Colin Powell endorsed Barack Obama on this morning’s Meet the Press and said that Sarah Palin is not qualified to become president. John McCain told FOX News he was not surprised. Whatever. I am not one of those people that retains a high regard for Colin Powell. He failed his biggest test and he has to live with the consequences. I would not be able to live with the consequences.

But, it doesn’t matter what I think. An endorsement from Powell is useful. It shouldn’t be, but it is. Powell joins a growing list of lifelong Republicans and Republican-supporting organizations, like the Houston Chronicle and the Orlando Sentinel, who have crossed-over to endorse Obama. A common theme in these endorsements is the lack of qualifications of Sarah Palin. Another is the tone of McCain’s campaign.

Personally, I wouldn’t even want Colin Powell’s endorsement, but it will help Obama govern to have the support of the broadest possible spectrum of America and elite opinion. So, it’s a welcome endorsement.