Obama has a choice to make. Is he one of us; the many, or one of them; the few.

Even though, through election fraud and good old fashioned racism, this election will be closer than the People’s Will, Obama should win handily.

Obama doesn’t have to pay and bus people to his political rallies. And while folks are screened for security they’re not screened for purity. Obama is the people’s choice overwhelmingly. Major newspaper and political endorsements continue to roll in. Obama is riding a juggernaut to victory.

I imagine there are more than a few war criminals in the Bush regime who are more than a little scared. If Obama chooses to be one of us; the war criminals face a reckoning.

So, logical questions arise – when the criminal class sees the jig is up what do they do? Run to their hideaways? Or do they shoot it out and retire in a blaze of glory? Do they get plastic surgery and escape to Paraguay or do they have one more ace up their sleeve?

I ask this, I raise this issue not to tinfoil the situation, but to honestly wonder, to try and put myself in the shoes of Bush/Cheney/ and the neoconfascistzombiebrigade.

The picture of Obama’s rally in St. Louis was stunning. The man and his message are on fire. He has captured the imagination of a nation enduring their darkest days with a message of hope and some light at the end of the long tunnel of Bush/Cheney misery.

If Obama loses this election, which can only be attributed to election fraud, voter supression and the aforementioned racism practiced by a small but potent minority, I predict there will be millions of citizens in the streets of every city, town and village of our country demanding justice. It will not be like the stolen elections of 2000 and 2004.

We’re through the looking glass now. We’ve seen the horror visited upon us by a combination of their corruption and our own timid response as we waited for Democratic leaders to stand up for us. We have been naive and lazy. But mostly we’ve been afraid because it has been impossible to know the truth, necessary for informed decision/action, as we’ve been mercilessly lied to by the same ugly and dark forces which face a reckoning when we the people are in position and power again to have our will be done.

And, to be sure, if Obama chooses to be Bill Clinton or Nancy Pelosi, who for political expediency swept high crimes under the rug and refused to auger for justice against, first the lies and abominations of Reagan/Bush and then Bush/Cheney, then, sure maybe your healthcare plan might be better, but the darkness of American conscience will fester for generations more as we try and process the dichotomy between our nationalist myth and our real-politik crimes against humanity; Our white hat of propaganda versus our black hat of history.

So, as the McCain/Palin traveling road-show of lies likes to ask: Who is Barack Obama?

Is he just another politician triangulating his way to power? He certainly is surrounded by some very politics-as-usual Democrats of old and failed regimes. Certainly the fact he’s come this far in the process does show the power of numbers – butts in the seats as well as dollars in the campaign coffers. But what it also says about him is the ruling elites have given him a pass.

The crazies in the church basement of the Apocalypse may fear his election, but the elites appear to welcome it.

Is it it’s just gone too far in terms of inequality and economic injustice and the elites understand we need a course correction (as opposed to a change of course)? Obama has promised more than correction, he has promised change. Is it just a bumper-sticker slogan like ‘the global war on terror’?

McCain is more liable to gleefully drive us over a cliff in the name of his own vainglorious rage than move our course from its present trajectory to hell in a handbasket. Ironically, the elites seem much more fearful of McCain than Obama. Does this speak more to McCain’s insanity or Obama’s certainty to correct, adjust and tweak but not to fundamentally change the status quo of the money power versus the people.

Who is Barack Obama?

He worries me because of his politics, but I wonder if he worries Bush/Cheney and their cabal of bloodthirsty leeches because of his character.

Does he believe in ideals or is he a political pragmatist like Bill Clinton and the do-nothing Democrats in Congress (minus the few and usual suspects of good)?

Once in power will he revert to the realities of entrenched interests (like the Clintons) or will he enlist the people to forge the changes he has promised? Will he back up his call to change the systemic flaws with a call for accountability for the executives who through malfeasance, corruption and deceit have led the nation to its lowest point in its history?

Will Bush/Cheney get a pass so “we can all move forward together” or will Obama demand his predecessors face a reckoning for the horror they’ve perpetrated?

Will Barack Obama prove to be the man he claims or in the tank for the money power?

Does he have the character worthy of the trust of a nation or will he prove just another in a long line of disappointments?

Well, let’s assume the best about Barack Obama. Let’s assume he is a man of virtue. That he believes in truth, justice and the American Way of freedom, equality and mutual respect. Let’s assume he knows for America to really heal and move forward in a way which will allow us to restore our reputation, re-forge our self-respect and rebuild our (physical, mental and spiritual) infrastructure, then we must know the truth about how we were led to perdition by empty men of no virtue who betrayed the vows they took to protect and defend the Constitution.

Let’s assume Barack Obama believes what we believe; that he thinks like us.

Then, if you were George Bush and Dick Cheney and a host of other war criminals given a free ride from Republican enablers and Democratic do-nothings, wouldn’t you be very afraid for your future morphing from country-club living to a small cell in prison for the rest of your life?

So, assuming Barack Obama tells Pelosi and Reid to go screw themselves and lets an honest quest for justice roam the halls of Congress, do Bush/Cheney run from justice, or do they have one more ace up their sleeve to thwart their reckoning?

All one can do is speculate on the questions posed here. Is he or isn’t he? Do they or don’t they?

So, my point is this; it ain’t over till it’s over. Be alert; be vigilant. Expect criminality and fraud. Expect dirty tricks and “accidents.” Expect the criminals to act true to their natures.

And then, after they fail?

Pray Barack Obama acts true to his.

Liberty and justice for all.