November 5th, 2008
Diane G, WWL National Newsgroup
Protests broke out last night and this morning after a surprising John McCain upset over frontrunner Barack Obama.
Amidst charges of dubious voter challenges, irregular counts and vote tampering, riots and demonstrations took place in several major cities including Detroit, Cleveland and Palm Beach last night and this morning.
Unconfirmed sources have reported widespread damage to property, injuries and 23 deaths.
Local Law Enforcement Agencies were supported by the deployment of National Guardsmen and the First Brigade of the Third Infantry Division. In Louisiana, where the demonstrations were more widespread in smaller Parishes, Blackwater agents were also deployed to prevent violence.
On October 1st, George Bush struck down Posse Comitatus, thus making it legal for the U.S. military to patrol on American soil. This marks the first time that American Troops have been deployed against American Citizens in history. US Military Spokesmen have issued no response to their being called to active response last night.
Martial Law was expanded after its initial institution September 28th due to the Wall Street crisis to include curfews and ID searches in all 50 States. Travelers may only be on the street between 7 am and 8 pm, and must carry identification to avoid arrest.
Voters are complaining that the exit polls showed an overwhelming Obama win and the resulting McCain win shows obvious vote tampering. These charges were made in both 2000 and 2004, but this election marks the first time violence has broken out as a result.
A reporter in Detroit, who asked his name be withheld has claimed that a peaceful demonstration chanting “Recount!” was fired upon by riot-geared military personnel without provocation. The scattering crowd then proceeded to light fire to several buildings and overturn cars as they dispersed.
Some reports have claimed racially motivated violence as reports of men waving Confederate flags driving by and opening fire on a Black Churches where people had gathered to pray in Tallahassee, and in black neighborhoods in several other States.
Unconfirmed reports of microwave burns inflicted by a military weapon have been reported in Florida, where protesters had gathered outside the State Capitol. Area hospitals have been cordoned off from reporters, so no confirmation is available.
Barack Obama has called for end to the violence, asking that the Special Prosecutor investigating voter registration fraud be allowed to examine the evidence. His campaign is demanding a recount.
President Elect McCain’s spokesman issued a brief statement last night asking “Supporters of Obama act like patriots, not a traitorous mob.”
President Bush has denounced both the violence and denied voting fraud. “We will not allow terrorists to disrupt the fabric of America, the choice has been made and its clearly John McCain. We will arrest every single person who breaks the law and tries to instill fear in the hearts of upright Americans,” he said.
A joint McCain Bush press conference is expected later today.
Do I think this likely? no.
Do I think this possible? sadly, yes.
I had a dream like this last night, but it was bigots attacking Obama supporters.
Like this?
like this.
both of you, sickening, but truly a need-to-see portion of americana.
always ask for a paper ballot, do not use electronic voting machines they can be tampered with, rumor is an ATM is more secure than a voting machine
Luckily, my State, MI is paper….
Most paper ballots are still counted by computers – so they’re not much better.
Does Michigan conduct hand-counted audits of the paper ballots?
optical scanners, a paper ballot can always be hand counted in a state election that is won by less than 1%
r within a couple of years if Obama is elected.
Look at the Red/Blue map.
Any of them.
All of them.
What do you see?
The Northeast, the industrial/urbanized Mid-west and the Pacific coast vs. the Inner states and the South, basically.
Even if a few red states fall blue due to the total incompetence of the Ratpubs…how inaccurate do you think this map really is?
Not very.
Bet on it.
The people behind Palin are supporting ths idea. Read dogemperor’s many posts over on the Orange Satan for all that you really need to know about that.
Here’s a teaser
Go educate yourselves.
We need to be aware of what is comin’ ’round the mountain if we are not careful. VERY careful. Palin’s husband’s involvement in the Alaskan separatist movement in no fucking accident.
Bet on that as well.
Look at what happened to the U.S.S.R. when it fell.
No state is solidly red or blue in reality. You’re looking at electoral majorities and sometimes there’s no more difference than 50% over 49%. There are racists in PA and liberals in GA; neocons in CA and progressives in NC.
A civil war based on cultural/political differences, if it broke out, would happen everywhere, neighborhood against neighborhood, neighbor against neighbor. The Mason-Dixon Line wouldn’t be relevant.
i agree…. but there certainly are trends….
Do you think that it was any different in the American Civil War?
In any civil war?
I don’t.
Lincoln wasn’t elected by unanimous vote, nor was he universally supported in the north when he opposed southern secession.
All southerners didn’t support the continuation of a slavery-based economic model or wish to secede from the Union.
It could happen here.
So Senator Palin…bet on it, she’s in the national eye now; she has a constituency both inside and outside of her state and she WILL run for national office and probably win…so Senator Palin starts the ball rolling because Obama’s policies are so outside of her belief system that she tru;y believes he is acting on behalf of Satan, and states such as Alabama, Mississippi, Nevada and Indiana sign on.
A Christian Nationalist Party is formed, and it uses Blackwater-type organizations to further its aims.
Opposition people die mysteriously; rallies are disrupted by thugs…YOU know the story. Hitler didn’t invent it.
And then there is a crisis of some sort.
Obama’s international policies backfire and we experience some equivalent of the Tet offensive in Afghanistan/Pakistan. Or his economics don’t work and we have massive inflation, unemployment, gas crises and food riots.
The right demands a change. Demand an impeachment and perhaps an unscheduled election. There are political riots in the cities. Racial riots too. Obama has been elected to a 2nd term and has 3 1/2 more years left. The whole thing is unraveling and the Blue states want out. He says no and they say yes. He threatens military action and 1/2 of the military says no.
UH oh!!!
Trouble right here in Riven City.
Bet on it.
it could happen.
It’s happened before…
That’s a lot for even me to swallow, AG.
Then again, nobody ever went broke underestimating the stupidity, anger, and capacity for violence of the average American.
On the the other hand, I fully expect something of that nationalist Christian party to rise up against Obama rather quickly, especially given the very real possibility of an even worse economic meltdown in 2009.
Will the country stay together when it blows up in our faces soon?
I dunno. I don’t think it will be as bad as you say AG…but until a year ago I didn’t believe the recession was going to be borderline depression either.
The above is not a “prediction”, not by any means. It is merely one of a thousand ways that this shit could fall apart.
What if…God help us all…Obama is assassinated? The country will not sit still for that the way it did when the ’60s political murders happened. We are WAY past that kind of innocence.
What if the armed forces are ordered to do something and refuse? It’s already happened small scale in Iraq. Or they do something seriously large without authorization.
What if Israel is invaded and starts to fall?
What if Obama supports them with serious military action?
Or….what if he doesn’t?
There’s a whole lot that could fall wrong, Zandar1.
A whole lot.
And this nation is seriously cracked at the base now. No more casual suspicion among different factions. When I was in Maine, the local no-goods hanging out at the gas station were vibing me as soon as they saw my NY license plates and realized that I wasn’t just another rich tourist to be fleeced.
Suspicious as hell they were.
The cracks didn’t used to show so clearly.
Now they do.
It could get worse.
Very easily and very, very quickly.
Bet on it.
“What if the armed forces are ordered to do something and refuse?”
IIRC, the Russian Revolution began when troops refused to fire on protesters at the Winter Palace.
Sounds like fun!
If things break down like you describe [and it’s no more or less unlikely than an Obama presidency that fixes the economic mess, improves our standing in the world and stops the American Right’s hundred billion dollar support of Islamic terrorist states via a corporatist, treasonous energy policy], the scenario is an opportunity more than a crisis:
I, for one, would relish heading off and re-educate Joel’s Army regarding the definition of Union and the relationship between human selection and Evolution.
While things are civil, let’s bend over backwards to keep it that way, but these wingnuts’ plan has a major flaw: Northerners are just good at kicking Southern ass. If it weren’t true, they wouldn’t still be so sore. We’ll leave the cowards in the mountains alone, as they are, at the core, agoraphobic and aren’t capable of taking and holding a city any more than Howard Hughes could hug a leper.
Lemmings are very easy to lead off a cliff. I personally look forward to looting Asheville, NC. Tons of cool hippy art and large stashes of sweet, sweet weed to hide in the secret compartment of my carpet bag.
On a serious note, the ‘half the military’ part is only right in that the WHOLE military wouldn’t attack American citizens, regardless of what brass says.
I’d say the domestic suppression order wouldn’t go out because Obama already knows that to give an order that cannot be followed leads only to relinquishment of command. Still, fun stuff!
It really does.
Just sayin’…when some fool busts a cap into your beloved grandmother’s matronly ass, how snarky are you going to feel then?
“Fun stuff”, eh?
Just sayin’…
The First Dude’s separatist connections are what spooked me the minute Palin pulled the pro america crap.
Palin Bachman 2012!
Sadly, this is apparently the last time that we in New York State will be casting votes using our 50 year old mechanical machines. Progress, or what passes for it, will come in the form of federally mandated electronic machines for future elections. NYS is the last remaining state out of compliance with federal law. Paper ballots will be the way to go.
That stinks. We still have paper here.
We have paper but the votes are still tallied by computer – but at least there’s a paper trail if we get wildly different totals vs. exit polls and can get recounts.
Thats better than some places.
I feel we need a national standard… even with electronics, a receipt, a paper trail not unlike ATMS.
There are already volumes on the subject so I won’t overwork my point. You get it.
I agree. There are many in the evoting activist community who do NOT want the Feds involved. But I do. I don’t want my president dependent on some lousy voting system in Georgia, for example. I want federal standards, and you can’t get that without federal oversight and enforcement.
To some, that smacks of a recipe for stealing our vote. And it could be. But I think it’s more likely to be a vote saving mechanism.
Some reports have claimed racially motivated violence as reports of men waving Confederate flags driving by and opening fire on Black Churches […]and in black neighborhoods…
This is also likely to happen if Obama wins. Or even before the election, the way shit is happening.
sadly, point made. Palin & McCain are doing nothing to quell the blatant racism, in fact are inflaming it.
Careful publishing stuff like this. We all know it’s possible, but articles like this can have a real, somewhat justified backlash as they serve as a none-to-thinly veiled threat.
Why wasn’t this about a national strike?
Unless you really are priming folks to be ready to fuck shit up.
In that case, onward ho.
I dis-claimered it in my 1st comment as unlikely.
It was written as fiction, a first day report of one of many things that could happen.
It was an admonition to VOTE, not be complacent, leave no room to steal the election.
Fuck no.
Unlikely, but possible fiction, in no way was threat implied… unless its the threat of martial law and election theft.
If you are wondering why it wasn;t about another subject, it is because I chose to write on this particular scenario. A general strike is a great subject. Write it up and please, by all means cross-post it here and to The Wild Wild Left.
I fully support strikes.
I just wonder why the very disappointing reaction of mob violence is the premise. Why not something else?
Are you SURE it’s not a backhanded threat?
Gee, amazingly enough I know my own motivations.
Amazingly enough, you keep trying to put words in my mouth.
I lived through the first set of Detroit riots, and these are fears not threats.
It is one scenario, due mostly to the suspension of Posse Comitatus and Martial Law being offered.
Your right-wing tactic of corning this into being threatening is laughable.
Why do you not address these Constitutional breaches rather than attack my non-implied motives?
What matters to you?
I am afraid the right wing owns no tactics. But if I were to use those you associate with the right, I’d use the same one you did: ‘it’ would be about your fears as well, not threats.
I am sorry you can’t see the parallel, just because you are ‘correct’.
Warning you of a backlash to your column doesn’t mean I suspect your motivations. I just don’t think those outside of your immediate, intended audience will.
I was just wondering the source of the assumption that the American people’s primary reaction to voter fraud would be to riot. I understand the surface level, no problemo. But I am a strong believer that it is the map, not the message that matters.
It’s just that this sounds like a mirror image of some race war scenarios I read in similar works of fiction regarding an Obama victory. And I get the same noise about liberal this-and-that when I make the same comment. They don’t find their own writing threatening either, because they are ‘correct’ in motivation.
I am sure you know your motivations and wouldn’t suppose to know them.
My point is that the reader does not and that you should be thoughtful about the timing of rioting urban freedom fighter fear fantasies.
If it’s about toning it down on McCain’s side, maybe, just maybe, we should tread lightly unless we really do want to poke some eyes and keep the war drums beating.
But your analogy weakens when we know that the Conservatives HAVE attacked Liberal values…
Wiretapping, Habeas Corpus, “free speech” zones, torture, a standing private army (Blackwater) the loss of Comitatus, Unitary Executive… not to mention the complete takeover of the MSM and demonizing of liberals.
They have Bush (Mr signing statement) in power….
They have NOT been under attack, they have been bullying the country to get their way… it is a Corporate Kleptocracy already. The redistribution of 90-something percent of the wealth into 10-something or less percent of the hands…
Do you think we have more reason to fear they will not share that power with a Populist movement then the neo-cons have from wage-slaves in foreclosure?
Methinks the lady protesteth too much. I was just wondering why you chose to have riots be the reaction and pointed out THE FACT that it could be interpreted as a threat by readers (see me). You can’t think to know the mind of all readers, do you?
Is mob violence really that automatic? I didn’t mean that you intended to threaten because of this, I just wonder the purpose of that sort of depiction and pointed out that possible mis-interpretation, and how such unintentional stuff could further contribute is some part to a pretty messed up tone in politics right now..
I just don’t like the tone of the campaign on the right, and we on the left should think twice about contributing or fueling to animosity, even if the reader has to WANT to see the originally unintended overtones. That’s all!
You, of course, can disagree that urban warfare fiction could ever possibly contribute to that.
Just a bit of friendly criticism, not some right wing troll-snark. Feel free to treat me thusly if you so choose… It’s your right while you still have it!
I was only making what I considered to be the logical argument about what the results would be if anyone even protested under this climate.
If you read closely, the riots broke out after crowds protesting peacefully were tased, burned and shot at by “control” officers, be they local, military or mercenary.
I think the threat of being not allowed peaceful demonstration is real as hell. It was proven at the Republican Convention where even opposition journalists were arrested and held without charge.
I didn’t realize I was treating you badly by making my case.
I do think being forewarned and having all scenarios to scrutinize is an important part of political awareness.
I do not think my essay contributes or promotes violence. I do think that argument is weak. I said nothing about you personally, and had no intention of making you feel like a troll.
But again, my opinion. Readers can/will always project and interpret, but if we self-censored to everyone, we would be unable to utter a word! 🙂
As long as you care. That’s all that matters.
I guess I am just very, very weary of the negativity. On one very, real level, and regardless of intent, there is just enough of this sort of thing out there. One side scaring the other with darker and more hideous visions of the future.
If shit is so fucked up, then I think we should directly confront the baddies. All the more hypothetical destruction scenarios then, I say.
If not, then I think we can both agree this country is close enough to the precipice as it is and we might consider the benefits of pursuing Union and the reconstruction of the dream versus warning us about potential insecurity (recognizing the aspect of self-delusion, completely).
Being completely selfish now, I would love a sequel that takes as much interest on the way back from such a brink.
well, I am glad you care and respect your views… its just that I cannot force your vision to be my own.
My muses is my muse, my speaking truth is my version of it. Its one of the ways I confront the baddies, dig?
My new essay explains my thoughts better.
Peace to you.
I look forward to reading it. Kiss and make up? Or just make up (I’m engaged now!)?
An all too likely scenario.