If you are going to start a World Series game at 10:15 local time, the least the teams can do is not let the thing go into extra innings.
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
Hah, I knew that would work!! Nice work, Phillies.
Truly, I’m just happy to see teams other than the Yankees and Red Sox winning. The New York-Boston dominance of baseball was driving an already-lousy sport into the ground.
Sorry – I’m pulling for the Rays this year. From worst to first – it’s a line out of something I wrote. I have to see it succeed!
Meanwhile – you’ll find quite a lot of entertainment here. Be sure to click items more than once – you’ll get different behaviors, sometimes. Find the wolf kill tally, and the burning books, for example. Watch for the Dinosaur, listen to the angry mobs, and of course, check out the bridge to nowhere….
Did you pick up the red, ringing phone?