On September 21, 2008, Philip Weiss posted this interesting commentary about the Israel Lobby and how it has influenced so-called left wing political blogs like Daily Kos, which today is sporting visitor numbers exceeding two million. Indeed, other so-called left wing blogs like the Democratic Underground, MyDD, and My Left Wing have followed suit in taking the proIsrael (Likud)/antiPalestinian stance preferred by the Israel Lobby. In short, for political reasons, the left wing, on the issue of Palestinian freedom and self-determination has left its liberal values behind and gone rightward at the behest of the Israel Lobby.
It is called: The American Left (Dailykos) Also Is Claimed by the Israel Lobby.
One of the most important political posts I’ve seen in a while was done by Richard Silverstein out of Washington State yesterday. He went to a fundraiser for a congressional candidate for Washington’s 8th district, and did so because J Street, the new alt Israel lobby, had endorsed her: Darcy Burner. Love that name. Silverstein ran into a member of the local AIPAC board, who said that the guy Burner”s running against, Dave Reichert, has made all the right noises about Israel so AIPAC loves him. Then Silverstein ran into another blogger (we’re underfoot these days) who was from Dailykos, the beloved left-Dem site. (I go there every day.) Silverstein asked her whether the site
ever covered the foreign policy implications of the Israeli-Arab conflict. She shook her head sagely and said: “No.” I asked her why. “Because there’s just no upside in it for us. Too much dissension and disagreement.”
This is a hugely important interchange. It shows that, as Mary-Kay Wilmers of the London Review of Books said to me so sagaciously 2 years ago, The American left is also claimed by the Israel lobby. It means that the burden of waging Israel’s p.r. war falls so heavily even on liberal Democrats that you cannot broach the subject in good lefty circles without fear of ending the dinner party. It means that Jews are a tremendously important part of the Democratic base, left (Dailykos) or lib (Huffpo) it makes no difference. It explains why Peace Now never left AIPAC’s constituent body and why brave J Street must be careful about how it attacks McCain on Jerusalem. It explains Mel Levine and Steve Grossman and the other Lieberman hawks, who remain good bedfellows in the Democratic base and are Atilla the Hun when it comes to Israel, and explains why Dershowitz can call himself a “liberal Democrat” without demurral, and Jimmy Carter is PNG.
Why is this so revealing? Because if anyone has balls, it’s Dailykos. If anyone has independence, you’d think it’s Dailykos. They’re the leftwing base of the party. They are freethinkers and free-sayers. They’re not the Steve Grossmans or the Hillarys. They were for Obama all the way, which is why I go there all the time. And my point is that the left is so claimed by this concern that they cannot talk about it. And therefore they give Grossman cover, and with him Sheldon Adelson on the right, and John McCain, and all the neocons. If Jewish American social existence were not corrupted by the burden of supporting the Jewish state, then it would be a simple and obvious matter for dailykos to bring up the giant wedge issue of Where is McCain on Jerusalem and Is this not a recipe for violence in the Middle East unto the last day? But they are corrupted, and so Dailykos is silent, and no one is talking about the neocons in the mainstream.
This touches other institutions on the left. Beloved ones. It touches the Nation magazine, which I and Richard count it a privilege to work for from time to time. It touches the New York Review of Books. It means that antiwar.com, maybe because it is on the west coast and feels the burden less than leftwing institutions in NY and DC, has done the brave important task of taking on the lobby, and thereby alienated some of its natural base. It means that David Bromwich of Yale has shown real fortitude by standing up for Walt and Mearsheimer on Huffington Post. It means that I am allied with anti-immigration paleos, at the brave American Conservative, and god knows what we will birth. It means that at Yale’s Mearsheimer debate of 9/9, the tongue of the left is a torn sack flapping on a fenceline in the wind while the electrifying voices are: the neocon, the rightwinger, and a trig blonde prog from Arabist England. It means that the soul of the left is corrupted by this concern.
And all for a simple reason: because American Jews feel completely and sincerely–Mom–that it is their solemn duty to hold the breathing tube of the Jewish state through its existential crises, and that duty transcends political affiliation. Go down Moses.
A few days later on September 23, 2008, “Ed” posted this comment to Weiss’ illuminating words (link above):
Reading back through the recent Weiss post/comments about Daily Kos (featured today on Anti-war.com), and the testimonials about how left-liberals sites like Kos and Huffington Post berate and ban anti-Zionists, I realized that the “secular”/atheist left-liberals serve a vital function for the keepers of Zion: they suppress and prevent any non-Jewish religious cohesion or organization, and work to ridicule and discredit religion in general, except, of course, for organized Judaism in the form of Zionism. Of course, this hypocrisy is intellectually untenable, hence the need to ban those who raise it with a barrage of “anti-semitism” charges and summary censorship.
Note how, on the left-liberal side, Christian Zionism is also ridiculed (rightfully in my view) but criticism of “Jewish Zionism” or Zionism in general is met with righteous indignation.
It seems the left-liberals have internalized the Jewish supremacist view: that God is exclusively the province of “the chosen,” and should be jealously guarded on their behalf, and the rest of humanity is mere cattle, to be managed and manipulated, dumbed down and brainwashed in failing secular public schools, distracted and hypnotized by the culture of smut and pornography, drugged up with meds when they act out, and generally kept in a state of stunted development.
This should make any thinking person very suspicious of “liberals” who insist Christianity is the root of all evil. In fact, it should make them wonder if they’re not Zionist operatives (whether they know it or not), programmed by the keepers of Zion in a fashion similar to the way they have inculcated anti-Christian bigotry into their own people.
One here is reminded of the words of the late Brooklyn actor, William Bendix: “what a revoltin’ development dis’ is.”
Philip Weiss’ blog is like a breath of fresh air on the subject of Israel and its supporters in the U.S.
Second the motion or thought on that one. No BS whatsoever.
Mossad high-up’s daughter refusing Israeli army.
No, that one passed me by.
Did you know that Olmert has two sons who are refusniks? His wife is also a member of Women in Black and other Israeli peace activist groups, and his daughter is often seen on the street protesting Israel’s policies toward the Palestinians. I don’t know her group affilitations.
Thanks for this info.
but this one is nice, too.
Israeli Leaders ‘Seriously Considering’ Saudi Plan For Overall Peace Deal
Barak, in a 2005 interview with Charlie Rose said something close to this: that Israel must set its borders and pull tens of thousands of settlers behind it. The other side would presumably be the Palestinian state.
The Saudi offer is really the offer made by the Arab League (22 nations) in 2002 and then again in 2006. It was proposed by the Saudi foreign minister at the time. Israel just brushed it off.
We will see where this leads, and if it does, it will be led by Livni (former Likudnik, who went to Kadima with Sharon, the Terrible).
Thanks also for this news.
for Livni being less hawkish? Meaning, any precedent from her own reported actions/words?
Not that I’m aware of. She appeared to rebuff the Bush-Rice initiative that followed Annapolis, and has been a source of criticism and propaganda re. Hamas, Israel’s latest red herring for avoiding peace talks. She is also aware that settlement is continuing on the West Bank and East Jerusalem, to the tune of 10 thousand new resident yearly.
We may just have to wait and see.
TEL AVIV (Haaretz) – Sources close to Kadima Chairwoman Tzipi Livni said that the ultra-Orthodox Shas Party had “deceived the entire country” through their refusal to join a coalition government, after spending weeks making it appear that they would sign such an agreement with Livni.
Kadima sources also blamed internal disagreements within Shas for the party’s refusal to sign a coalition agreement.
Shas officials announced that it would not join a coalition led by Livni, ending weeks of uncertainty and making early elections almost inevitable.
Shas spokesman Roy Lachmanovich said in a statement that the party was unable to reach agreement with Livni’s Kadima party over two main issues – the status of Jerusalem in negotiations with Palestinians and social welfare benefits for the poor.
In light of Shas’ refusal to join the coalition, Livni advisors are investigating the possibility of an alternative government without Shas, one that would rest on the support of Labor, Meretz, the Pensioners, and all of, or a faction of, United Torah Judaism. Such a coalition would also need to rely on support from opposition MKs.
Livni associates are divided over the question of forming a slim-majority government or declaring early elections at this stage.
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
Oui, this doesn’t sound good. And with Netanyahooo in the wings, it sounds even worse. This never ending process has to stop and it is time for a president, perhaps the next one, to put his foot down.
That is to say, of course, if AIPAC agrees.
Sometimes cynicism is justified, like now.
let’s get the word out:
After the election, Bush intends to establish U.S. diplomatic outpost in Iran Thu Oct 23, 5:21 pm
That’s interesting. Bush will apparently become known as the late but not never president. Failed on IP peace efforts and now they want to be known as the peace makers in the Middle East. Reminds of the day when Bush was sucking up to Sharon at the White House giving away large portions of the West Bank, which he didn’t even control or possess.
Right now, I don’t really know if I want to bother seeing “W,” the new film on Bush’s life. We already lived it.