother or himself? The immediate and extended family knew that’s how it would come across. Powell’s son, Michael is a McCain adviser.
I have some personal knowledge here.
You have no idea the burden this man Colin Powell carries. No idea that Cheney did not want Powell in the room…excluded him from many meetings. Only Rumsfeld, Bush and Cheney allowed. How quickly we forget the dual intelligence reports. Tenet saying, “it’s a slam dunk.” Who was Powell to over-rule the CIA director, the president and vice-president? Yes he could have resigned. Knowing it would have brought down the Cheney oil project for all the world to see, would he have been allowed to resign without personal dire risk, another Vince Foster? You have no idea.
How many have taken that route?
Hint, hint, go listen to Rep.Sherman Brown’s speech on the House floor during the Bailout, gives you an idea of how rough they play.
What it does show is that Americans are really fucked up people. Beyond help. You’ve lost the Republic because you don’t deserve it. Good I have other options…just feet away.
Sick, sick sick.
America is rabid and still divisive. It’s either black or white. Us vs. them. Blondie, blue eyes vs. the brownies.
Barack Obama does not deserve this. Really this is 1ugly. Despicable. Let McCain have it.
Where’s AG when you need him?
What will you do when the end arrives. It’s coming and the world is looking on in dismay…Americans cannot be helped and should not be helped. Give you a filet mignon and you grind it into hamburger.
The hooded brown shirts with KKK arm bands are restored. Hyper-inflation will make it complete. It’s near. The German parallel is stark.
Oh, poor, poor Colin. Boo fucking hoo! We all feel so sorry for him. What a horrible burden he has borne. Let him go and snivel and whine about it to the people of Falluja. I am sure they will have plenty of sympathy for him.
Now that he has done one half-way useful thing in his life, let the pathetic sniveling weasel slink back into his den and whine to someone who gives a flying rats read end. In the mean time, give us all a break from the “Colin Powell’s burden” stories.
That lying scum deserves to pay for his crimes, and he will NEVER get what he deserves.
Good for you, Colin, thanks for helping out. Now go back under your rock until you’re needed again.
PS Millions of people whose lives are every bit as valuable as Colin Powell’s have paid the price for his cowardice. Including my dear friend’s four year old nephew. Including an 85 year old half blind, arthritic man who was blown away for the crime of not getting out of the way fast enough. Including an eight year old little girl who went to her balcony to see what the fuss was about. Including the uncle of one of my oldest and closest friends who had the audacity to be driving home when your brave and noble troops decided to use that road, and was summarily executed for his offense. Including the uncounted children and adults who have been run over on the roads by your high-minded, humanitarian troops just because they got in the way. Even Saddam never did anything like that, but by god your worthy and courageous troops do it tens of times a day, ever day.
Are their lives worth less than Colin Powell’s career? He might have stopped this from happening. And if he couldn’t stop it from happening, he could have refused to be part of it. So, cry me a river, you and Colin Powell. Your crocodile tears will not amount to a drop in the ocean of tears and blood that he is responsible for.
Hurria, thanks for dropping by.
Not a whole lot we can do about the past. It’s history. The future is beyond our grasp but the present is a gift. We all loved Powell in Gulf War 1 as we triumphed under his stewardship, Chairman, Joint Chiefs.
On the left, our eyes remain wide shut. Powell spoke up on bigotry and demagoguery. He stepped up to the plate. Thank him for that at least.
What makes you any different than the intolerable wingnuts that you can’t see hated Powell has given us a helping hand – nailing down wavering moderate Republicans, Military and Independent voters who continue to hold him in high regard? There was a poll two months ago that found a high percentage of undecided voters would vote Obama if Powell endorsed.
And what is your preference, really?
Do you prefer race-baiting and anti-Muslim bigotry that’s stirring violence or a breath of fresh air?
Read the whole essay:
Let’s now focus on financial CONSEQUENCES ahead. That’s the real issue, if you eat, sleep somewhere. This country is in dire straits. Bernanke this morning called for another stimulus package! as he prints trillions each week!
Mark this down. Get real, we’re being overtaken by events. If we don’t pull together, a national default of our debts is in our future – as close as nine months away. Yes, Central Banks can go bankrupt. The Feds are printing an average of $1.5 trillion a week ain’t good for anyone. Look at Iceland, Argentina. Countries can go broke.
Over $600 trillion of U.S. originated OTC derivatives contracts will need to be abrogated. U.S. GDP is under $15 trillion!
It’s not what Powell did or didn’t do five years ago. It’s choosing a steady head to lead us forward.
A hyper-inflation wave is unfolding.
“We all loved Powell in Gulf War 1 as we triumphed under his stewardship, Chairman, Joint Chiefs.“
Speak for yourself, please. You do not speak for all of us, and you absolutely do not speak for yourself.
And yes, there IS something we can do about the past. We can try to learn from it – something “we” do not seem to be very good at at all.
I understand what you’re saying, I do. His wife is from AL–Birmingham, yes?–so I’m sympathetic. I’m from a military town; it’s what brought my Dad and Mr. AP’s Dad to the town. My brother is former military and as is my godbrother, uncle, cousins and a host of friends. All that to say that I understand his battles to not only survive but thrive in a setting that can really kick your ass, especially then. I know it wasn’t easy for him. I really understand that.
But it’s really complicated, because I understand trying to make it in that world, and what you have to do to make it. I also understand compromise. There’s no such thing as pure in this country or anywhere, really. You have to pick your battles. I get that.
At some point, however, you gotta stop compromising. At some point, you have to cash in your chits. At some point, you have to make a stand, if for no other reason than the Americans that you know you’re sending to their deaths–not to mention the lives of those lost on the other end of a tank, gun or bomb.
THAT’S what pisses me off about Powell. When he knew the gig was up…that there were no more bureaucratic moves to be made…that he could no longer do anything on the inside…then what do you do?
And I still say: he should have stepped down. He may have lost the fight, but this war would not have his imprimatur. He may not have stopped it–they were jonesin’ for this war since at least 1998–but he could have slowed it down, at the very least.
They USED him, IDT, they used him from the very beginning! These idiot ass bottom feeders talking about affirmative action and Powell and Obama (I saw that somewhere today)? Well, that’s a goddamn lie!! The Bush dauphin knew nothing, and there he went to give cover to the know nothing son.
It made a certain amount of sense. I thought, Well, at least there will be an adult near the premises. But he was still working for someone far inferior to him and everyone knew it. He still has lots to answer for, he just does. It gives me no joy to say.
For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?
Mark 8:36. Indeed.
AP, he did worse than just not step down. He was the closer who came in for the kill. He was the one who made the sale, and who got the buyer’s signature on the contract. He was the used-car-lot huckster who persuaded the buyer that a broken down heap of scrap metal was a shiny new vehicle in perfect working condition. And he knew damned well what he was doing. He KNEW the case was manufactured. He new the “evidence” was bullshit.
I don’t give a damn what kind of pressure he was under, there are some things no honourable person can do. He has no honour, and the fact that some people still think of him as a person with honour is a cruel joke. I hope one day he drowns in the river of blood and tears he helped shed.
What’s weird is that there seems to be no penalty for being dead wrong about stuff, and no reward for being right. Most all of the fools who bought into the Bush thing still have their place as pundits or policymakers, and those who were on the margins but right about everything haven’t seen much of an improvement in their status. When does the meritocracy start?
If Powell knew — as would anyone who has listened to Republicans — that his endorsement would be dismissed as part of a Negro Conspiracy, he must have known, too, that the endorsement would be reduced to uselessness.
But the other thing he knows is where the power will be next year.
“If he didn’t think that, why would he subject himself to this abuse?”
I dunno, why did he serve as a character witness to Ted Stevens? I think his judgment stinks. He’s right in this case, but only like a broken clock.
This is the flaw in the belief in Heaven and Hell. Leaving accountability to the afterlife just doesn’t work. Can’t help but wonder if this is some weird OpusDei like punishment he’s metting out to himself, again the idea that he answers to himself and his God yet not directly to those whose lives he participated in destroying.
Too late. He’s irrelevant now.
My thought.
i disagree, if he was irrelevant George Will and others would not be upset. A good screw to the Republican Party and the hate they are bringing to this campaign.
Powell’s former boss stood on an aircraft carrier deck in 2003 – fuckin’ TWO THOUSAND AND THREE – and said that major combat operations were over in Iraq.
100 Republican oppo researchers are feverishly going to work on the background of Kareem Rashad Sultan Khan. By the time they’re done he’ll be the secret messenger, the mole within the military that was feeding Bin Laden intelligence. Same goes for Powell. You think you knew all there was to know after decades of service, reams of print and dozens of thorough background checks for increasingly important positions in government? Ha! You just haven’t received your robo-call yet…………..
We already know all about Powell. Iraq & the UN … My Lai … it’s all there
Like so many rueful Bushies, he’s trying to buy a ticket out of hell.
Won’t work.
“I’m fairly certain he’s sincere in thinking McCain-Palin will be a disaster for this country.”
He somehow didn’t think Bush-Cheney would be one?
Well, Bush/Cheney gave him a great job. McCain Palin probably wouldn’t.
And in any case, difficult as it is to wrap one’s mind around, McCain and Palin are potentially worse than Bush and Cheney.
I’m reminded of how Malcolm X used to talk about “House Negroes” and “Field Negroes”.
This was the most accurate description of what Powell did today on MTP. I found it in the comments of one of the blogs I read.
It was the most eloquent non-cursing cursing out I have ever witnessed.
Powell deserves to be reviled by both sides.
If he’d had any true courage, he wouldn’t have said what he did at the UN. Or at some point he would have quit the administration in protest.
Now Obama says he will advise him. Advise him? On what? How to fake reasons for invading Iran? Or expanding the war in Afghanistan?