Quick question: When your Campaign’s manager tells someone (i.e., Hugh Hewitt) that you’re thinking about going negative on Obama by raising his past association with the Reverend Jeremiah Wright (even though you pledged you wouldn’t go there) aren’t you already beyond the thinking about it stage?

John McCain’s campaign manager says he is reconsidering using Barack Obama’s relationship with Reverend Jeremiah Wright as a campaign issue during the election’s closing weeks.

In an appearance on conservative Hugh Hewitt’s radio program, Davis said that circumstances had changed since John McCain initially and unilaterally took Obama’s former pastor off the table. The Arizona Republican, Davis argued, had been jilted by the remarks of Rep. John Lewis, who compared recent GOP crowds to segregationist George Wallace’s rallies. And, as such, the campaign was going to “rethink” what was in and out of political bounds.

Don’t you just love how slick that is? The message Rick Smith is putting out there is that it’s Civil Rights hero John Lewis’ fault that Rev. Jeremiah Wright is back on the table. If John Lewis hadn’t (legitimately) objected to the racist undertone of the Palin/McCain rallies, why, there would be no need to stoop to that level. But since Lewis opened the door . . .

It’s so perfectly shameless. Already setting the stage for the “Don’t blame McCain” meme which the GOP will start cranking out as soon as the negative ads and robocalls attacking Obama for the Rev. Wright’s so-called anti-American comments (which failed when Hillary Clinton’s campaign used them) are rolled out. It’s beyond irony that Lewis will be the designated leftist scapegoat for another scurrilous racist attack by the oh so honorable John McCain. And of course, Lewis didn’t attack just McCain’s honor, he also “insulted 50 million” Real Americans! So we’ll have to put up with another go round of Jeremiah Wright is a Black Devil and Obama was his demon in training bull manure in the media, all ostensibly done to support the honor and integrity of people like these:

A Willcox businessman went to work Monday to find someone had covered the walls of his restaurant with racial slurs.

Slogans such “No N—– 4 Presaditend,” “F— Obama and Mike’s Mama,” and “White Power???,” along with swastikas, are scrawled in spray paint across Michael’s Restaurant on Haskell Avenue. Someone also threw a brick through his window.

Owner Michael Terrell [an Obama supporter] said that he has received death threats ever since he showed the televised presidential candidate debates at his lounge.

and these:

Al Austin, a veteran, high-level Republican fundraiser from Tampa, today sent an email to his list of his political contacts containing a joke that refers to the assassination of Barack Obama.

and these:

A 74-year-old woman and a 46-year-old man with Obama signs in their front yards near the 600 block of South Villa Avenue (map) received similar letters that had a Villa Park Village Hall return address. “Get the Obama signs off your property — now,” the letter reads. “Failure to obey this order will result in the immediate death of all family members.”

and these:

Right Wing Watch has posted audio of two threatening voice mail messages. Transcripts follow below the fold. These are not safe for work, folks. The clips and email headers have been edited only to remove personally identifying information, like the name of the Cleveland-based ACORN staffer who “is going to have her life ended,” according to one email.

“Hi, I was just calling to let you all know that Barack Obama needs to get hung. He’s a fucking nigger, and he’s a piece of shit. You guys are fraudulent, and you need to go to hell. All the niggers on oak trees. They’re gonna get all hung honeys, they’re gonna get assassinated, they’re gonna get killed.”


“You liberal idiots. Dumb shits. Welfare bums. You guys just fucking come to our country, consume every natural resource there is, and make a lot of babies. That’s all you guys do. And then suck up the welfare and expect everyone else to pay for your hospital bills for your kids. I just say let your kids die. That’s the best move. Just let your children die. Forget about paying for hospital bills for them. I’m not gonna do it. You guys are lowlifes. And I hope you all die.”

and these:

A dead bear was found dumped this morning on the Western Carolina University campus, draped with a pair of Obama campaign signs, university police said.

These incidents, and others like them, occurred around the country before McCain’s campaign decided to float the “We may have to use Jeremiah Wright to attack Obama” trial balloon with Hugh Hewitt. What do you think will happen once the McCain camp starts running this as the major theme of their campaign? And McCain wants us to seriously believe that his Rev. Wright attacks will all be the fault of Rep. John Lewis, because Lewis called McCain out for his demagoguery and his deliberate (or at the very least grossly negligent) attempts to incite anger among his supporters?

Who’s the Patriot, John? Where’s the man of honor? Because from where I sit, all I see is one more power hungry, nasty, “play to people’s fears rather than their hopes”, greedy, little politician with a bad temper, a reputation as an asshole among your Senate colleagues and a major Napoleonic complex. And all the Joe Non-Plumbers in the world can’t save you from who you really are: a dirty, race baiting scumbag.

And the sad part is that this anger and venom won’t go away after the election is over. Tim McVeigh and the Militia movement taught us that much during the Clinton years. And that was during a time of economic prosperity and no wars. So, thanks for your service John. Service to your miserable “win at all costs” ambition, that is.